Do you not find the machine you´re looking for? Please contact us, all machines is not in the list, othervise we will do our very best to find the machine you are looking for!
Machines for carrots, red beets, parsnips etc.
6079 Dewulf carrot harvester with elevator
Dewulf P3K
6061 Jones straw layer 9 bale
6041 Dewulf GBII carrot harvester
2 row bunker harvester. Year model 2020
4868 Asa-Lift PO-250 leek harvester / carrot sharelifter
with sharelift section for carrots
6039 Asa-Lift SP-200 E carrot harvester
Asalift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 row
6037 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker
1 row with bunker
6027 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row
1 row with hydraulic fork
6026 Asa-Lift T-300 carrot harvester
Mit Elevator
5940 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with roller table
Asa-Lift ST-1200
5896 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker
DEMO machine year model 2023 gone 5 ha
5738 Asa-Lift Combi 1000 carrot harvester box
1 row toplift carrot harvester with roller table for boxes
5737 Dewulf RA3060 carrot kit sharelift 2 row
5624 Harvest belts for Asa-Lift carrot harvester
spare parts for Asa-Lift carrot harvester
5555 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator
DEMO 5 HA year model 2020
5501 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T90B with bunker
Asa-Lift T-90B carrot harvester
5499 Asa-Lift T-100 DF carrot harvester with elevator
1 row with elevator
5335 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator
DEMO 5 HA year model 2020
5137 Asa-Lift sharelift section for carrots etc
5076 Asa-lift carrot harvester with auto box filling
long harvest belts
5004 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester with box table
year 2002. With onion harvester channel
4837 Asa-Lift harvester for bunch carrots
harvester to bunched vegetables
4631 Asa-Lift garlic harvester
Knoblauch / Industrie Möhren Roder
4426 Asa-Lift T200 carrot harvester with elevator
2 row toplift with elevator
4350 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-200E 2 row with elevator
hedgehog belt, good condition on wear parts
4100 Asa-Lift sharelift carrot harvester with bunker
4034 Asa-Lift T120-B carrot harvester with bunker
both SHARELIFT and TOPLIFT section
3967 Asa-Lift T255 2 row carrot harvester with elevato
3895 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker T-120B
3766 Asa-lift T-10B carrot harvester mounted with bunker
3748 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T200E elevator
3640 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-200 2 row with elevator
3454 Grimme GZ1700 2 row red beet harvester etc
equipped for harvesting vegetables
3590 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator 4 row
for industry carrots
3508 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 3 row for industry carrots with elevator
3089 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with front bunker
with discs for industry carrots
5419 Asa-Lift combi 1000 potato harvester - SOLD
also carrot harvester sharelift equipment
5813 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
bunker harvester total gone 30 ha, year model 2014
5739 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
cross conveyor for box filling
5338 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
2019 year model 20 ha 3,3 ton CROSS WEB
5481 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
NEW stock machine direct available 2022 model
5290 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
4106 Asa-Lift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 row with bunker - SOLD
5889 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
Asa-Lift T-200 DF
5528 Dewulf GKII carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
5763 Asa-Lift combi carrot harvester - SOLD
with roller table for big box
5741 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
5663 Simon carrot harvester 2 row selfpropelled - SOLD
with Elevator
5662 Dewulf GKIIS carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
Dewulf GKII year model 2017
3460 Dewulf 2 row carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
5036 Asa-Lift carrot harvester mounted - SOLD
1 row with roller table for big box
4780 Asa-Lift ST 1200 1 row carrot harvester - SOLD
5490 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4690 Asa-Lift KT-100 potato harvester - SOLD
mounted for box filling, year 2007, Also with CARROT WEB
5265 Asa-Lift combi-1000 carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
good condition
5287 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
DIRECT AVAILABLE cross conveyor for box filling, year model 2014
5197 Asa-Lift Combi 1000 carrot harvester - SOLD
roller table for big box. Year 2007
5162 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester - SOLD
NEW incoming stock machine 3,3 ton CROSS WEB
5130 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
New stock machine DIRECT AVAILABLE!
4716 Asa-Lift ST1200 carrot harvester - SOLD
with elevator, long harvest belts.
5277 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3970 DEWULF GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
DEMO Exhibition machine
4596 Asa-Lift carrot harvester for bunch carrots - SOLD
carrot bunching harvester 2 row
4649 GCL potato windrower and root vegetables - SOLD
harvest two rows and create one new row
4073 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-120B with bunker - SOLD
5083 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-140B - SOLD
1 row with bunker with both sharelift and toplift section
5181 Asa-lift carrot harvester T-100 single row with bunker - SOLD
4737 Asa-Lift cross web for box filling - SOLD
am ende von die Bunker
4095 Asa-Lift sharelift mounted carrot harvester - SOLD
sharelift and additional toplift section for industry
3881 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row mounted bunker T-18 - SOLD
3128 Asa-Lift TRS sharelift carrot harvester - SOLD
with elevator for haulmed and industry carrots etc
4976 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
NEW incoming stock machine 3,3 ton
5077 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
New stock machine DIRECT AVAILABLE!
4098 Simon carrot harvester selfpropelled Sharelift harvester - SOLD
with tracks, Simon Cruiser
4692 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
New machine immediately delivery
4923 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with roller table for big box - SOLD
4904 Asa-Lift T-140B carrot harvester with 4 ton Bunker - SOLD
year model 2007
4774 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with 3 ton bunker - SOLD
year model 2012,
4667 Asa-Lift T-100 carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3488 Asa-Lift ST 1200 1 row carrot harvester - SOLD
4557 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
1 row single toplift carrot toplifter
4601 / 4557 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
1 row single toplift carrot toplifter
4641 Asa-Lift T-140B carrot harvester 4 ton bunker - SOLD
cross web for box filling
4208 Asa-Lift CM1000 carrot harvester for boxes - SOLD
Both toplift and sharelift sections. year model 2011
3583 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with 5 ton bunker - SOLD
year model 2006
4133 Asa-Lift T240B carrot harvester 2 row with bunker - SOLD
could also run as elevator harvester
4166 Asa-Lift T-130B carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
year model 2013, very good condition
4419 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with roller table - SOLD
4176 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with box table - SOLD
3668 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator 2 row - SOLD
much equipment
4105 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester 1 row with roller table - SOLD
3899 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with fork - SOLD
3975 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
hydraulic torpedoes, long belts
3920 Dewulf P3CC carrot harvester with auto box system - SOLD
year model 2007
4016 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-120B 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3893 Asa-Lift carrot harvester combi mini - SOLD
3670 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
model T100
3842 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-100B with bunker - SOLD
3804 Asa-Lift carrot harvester mounted combi mini - SOLD
with roller table for boxes
3545 Asa-Lift T-120B carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
incl. both Sharelift and toplift harvest section.
3631 Asa-Lift swedes harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
can also be modified for carrots
3874 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
also carrot harvester share
3621 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row trailed with bunker - SOLD
star roller cleaner and long harvest belts
3519 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
with wheel traction and hedgehog belt
3504 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
3417 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3499 DEWULF GBC carrot harvester - SOLD
NEW fair stand machine
3457 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row trailed elevator - SOLD
Very good condition
3352 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
year model 2007 R1B2
3327 Asa-Lift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 rows - SOLD
with bunker
3086 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
Semimounted machine
Seeding drills
5969 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables
3 row
5913 Struik Weed fix
5900 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder 4x75 cm
4 row twin row for carrot etc DIRECT AVAILABLE!
5336 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
2 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
5109 Nibex 300 precision seeder 5 row
5101 Nibex 500 Seeder 6 rows.
4989 Monosem MS pneumatic precision seeder 4 row
4789 Stanhay 785 precision seeder
7 rows
4781 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables
3 row
4722 Nibex 300 2 row seeder
4612 Kverneland Miniair Nova pneumatic seeder
4 row in perfect condition
4576 Stanhay precision seeder 12 row
4353 Nibex 6 row precision seeder
Nibex 500
4204 Agricola Italiana SNT 4 row pneumatical seeder
pneumatical seeder equipped for carrots
3799 Nibex 300 seeding machine 5 row
0000 NIBEX spare parts
Sales of spare parts to Nibex seeding drills
3595 Nibex 300 seeding machine 12 rows
equipped with cups for onion and carrot seeding.
3175 Stanhay precision seeder for spinach, carrots etc
model 985 12 row
3209 Stanhay/Struik carrot bed and seeder combination
1305 Stanhay precision seeding drill 4 row for carrot etc
4007 Monosem MS 12 Row Seeding machine - SOLD
4021 Stanhay precision seeder 9 row S870 - SOLD
4364 Stanhay 785 precision seeder prenumatic - SOLD
4 rows +3 extra aggregates
3430 Stanhay S870 1 row seeding machine - SOLD
4621 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables - SOLD
discs for carrots
4403 Nibex 300 4 row seeder for carrots and other vegetables - SOLD
4666 Nibex Mini hand drawn precision seeder - SOLD
4496 Nibex 300 4 row seeder for carrots and other vegetables - SOLD
very good condition
3902 Stanhay precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
3890 Badalini Row rotary cultivator 4 row - SOLD
3985 Stanhay precision seeder 3 row 840 Robin - SOLD
3795 Nibex 500 3 row precision seeder - SOLD
3798 Nibex 300 seeding machine 3 row - SOLD
3889 Nibex 300 4 row precision seeder - SOLD
3913 Stanhay seeding machine 3 row pneumatic - SOLD
4064 NIBEX MINI 500 precision seeder hand drawn - SOLD
new condition
3833 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
machine in very good condition
4049 Nibex 500 seeding machine with plastic layer - SOLD
new condition
3419 Monosem pneumatical seeding machine - SOLD
3 row in new condition
3796 Nibex 500 seeder 4+2 rows - SOLD
3618 Nibex 500 precision seeder - SOLD
3619 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
machine in new condition
3616 Nibex mini precision seeder hand drawn - SOLD
3448 Stanhay precision seeder 918S 4 row - SOLD
3572 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3569 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3562 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3406 Nibex seeding machine 4 row - SOLD
Grading and packing machines
6072 Newtec 2012XBG weigher for carrot and potato
6071 Newtec 2012DG carrot weigher
6031 Haith polisher for carrots
3,5m brushes for carrots. Year 2017
6025 Newtec G30A weigher and bagger for carrots
6011 EMVE hydro cooler for carrots
big drum hydrocooler in stainless steel.
5880 EKKO polisher drum polisher for carrots
EKKO EM1207 2 m drum and with recirculation unit stainless steel
5841 Tenrit peeling line for carrots etc
carrot processing peeling/ top tail line year model 2018
5752 Newtec 2000/G40 weigher and bagger
for carrots potatoes etc.
5746 Marcelissen drumsorter 3 pcs
carrot small piece carrot sorter
5735 Allround diameter radial grader new condition
Allround R80 sorter for carrots etc
5665 Gillenkirch 7000E horizontal bagger
horizontal bagger for plastic bags of potato etc
5659 Newtec celox optical sorter for carrots
optical grader for carrots
5657 WYMA polisher 3 m
Wyma WB 3014
5514 Odenberg optical sorter Odenberg ATE 40080
5655 Newtec 2009XB weigher for carrots and potato
Newtec 2009XBG for carrots
5612 Newtec 2009G linear weigher for carrots / potato
year model 2012
5578 Sorma FH210 bagging machine
S&B FH 210 horizontal bagger for plastic
5560 Newtec 2000 with G40 tape twister bagger
reversible cross conveyor
5653 Gillenkirch 7300-EK packmaskin
horizontal packaging machine for carrots potato etc
5551 EKKO diameter sorter grader for carrots
5500 Newtec 2008 with G45 tape twister bagger
2008G for carrot potatoes and onions
5504 Newtec 2000 with G45 tape twister bagger
5443 Newtec celox optical sorter for carrots
optical grader for carrots
5381 EKKO diameter sorter 2 lane
EKKO carrot sorter grader diameter sorting
5354 EMVE automatic weigher with double feeding belts
carrot weigher for long shaped products
5346 Newtec 2009G computer weigher for carrots
5892 Ekko feeding bunker wet dosing hopper
Ekko feeding bunker stainless steel
5343 Newtec 2000/G40 weigher and bagger
carrot weigher and bagger
5891 Ekko wet bunker with elevator
5 pcs available. Stainless steel.
5262 Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler knife peeler
with V-feeding belt
5155 Newtec 2000 / G45 weigher and bagger
for potato and carrots etc.
5150 Newtec G30A weigher and bagger for carrots
5142 EKKO hydro cooler for carrots etc
5106 Newtec LPP 41 printer 2 pc
5105 Newtec PEB40G carrot bagger
Newtec carrot tape twister, Year 2008. 2 pcs
4840 Peal washing line for potato
4984 Newtec 2008 weigher with G45 bagger
for carrots
4863 WYMA polisher 3m
brushes for carrots
4803 WYMA polisher for carrots
2,4 m drum recirculation system
3704 Euroklimat Hydro cooler
Euroklimat IPE 51, year 2007
4759 EKKO hydro cooler
4749 WYMA rollergrader / lift roller sizer for potato / onion
can be equipped for carrots
4678 EKKO diameter grader for carrots
4646 Complete packaging line and weigher/bagger to Carrots
EKKO and Newtec bagging/packing line
4636 Newtec 2000 computer weigher with bagger
Carrot / Potato computer weigher with plastic bagger
4622 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
4599 EKKO polisher for carrots
stainless steel, recirculation. can be adapted for potato
4594 Concept Engineers FOCUS optical grader for carrots potatoes etc
4578 Everett Bros parsnip topper tailer
4577 EKKO carrot weigher
4530 / 4545 Allround roller grader NEW
1500 mm wide, 5 sizes
4405 NEWTEC 2000 / G45 weigher and bagger for carrots
8 head computer weigher + plastic bagger
4383 EKKO polisher for carrots
2000 mm borstar
4358 Htech horizontal bagger APF3
pillow bags 1-3 kg carrot, potato, etc.
4356 Sormac KP-50 carrot peeler knife peeler
also for cucumber etc
4247 Newtec 2008G G45 weigher and bagger for carrots
4224 Newtec 2012DG computer weigher for carrots
4124 Newtec G30 bagger for carrots
4103 EKKO complete grading and washing line for carrots
4068 Comaf Sammo diameter grader for carrots and other root vegetables
year model 2009, 3 sizes
4067 Comaf Sammo small piece grader for carrots etc
year 2009
4032 Newtec 3009 weigher with bagging line for carrots
year 2008 in very good condition
4024 Gillenkirch 7000 EKT horizontal bagger
3861 EKKO complete washing and grading line for carrots etc
incl. stainless steel EKKO roller grader 20 ton/hour
3843 EKKO hydro cooler for carrots etc
complete line
3492 EKKO complete carrot washing and grading line
3400 Sorma carrot packing machine
3394 EMVE carrot grading and inspection line
4178 Regero Steam Sterilisation
special for row crops such as carrots
3108 EMVE Kerian roller grader to carrot
3464 NEWTEC carrot weigher/bagger G20
1804 Newtec G20 carrot weigher and pack
3202 Newtec G30A carrot weigher and packing machine
4434 Upmatic 2002 bagging machine plastic bags
0,5-5 kg
5414 Tenrit carrot peeler knife peeing
Tenrit Solo year model 2015
5407 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
5406 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
4227 Newtec tray feeder
5171 Hepro HSM-U/W / Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler
carrot knife Peeler
4580 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag - SOLD
5727 Newtec 2009G linear weigher for carrots and potato - SOLD
4790 Haith polisher 3 m drum - SOLD
4880 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
4367 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also made for long shaped products
4965 WYMA rollergrader / lift roller sizer for potato / onion - SOLD
can be equipped for carrots
4841 EKKO EM1207 polisher for potato 2 m drum - SOLD
galvanized steel
4958 Bartschi Fobro hoe brush brush cleaner - SOLD
manual steering 4x75 cm adjustable row distance
5967 Newtec 4015B2G weigher for potato / Carrots - SOLD
high capacity machine with double reversible outlets
5965 EKKO EM1207 polisher 2m - SOLD
brushes for carrots
5147 EKKO polisher for carrots - SOLD
stainless steel, recirculation. can be adapted for potato
5882 Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler - SOLD
Sormac KP60 carrot knife peeler with infeed belt
5603 NEWTEC Celox RV12 optical grader for carrots - SOLD
year model 2009
3584 Newtec Celox optical grader for carrots - SOLD
4982 Newtec Celox XT optical sorter for carrots - SOLD
year model 2013 good condition
5603 NEWTEC Celox RV12 optical grader for carrots - SOLD
5330 Michalak rollergrader diameter sorter - SOLD
diameter grader for carrots etc
4338 JASA 350 QP vertical bagger - SOLD
vertical form, fill and seal machine for packing bulk in goods in bags from PE, PP or laminated film from reel
5259 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also made for long shaped products
3701 EKKO roller grader for carrots etc - SOLD
year 2007
3702 EKKO length grader for carrots etc. - SOLD
4686 Gillenkirch 7000E bagger - SOLD
4643 Newtec G30A carrot weigher and packing machine - SOLD
4768 Newtec 3009 weigher with bagging line for carrots - SOLD
also for potatoes, year 2008 in very good condition
4122 Allround roller grader - SOLD
80 cm wide, year 2013
4834 EKKO bunch washer to bunched vegetables - SOLD
carrots, onions, spring onion etc
4844 Gillenkirch 7000 E horizontal bagger - SOLD
4663 WYMA Polisher 3 m - SOLD
brushes for carrots
3312 EKKO roller grader for carrots - SOLD
stainless steel
4212 EKKO length grader for carrots - SOLD
4616 Newtec 2009G Computer weigher for carrots - SOLD
with G45 bagging machine
4107 Allround roller grader for Carrots, onions etc - SOLD
very good condition
4121 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
4172 Haith polisher 3,5 m drum - SOLD
stainless steel
3610 Wyma polisher 3 m for carrots model 3014 - SOLD
3120 NEWTEC PEB 30G carrot packing machine to carrots - SOLD
4090 Newtec VB40G E carrot packer - SOLD
with printer. Could also doing potatoes
4169 Newtec G30A weigher and bagger for carrots - SOLD
3808 Newtec 2009G multi head weigher for carrots - SOLD
3465 NEWTEC carrot weigher/bagger G30 - SOLD
3324 NEWTEC G30A carrot weigher and packing unit - SOLD
3844 Newtec 2009G Multi head weigher for carrots / potatoes - SOLD
complete with Newtec VB40G packaging machine, Newtec LP41 printer and bag conveyor
3542 Newtec 2009G computer multi head weigher for carrots - SOLD
3243 ALLROUND destoner - SOLD
for carrots and potatoes and other root crops
3466 EKKO carrot weigher - SOLD
3558 Sormac KP-50 carrot peeler knife peeler - SOLD
also for cucumber
3605 Newtec G30 A weigher and packaging for carrots - SOLD
with EKKO bag elevator and table
1906 EKKO complete carrot grading line - SOLD
carrot diameter and length grader
3370 Newtec 2009G +Gillenkirch+EMVE weigher and pack - SOLD
Complete line for weighing and plastic packaging of carrot, potatoes etc, year 2008
3280 WYMA polisher model 3518 - SOLD
year model 2006. 15-35 tons/hour
3338 SORMAC WOS 1A carrot "top and tail" - SOLD
only gone 9 months
Machines for cabbage
5249 Asa-Lift MK-1000 cabbage harvester
equipped with trailer for boxes
4864 Asa-Lift cabbage harvester MK1000
platform for big box
3784 Asa-Lift MK-1000 cabbage harvester with elevator
3105 ASA-LIFT cabbage harvester
with elevator
3462 Cabbage cleaning line complete
5730 Vanhoucke cabbage harvester - SOLD
New condition for big boxes
4587 Asa-Lift cabbage harvester MK-1000 - SOLD
for big boxes
4743 Asa-Lift MK-1000 Cabbage harvester - SOLD
with elevator
4717 ASA-LIFT cabbage harvester MK-1000 - SOLD
for filling into big boxes
5063 Vanhoucke cabbage harvester - SOLD
4167 Asa-Lift cabbage harvester with elevator - SOLD
MK1000 E
4345 Asa-Lift cabbage harvester MK-1000 - SOLD
for big boxes
3531 Nosma cabbage cleaning line year model 2011 - SOLD
4693 Asa-Lift MK-1000 Cabbage harvester - SOLD
3869 Asa-Lift cabbage harvester with elevator MK-1000E - SOLD
3803 Asa-Lift MK-1000 cabbage harvester - SOLD
equipped with trailer for boxes
3827 ASA-LIFT cabbage harvester - SOLD
with fork for big boxes in good condition
3240 ASA-LIFT cabbage harvester - SOLD
only gone 5 hours
1110 ASA-LIFT cabbage harvester MK-1000 - SOLD
for filling into big boxes only 10 ha total
3351 ASA-LIFT cabbage harvester MK-1000 for big box - SOLD
year 2008. Very good condition
Machines for onion
Onionharvesters/ windrowers etc
5989 Grimme DL1500 Onion loader
5926 Imac PD 1400 windrower
for potato, sweet potato, onion etc etc
5988 Holaras onion windrower UR135
year model 2018 with cross web
5972 Samon onion windrower 1350 mm web
Demo Samon onion harvester 20 ha gone
5960 Krukowiak onion windrower and topper
krokowiak onion topper and harvester new condition year model 2021
5861 Kverneland underhaug UN2200 onion loader
5648 Asa-Lift onion windrower WR-135
total gone 20 ha
5573 Onion loader selfpropelled 3 beds
5487 Samon onion windrower used
with chisel share
5484 Dewulf onion kit for Dewulf potato harvester
for 1500-1650 mm harvest channel
5434 Samon onion windrower 1650 mm web
NEW Samon onion harvester
5433 Samon onion windrower 1350 mm web
NEW Samon onion harvester
4767 Asa-Lift WR230 onion windrower trailed
2300 mm width web
4689 Asa-Lift Onion topper OT-1500
4252 Samon onion windrower 135 cm
demo in new condition
5562 AMAC E2 potato harvester / onion harvester
full hydraulic, good to rebuild to onion loader
4092 JJ Broch garlic machines second hand
complete system
4042 Kverneland Underhaug 2200 onion loader
3980 Samon onion topper 1500mm
3781 Asa-Lift onion turner
5004 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester with box table
year 2002. With onion harvester channel
3220 ASA-LIFT SAMSO onion loader trailed
with elevator
3333 BOLKO onion loader with bunker
trailed in very good conditon
3035 ASA-LIFT onion loader trailed
with elevator
3063 ZOCAPI garlic harvester 3 row
3744 Amac potato harvester / onion loader
4653 Grimme DL1500 2 row with Elevator - SOLD
Year model 2004 /Perfect also for onion. Very good machine
4370 Grimme DL1500 2 row with Elevator - SOLD
good condition / Perfect for rebuild to onion harvester
3979 Grimme Destoner SM1500 - SOLD
also Reekie bed plough
4615 Kverneland UN2200 potato harvester - SOLD
good for rebuild to onion harvester
5097 Asa-Lift onion loader with elevator - SOLD
5138 Asa-Lift onion loader with elevator - SOLD
5488 Grimme DL1500 Onion loader - SOLD
also potato kit to it.
4762 Asa-Lift WR300 onion windrower - SOLD
3 bed harvester
5002 Asa-Lift onion windrower WR 1350 mm web - SOLD
year 2012 little gone
5647 Asa-Lift OT-1500 onion topper - SOLD
Asalift topper total 20 ha gone
5308 Samon onion windrower Favorit - SOLD
1350 mm sieving webs
5001 Samon onion windrower 1350 mm web - SOLD
5026 AMAC E2 potato harvester / onion harvester - SOLD
full hydraulic, good to rebuild to onion loader
3840 Top air onion harvester - SOLD
onion loader Topair TL 2060
4151 Asa-Lift onion loader with elevator - SOLD
5008 Kverneland Underhaug 2200 onion loader harvester - SOLD
also potato equipment is included
4410 Asa-lift onion windrower 1350 mm - SOLD
4693 Asa-Lift Onion windrower - SOLD
4650 Asa-Lift onion windrower 1350 mm - SOLD
also for windrowing potatoes
4391 Asa-Lift onion windrower - SOLD
4088 Asa-Lift WR135 onion windrower - SOLD
new condition year model 2012
4129 Asa-Lift onion loader Samso model with elevator - SOLD
SL-122 year model 2008
3713 Asa-Lift onion windrower - SOLD
trailed 2650 mm width
3983 Samon onion windrower 135 cm - SOLD
two webs and pressure roller
3982 Grimme DL1500 onion harvester loader - SOLD
very good condition
3788 Asa-Lift windrower onion WR-150 - SOLD
double webs with pressure roller
3550 Asa-Lift onion windrower - SOLD
3632 Asa-Lift onion windrower 135 cm 1 web - SOLD
3278 ASA-LIFT onion loader with elevator - SOLD
3794 Underhaug UN 2200 onion harvester with elevator - SOLD
very good condition
3714 Asa-lift onion windrower double sieving webs - SOLD
1500 mm
3437 Asa-Lift onion windrower WR150 year 2006 - SOLD
3277 ASA-LIFT onion windrower - SOLD
3298 ASA-LIFT onion loader with bunker - SOLD
trailed machine
3431 Wühlmaus onion Windrower - SOLD
Seeding/ planting
5756 Kverneland Miniair Nova precision seeder
12 row equipped for onion. Hydraulic folding.
5622 Stanhay precision seeder 6 row
equipped for onion seeding, combi with Fiona fertilizer unit
5451 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
5 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
5450 Baselier cultivator with bedformer
Baselier 2FKV200 NEW machine with bedformer for onion etc
5230 Haarby onion planter 3 row
for planting onion bulbs combi unit with Fiona fertilizer
5804 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
5 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
4775 Stanhay 985 seeder 3 row
mechanical seeder in very good conditon
5143 Nibex 500 seeder 18 rows
3334 Stanhay onion seeder 4 row
seeding in double rows model S870
3595 Nibex 300 seeding machine 12 rows
equipped with cups for onion and carrot seeding.
5315 Juko potato planter 2 row - SOLD
manual machine
4447 Checchi & Magli potato planter F300L - SOLD
manual potato planter/ onion planter with fertilizer in new condition
5996 Wifo onion planter 4 row - SOLD
Wifo PP 4 onion bulb planter
5616 Haarby onion planter 6 row - SOLD
for planting onion bulbs combi unit with Fiona fertilizer
5592 Stanhay Precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
Equipped for onion seeding
3986 Stanhay Precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
Equipped for onion seeding
4261 Regero Planting machine 4 row - SOLD
Regero R908TR for 4 cm cube plants
4029 Nibex 500 7 row precision seeder - SOLD
now equipped for onion, carrot / could be equipped for other crops
4125 Haarby onion planter with Fiona fertilizer - SOLD
4 rows
4035 Gaspardo onion seeder / vegetable seeder pneumatic 7 row - SOLD
year 2011 in new condition. Fertilizer equipment
3786 Monosem precision seeder - SOLD
4 row equipped for onion seeding
3420 Haarby onion planter 3 row in new condition - SOLD
3335 Monosem onion seeder 5 rows - SOLD
equipped with fertilizer equipment year 2005
Sorting/ grading/ packing etc
6000 Compas onion sorter 5 sizes
5995 ERC KS60-2 onion topper
2 knifes
5887 Holaras onion topper stationary
Holaras AS15 AS-15 year model. 2012
5990 Langco potato sorter / onion sorter
5784 Sieves for onion sorter 1200x600 mm
5975 Langco potato sorterer
also with sieves for onions
5743 ERC onion topper stationary
5584 Fimo onion topper with cleaning drum
5583 PM Packservice rollstock bagger NV 25
NV25 net bagger year model 2010
5447 Saclark TK16 net bagger with Newtec printe
5445 Upmatic 3006 net clipper
5444 Upmatic 3006 net clipper
5744 Saclark net bagger with Daumar Weigher
Saclark SCH38 + Daumar PA25
5426 Schouten onion sorter combi with inspection etc
Schouten Kwartet onion / potato grader
5339 C-pack netclipper C-pack HCL 912
C pack HCL912 net clipper / net bagger year model 2016
5240 Schouten onion grader / potato sorter
Schouten TR 4 Sizes year 2009
5239 Haarby smedie onion topper
5235 Daumar weigher and Xarpa net clipper
Daumar PA21 xarpamatic
5229 ERC KS60-2 onion topper
2 knifes
5582 S&B Spang & Brand AT5-E net clipper
4933 Sommerlund onion topper
4640 Compas onion grader sorter AS 60
conpact grader with inspection
4635 Nakaya NT-400S onion peeler
onion skin peeler
4566 Newtec HC30 net bagger
with Newtec printer CPP50
4632 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag
5516 C-Pack VAC 929 Net clipper automatic net bagger
with printer for wine label. year model 2007
4236 Compas EAS 100x100 onion grader
5 sizes equipped for onion grading
4132 Sorma net bagger with Fischbein Stitcher
4023 EMPAC Girplus Gircod net clipping machine
0,5-3 kg net bagger for citrus potato onion etc. with handles
4013 Daumar PA-25 multi weigher
with feeding elevator in very good condition.
3993 Dofra onion peeler OT-100
3703 EKKO / Olden line for onion
Feeding bunker / topper / inspection
4773 SKALS complete sorting grading line
complete line year model 2012 with SKALS SET904
5792 EKKO roller cleaner with star unit
5236 Udo Schliebe net bagging line
Rollstock bagger
5227 S&B Spang & Brand AT5-E net clipper
5817 Finis Topnotch onion peeler
4254 Upmann Upmatic net bagger 1251
5127 Sormac USM-S60 onion peeler
perfect condition
5090 Sormac USM S-100 onion peeler
perfect condition year 2014
4969 Sormac USM-S60 onion peeler
perfect condition
4961 Sormac Onion peeler USM-X60
4120 Sorma vertical bagger year 2000 - SOLD
Sorma Vertbag BSK 134
4040 Daumar Xarpa 31 net bagging machine year 2009 - SOLD
could be sold complete with weigher
4038 Saclark TK16 net bagger with Newtec printe - SOLD
3863 Sorma S&B net bagger 3-25 kg - SOLD
4858 Sormac USM100A onion peeler - SOLD
sormac onion peeler
4834 EKKO bunch washer to bunched vegetables - SOLD
carrots, onions, spring onion etc
4644 Upmatic 2114VD Computer weigher 14 bucket - SOLD
three outlet very high capacity
5052 Daumar GH-10 net clipper net bagger - SOLD
semi automatic
4386 Sormac onion peeler USM-100A - SOLD
complete line for peeing onions
5457 Sorma R01-120 net clipper - SOLD
with net feeder
4720 Fimo onion topper with cleaning drum - SOLD
3076 FIMO onion topper mit cleaning drum - SOLD
4240 Holaras AS10 oniontopper - SOLD
4625 Claypack CP35 tube net bagger - SOLD
for onions oranges citrus etc.
5248 Sorma S&B net clipping line with weigher - SOLD
Sorma 14 head weigher with 2 pc net clippers
4620 Sormac onion peeler USM-X100 - SOLD
4964 ERC Oniontopper model KS 85-3 - SOLD
3 rotors
4108 Upmatic 2110 weigher with two net packaging machines - SOLD
2 net baggers 0,5 kg-25 kg with computer weigher
4110 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag - SOLD
Vertical bagger year 2005 in good condition with printer
3369 FIMO onion topper - SOLD
3866 Climax CSKS Stones & Clods Separator - SOLD
new condition
4285 Sormac Onion peeler USM-X60 - SOLD
4022 Newtec HC30 net bagger - SOLD
with Newtec printer CPP50
4096 Compas onion grader EAS 120 x 120 - SOLD
sieves to onions
3469 Sommerlund onion topper - SOLD
3783 Sormac onion peeler USM-1 - SOLD
3561 SORMAC onion peeler line - SOLD
Model USM 100A
3865 Climax CSKS Stones & Clods Separator - SOLD
3303 FIMO onion topper stationary - SOLD
3663 Sormac onion peeling line - SOLD
Model Sormac USM-X100 year 2006
3288 SORMAC onion peeler line complete - SOLD
model USM 100 inlcuding weighing and packing
Machines for leek
5384 ASa-Lift leek harvester
Asa-Lift PA 78F year 2017
4893 Asa-Lift leek harvester
4868 Asa-Lift PO-250 leek harvester / carrot sharelifter
with sharelift section for carrots
5099 Asa-Lift dill chives and leek harvester
also for bunched vegetables like spring onion.
4229 Asa-Lift leek harvester
auto box filling
4104 Asa-Lift leek harvester selfpropelled
3444 Asa-Lift leek harvester
3361 ASA-LIFt leek harvester year model 1999
3295 ASA-LIFT leek harvester 1 row mounted
Very little used
3323 ASA-LIFT leek harvester 1 row mounted
equipped with top cutting discs and automatic box filling
3062 ASA-LIFT leek harvester 1 row mounted
year 2006. Very good cond.
3218 ASA-LIFT leek harvester 2 row for industry
3552 Asa-Lift leek harvester "small"
3362 ASA-LIFT leek harvester
3507 Asa-Lift leek harvester 1 row with bunker
4837 Asa-Lift harvester for bunch carrots
harvester to bunched vegetables
4590 Simon leek harvester - SOLD
4876 Simon Leek harvester RPNB - SOLD
automatic box filling
3505 Asa-Lift leek harvester trailed with automatic box system - SOLD
5848 Simon Leek harvester RPNB - SOLD
automatic box filling
3262 ASA-LIFT leek harvester 1 row mounted - SOLD
year model 2003
3467 Asa-Lift leek harvester "small" - SOLD
3161 ASA-LIFT leek harvester - SOLD
only gone about 6 hectares, hydr. fork for big box
3225 ASA-LIFT leek harvester 1 row selfpropelled - SOLD
with transport trailers
Planting/ Seeding
Machines for potato
Potato harvester
6047 Juko midi potato harvester
5989 Grimme DL1500 Onion loader
6036 Dewulf RA3060 potato harvester DEMO selfpropelled
DEMO USED year model 2023
6034 Grimme SE 75-30 potato harvester
5998 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester
pneumatic brakes own hydraulic
5997 Grimme SE 75-30 potato harvester
5879 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester
very good condition, year model 2007
5870 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester
good condition
5869 Grimme SE 75-30 potato harvester
good condition
5867 Standen Statesman potato harvester
2 row with elevator axial rollers
5863 Juko 1 row trailed potato harvester
with AUTOMATIC box handling system year 2007
5751 Dewulf RA3060 potato harvester
selfpropelled 2 row potato harvester
5712 Juko Midi potato harvester
very little gone
5649 Juko Midi potato harvester
5562 AMAC E2 potato harvester / onion harvester
full hydraulic, good to rebuild to onion loader
5498 Buffer hopper for potato for wheel loader
for potato and onion harvester
5278 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester
120 ha total PERFECT CONDITION year model 2005
5264 Kverneland UN2200 potato harvester
Have gone less than 100 hectare since new
5195 Standen Pearson potato harvester 2 row with elevator
Standen Pearson QM quality master
5107 Grimme potato harvester
with platform for harvest in boxes, crates, bags etc.
5098 Asa-Lift KT-80 potato harvester mounted
very good condition. Little gone.
5072 Wühlmaus 1733 potato harvester
4991 Grimme 75-30 potato harvester
perfect condition
4926 Juko Midi potato harvester three point
with hedgehog belt
4862 Juko midi potato harvester
very good condition
4856 Grimme SE140 potato harvester
Year model 2010. Total 80 hectares
4847 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester
very good condition
4822 Grimme GZ1700 Potato harvester
2 row elevator
4698 Juko midi potato harvester
4714 AMAC E2 potato harvester elevator 2 row
good for rebuild to onion harvester
4662 Juko MIDI potato harvester mounted for box
with hedgehog belt and front haulm topper
4238 Zibo front potato harvester FR
2 row harvester harvest 4 rows! New condition
4168 Juko Midi potato harvester mounted
very good condition
4164 Juko 1 row trailed potato harvester
with AUTOMATIC box system year 2007
3963 Grimme DL 1500 potato harvester
4163 Amac potato harvester 2 row with elevator
3433 Kverneland UN2200 potato harvester 2 row
3125 Kverneland UN 2400 potato harvester 2 row with elevator
equipped with manual sorting table
3744 Amac potato harvester / onion loader
3754 Amac webs for 2 row elevator harvester
5334 WE BUY YOUR USED MACHINES FOR EXPORT Potato vegetable fruit
PROCESS MACHINES AS WELL AS HANDLING AND FIELD for vegetables potatoes and fruit
5734 Kverneland Underhaug UN2600 potato harvester - SOLD
year model 2008 axial roller table
5897 Grimme LK650 potato harvester - SOLD
4170 Grimme SL800 potato harvester - SOLD
5669 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
5439 Wühlmaus 1733P potato harvester - SOLD
5716 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
5862 Grimme DL1500 potato harvester 2 row - SOLD
with elevator and sorting table year 2000
5798 Grimme SE140 potato harvester - SOLD
Year model 2010. Total 80 hectares
4197 Juko maximat potato harvester - SOLD
5711 Juko Midi potato harvester - SOLD
Three point with platform for sack/box
3044 REEKIE potato harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
clean flow and manual sorting table
5852 Grimme 75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
own hydraulic small potato sorter
5715 Grimme 70-20 potato harvester - SOLD
5736 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
year model 2006
5314 Grimme DL1500 potato harvester 2 row - SOLD
with elevator and sorting table year 2000
5797 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
Own hydraulic
5547 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
Own hydraulic, small potato bunker with elevator
5217 Kverneland Underhaug UN2200 potato harvester - SOLD
4702 Dewulf RQA3060 potato harvester selfpropelled - SOLD
Year 2017, Axial roller table and haulm web
4894 Grimme GZ1700 potato harvester 2 row elevator - SOLD
with inspection table
5723 Wühlmaus 1033 potato harvester - SOLD
Wuhlmaus 1033 with box filling platform
5611 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
own hydraulic
5169 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
pneumatic brakes
5683 Grimme potato harvester - SOLD
5536 Grimme potato harvester SE 75-30 - SOLD
5268 Grimme SE70-20 potato harvester - SOLD
cheap machine in need of look over
5281 Wuhlmaus WM 8500 2 row potato harvester - SOLD
5276 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
pneumatic brakes, levelling
5425 Juko midi small potato harvester - SOLD
3801 AVR spirit 8200 2 row potato harvester - SOLD
year model 2012
4341 Reekie Clean Flow 2000 potato harvester - SOLD
2 row with elevator, tent with manual sorting axial roller
5489 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester used second hand - SOLD
own hydraulic
5494 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester used second hand - SOLD
4998 Kverneland Underhaug potato planter - SOLD
2 row combi planter
4791 Ekengårds potato harvester 1 row - SOLD
4694 Ekengards potato harvester 1 row - SOLD
5285 Grimme SE 75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
Many webs recently changed
5403 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester for sale used machine - SOLD
PERFECT CONDITION year model 2008
4855 Samon Windrower 4 row - SOLD
for potato
5014 Grimme SE70-20 potato harvester - SOLD
with small potato sorter and conveyor
5209 Grimme SE 75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
5419 Asa-Lift combi 1000 potato harvester - SOLD
also carrot harvester sharelift equipment
4377 Grimme SE260UB potato harvester 2 row - SOLD
2 row.
5231 Dewulf RA2060 potato harvester - SOLD
2 row with bunker
4201 Kverneland UN2100 potato harvester - SOLD
4360 Dewulf RDT 952 2 row potato harvester with bunker - SOLD
5218 Grimme RL 1500 windrower - SOLD
Grimme RL1500 windrower
5208 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
Own hydraulic, small potato bunker with elevator
4676 Kverneland UN2200 potato harvester with elevator - SOLD
5161 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
5104 Potato harvester - SOLD
4715 Asa-Lift KT-80 potato harvester - SOLD
5086 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
pneumatic brakes, levelling
5204 Grimme SE85-55 potato harvester - SOLD
Grimme potato harvester two part bunker for small potato sorting
4728 Grimme SF170-60 potato harvester - SOLD
selfpropelled Grimme SF 170-60
3831 Juko 1 row trailed potato harvester - SOLD
with AUTOMATIC box system year 2007
4653 Grimme DL1500 2 row with Elevator - SOLD
Year model 2004 /Perfect also for onion. Very good machine
3792 Dewulf RCE 2 row selfpropelled potato harvester - SOLD
4738 Wuhlmaus WM 6000 1 row potato harvester - SOLD
5065 Juko midi potato harvester - SOLD
3516 Grimme DL1500 potato harvester 2 row - SOLD
with elevator and sorting table year 2000
5164 AVR Spirit 8200 potato harvester - SOLD
2 row with bunker for unloading in the move
4740 Grimme SE 85-55 potato harvester - SOLD
4802 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
year model 2006 in very good condition
5035 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
5092 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
own hydraulic pump. Year model 2004
4895 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
5051 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
5067 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
5078 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
good condition, small potato sorter
4820 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
4690 Asa-Lift KT-100 potato harvester - SOLD
mounted for box filling, year 2007, Also with CARROT WEB
4865 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
with small potato sorter and conveyor
5003 Grimme SE70-20 potato harvester - SOLD
good condition
4677 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
4424 Dewulf Mega Axia potato harvester - SOLD
selfpropelled 2 row with axial rollers. year model 2005.
4370 Grimme DL1500 2 row with Elevator - SOLD
good condition / Perfect for rebuild to onion harvester
4645 Juko MIDI potato harvester mounted for box - SOLD
with hedgehog belt
4697 Juko Midi potato harvester - SOLD
4649 GCL potato windrower and root vegetables - SOLD
harvest two rows and create one new row
4821 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
4704 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
4696 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
small potato bunker with elevator
4592 Wuhlmaus WM 8500 2 row potato harvester - SOLD
year 2012 in very good condition
4603 Dewulf RQ3060 2 row potato harvester - SOLD
year model 2007
3637 Dewulf RDS 2 row potato harvester - SOLD
with elevator year model 2009
3671 Dewulf RA3060 selfpropelled potato harvester - SOLD
600 hours, year model 2010 FOR SALE NOW
4618 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
4685 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
4452 Asa-Lift potato harvester KT-100 - SOLD
4679 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
4595 Grimme 70-20 potato harvester - SOLD
very good condition
4665 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
4382 Juko Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
three point linkage mounted machine
4615 Kverneland UN2200 potato harvester - SOLD
good for rebuild to onion harvester
3602 Juko Maximat potato harvester - SOLD
3603 Juko Maximat potato harvester - SOLD
4259 Juko MIDI potato harvester mounted for box - SOLD
with hedgehog belt
4609 Grimme SE 75-30 UB potato harvester - SOLD
very good condition
4359 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
very good condition
4017 Grimme SE 75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
4026 AVR spirit 6100 1 row potato harvester - SOLD
year 2011 model have gone 90 ha total
3862 Grimme SF150-60 UB XXL 2 row self propelled potato harvester with bunker - SOLD
year model 2011
4290 DEWULF RQ3060 potato harvester - SOLD
2 row selfpropelled potato harvester
5026 AMAC E2 potato harvester / onion harvester - SOLD
full hydraulic, good to rebuild to onion loader
4343 Juko SUPERMIDI potato harvester mounted for box - SOLD
hedgehog belt, haulm topper, hydraulic fork
4260 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
small potato sorter with bunker
4135 Grimme SE75-30 potato harvester - SOLD
5008 Kverneland Underhaug 2200 onion loader harvester - SOLD
also potato equipment is included
4118 Juko Midi Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
with hedgehog belt
3636 Dewulf RDT superia 2 row potato harvester with bunker - SOLD
4046 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
tent, very good condition
4116 Juko Midi Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
4050 Juko Midi Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
very good condition
4093 Asa-Lift potato harvester KT-100 - SOLD
3643 Juko Midi Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
4036 Grimme SE75-20 potato harvester - SOLD
small potato sorter
3836 Grimme GZ1700 potato harvester with elevator - SOLD
3633 Grimme SE75-55 potato harvester - SOLD
3874 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
also carrot harvester share
3835 Grimme SE70-20 potato harvester - SOLD
25 HECTARES SINCE NEW, Very good condition.
3541 Kverneland Underhaug UN 2100 potato harvester - SOLD
3638 Asa-Lift potato harvester KT-100 - SOLD
KT 100 mounted harvester like JUKO supermidi
3201 SAMON windrower to potato - SOLD
harvest two rows and create one new row
3355 Wühlmaus 1033 potato harvester with screen grader - SOLD
Equipped for early crop in boxes
3597 Juko Midi Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
mounted for filling directly into bags or boxes
3596 Juko Midi Supermidi potato harvester - SOLD
mounted or trailed directly into boxes
3274 JUKO midi potato harvester mounted - SOLD
för big boxes
Potato planter/ destoners/ bed formers
6076 Kverneland Underhaug UN3200 potato planter
5963 Reekie destoner reekie 500
stone box web machine
5961 Reekie bed plough
Reekie RB M 2HP combi front or rear
5943 Kverneland Underhaug UN3200 potato planter
5936 Miedema CP42 potato planter NEW
4 row trailed with fertilizer and ridging hood
5893 Scanstone 4215 destoner
5800 Dewulf Miedema CP22 potato planter 2x75 cm NEW
Machine as new year model 2021, adjustable row distance
5750 Miedema CP42 potato planter NEW
4 row trailed with fertilizer and ridging hood
5745 Dewulf Miedema PGS potato seed cutter
New machine direct available
5714 Agronomic Potato planter Agronomic 2RMP
2x75 belt planter. Year model 2019
5668 Grimme GL32F Potato planter 2 row
combi with fertilizer equipment
5618 Imac potato planter PPS- 2F75
NEW manual potato planter 2 row. Also for onion planting, garlic planting etc.
5535 Dewulf Miedema CP22 potato planter 2x75 cm NEW
adjustable row distance
5502 Dewulf Miedema PGS potato seed cutter
New machine
5470 Underhaug UN potato planter 4x85 cm
5459 Underhaug UN1400 potato planter
with fertilizer
5458 Grimme GL32E potato planter
Grimme GL 32 2 row in new condition
5396 Agrozet SA2 potato planter
Zetor 2-078 potato planter with clips combi with fertilizer
5365 Underhaug Potato planter 2 row
very good conditon
5333 Sfoggia Thema front fertilizer unit NEW
front fertilizer for potato planter
5250 Grimme VL20 potato planter
2 row little gone
5205 Struik ridging cultivator 2x75 cm
new condition gone few hectares
5187 Kverneland Underhaug potato planter
Netagco ridge former with hydraulic pressure 2x80 cm
5180 Cramer Junior spezial super F
Cramer potato planter 4x75 cm
5163 Miedema Structural MS2000 potato planter
2 row mounted belt planter
5146 Sfoggia Thema Front fertilizer unit NEW
2-4 row. Front mount. For potato and vegetables, berries etc
5128 Baselier cultivator 4x75, 4x80, 4x85, 4x90 cm
New machines for delivery
5019 Koningsplanter potato planter 2 rows model AP 375
belt planter year 2004. Can also planting in 3 row beds
5550 Baselier ridging cultivator 4x75 cm NEW
NEW stock machine direct available
5007 Underhaug potato planter 4 row fertilizer and spraying applicator
4x80 cm row distance
5518 Baselier 2FK160 ridging cultivator 2x75 cm
NEW machine
4972 Baselier ridging cultivator
New machine
4937 Reekie 2 row potato planter
4845 Miedema PGS seed cutter
year 2018 New condition
4788 Reekie potato planter
combi with fertilizer equipment
4771 Miedema Structural MS2000 potato planter
2 row mounted belt planter
4617 Kverneland Underhaug 1300 potato planter
4611 Kverneland Underhaug 1300 potato planter
with spraying applicator
4583 Baselier 4FKB330 rotary cultivator 4x80 cm
new DEMO
4528 Underhaug 4 row potato planter
4510 Rumptstad rotary hiller 4x75 cm.
4351 Grimme GL32F Potato planter 2 row
combi with fertilizer equipment
4340 Koningsplanter AP475 potato planter
4 row potato planter
4333 Gregoire Besson belt planter 3 row for bed
such as Structural belt planter. For beds
4158 Underhaug Potato planter 2 row
4011 Grimme CS1700 destoner
3966 Standen Eureka 3000 destoner
clod buster / stone rake
4586 Baselier rotary cultivator 8 row x75 cm
or rotary cultivator 600 cm width with crumbler roller
3654 Underhaug 4 row potato planter
3139 GRIMME destoner model CS150
year model 2008
3402 Kverneland destoner 4210
good condition
3336 Scan Stone destoner
Good condition.
3196 Kverneland Underhaug UN potato planter 2 row
different machines with and without fertilizer equipment available
3233 REKKIE destoner 500S with stone box
1919 Ekengards potato planter 4 row 75 cm
5945 Grimme CS-1500 destoner - SOLD
5561 Reekie bed plough with cultivator - SOLD
5962 Reekie bed plough with cultivator - SOLD
6028 Kverneland Underhaug UN3200 potato planter - SOLD
5974 Grimme GL34T potato planter combi - SOLD
combi potato planter with fertilizer unit
5964 Grimme GL34 Z potato planter - SOLD
4x75 cm trailed potato planter
5724 Juko potato planter combi 2 rad - SOLD
5601 Juko Ekengårds potato planter 4720 4 row - SOLD
with fertilizer equipment
5754 Grimme BF 200 bed former - SOLD
Grimme BF200 bed plough
5871 Grimme BF 200 bed former - SOLD
Grimme BF200 bed plough year model 2016
5387 Grimme FA200 front fertilizer unit - SOLD
Grimme fertilizer unit new condition
5203 Grimme FA200 front fertilizer unit - SOLD
year 2016 little gone
5594 Structural potato planter 2 row - SOLD
belt planter manual feeding for pre sprouted potatoes
5348 Kverneland bed former - SOLD
5182 Kverneland bed former for destoner - SOLD
for destoning of potatoes
5755 Grimme CS1500 Destoner - SOLD
5717 Structural MS4000 potato planter - SOLD
4 Row potato belt planter
4281 Bovlund Bed plough - SOLD
4754 Grimme bed plough - SOLD
5347 Reekie bed former - SOLD
4897 Underhaug potato planter 4x75 cm - SOLD
with fertilizer and spraying equipment
4931 Kverneland Underhaug potato planter 4 row - SOLD
5400 Miedema Structural PM20 potato planter 2 row - SOLD
Structural PM 20 belt planter combi with fertilizer unit. PERFECT CONDITION
5157 Miedema Structural belt planter for bed - SOLD
2 or 3 row bed or ridge planter for early potatoes
3719 Reekie Destoner - SOLD
with loading elevator and stone box
3197 GRIMME CS1500 destoner with elevator - SOLD
5398 Lemken Zirkon 12 power harrow 3 m - SOLD
Lemken power harrow Zirkon 12/300, new condition year model 2018
5315 Juko potato planter 2 row - SOLD
manual machine
4606 Underhaug 4 row potato planter - SOLD
trailed 75 cm with fertilizer
5185 Miedema front fertilizer unit 4 rows - SOLD
disc tines adjustable row distance
5192 Scanstone bed maker ARH - SP - SOLD
year 2016 new condition scanstone bed former
4282 Scanstone Destoner 1500 mm - SOLD
stone box and star rollers
4280 Scanstone Destoner 1500 mm - SOLD
stone box
3379 Scanstone Stone separator year 2009 - SOLD
with stone box and elevator
4795 Reekie destoner - SOLD
with stone conveyor
3979 Grimme Destoner SM1500 - SOLD
also Reekie bed plough
5423 AMAC ridging cultivator 4x85 cm - SOLD
5399 Kverneland Underhaug UN3200 potato planter - SOLD
4x85 cm row distance adjustable
5312 Baselier ridging cultivator 4x85 cm - SOLD
perfect condition year model 2019
4829 Juko potato planter 4720 - SOLD
4x80 cm combi with fertilizer equipment
5228 Juko 4720 4x80 cm potato planter - SOLD
trailed machine
5136 Grimme GL32B potato planter 2 row - SOLD
Ridghing hood
4598 Koningsplanter 4 row potato planter AS NEW - SOLD
trailed, fertilizer, spraying applicator
4745 Kverneland UN3000 potato planter 2 row - SOLD
combi with fertilizer equipment
4597 Grimme GF400 rotary hiller 4x75 cm - SOLD
year 2014 in very good condition
5149 Kverneland Underhaug UN 3200 potato planter - SOLD
4x85 could be changed
5102 Underhaug manual potato planter 2 row - SOLD
new condition. Also as onion planter
4736 Grimme GL32F potato planter - SOLD
manual feed for early crop / gentle planting
4513 Grimme bed plough Shapeformer - SOLD
4255 Grimme fertilizer for 2 row potato planter - SOLD
very good condition for Grimme GL32
4374 Grimme GL34KG potato planter 4 row - SOLD
4784 Miedema Structural MS4000 potato planter - SOLD
belt planter with combi year. 2013. 4 row
4275 Reekie potato planter 2 row with Front Fertilizer - SOLD
75 cm row distance
4764 Grimme GL34Z potato planter 4 row - SOLD
with fertilizer unit
3378 REEKIE bed plough year 2002 - SOLD
4739 Kverneland Underhaug 3200 potato planter - SOLD
4 row combi planter
4447 Checchi & Magli potato planter F300L - SOLD
manual potato planter/ onion planter with fertilizer in new condition
3727 Structural PM40 belt planter for potato - SOLD
4549 Grimme GL 430 4 row potato planter - SOLD
with fertilizer and spraying equipment
3409 Scanstone Bed Former double year 2006 - SOLD
3237 Structural potato planter 4 row belt planter - SOLD
3716 Grimme GL 32B potato planter - SOLD
4102 Kverneland UN 3000 2 Row potato planter - SOLD
combi with spraying applicator year model 2007
4324 EMVE seed potato spraying line - SOLD
3885 Grimme CS1500 destoner - SOLD
stone box and star roller system
4030 Juko Ekengårds potato planter 4720 4 row - SOLD
with fertilizer equipment
4045 Netagco Hassia SL4 potato planter 4 row - SOLD
75 cm row distance, bed former, very good condition
3774 Juko potato planting machine 2 row - SOLD
4065 Koningsplanter Konings 4 row potato planter - SOLD
75 cm row distance
3432 Underhaug UN 2 row potato planter with fertilizer - SOLD
3824 Juko Ekengards potato planter 4720 4 row - SOLD
4 row potato planter combi
3810 Grimme DF3000 rotary hiller 4 row - SOLD
85 cm row distance
3809 Koningsplanter potato planter 2 rows model AP 375 - SOLD
belt planter year 2004. Can also planting in 3 row beds
3812 Koningsplanter potato planter AP275 - SOLD
2 row year model 2010 very good condition
3822 Grimme GL34 4 row potato harvester - SOLD
year 2005 with fertilizer and sprayer
3811 Grimme GL34 Z potato planter with fertilizer - SOLD
4 row potato planter combi
3772 Grimme bedformer double - SOLD
3789 Koningsplanter potato planter 2 rows model AP 375 - SOLD
belt planter year 2005
3573 Koningsplanter 4 row planter with fertilizer - SOLD
80 cm row distance
3521 Ekengards 4730 potato planter 4 row - SOLD
with fertilizer and spraying application
3642 Underhaug 2 row potato planter with fertilizer - SOLD
3485 Grimme GL32B 2 row potato planter year 2009 - SOLD
with front fertilizer and spraying applicator
3371 Grimme potato planter 4 row with fertilizer - SOLD
Potato ridger/ haulm topper etc
6073 Grimme ridger ridging hiller GH
5913 Struik Weed fix
6038 Struik Glutton haulm topper 4x75 cm
Struik Glutton 3000 haulmtopper
5957 Grimme Gruse ridger HD3000
5450 Baselier cultivator with bedformer
Baselier 2FKV200 NEW machine with bedformer for onion etc
5956 AVR Speedridger potato ridger
5955 Struik haulmtopper 4x85 / 4x90 cm
5954 Struik cultivator 4x80 cm
5944 Baselier 2LKA haulm topper 2x75 cm
discharge conveyor for haulm
5803 Baselier cultivator with bedformer diabolo roller
Only Demo used
5927 Grimme ridger ridging hiller
Grimme GH 4x80 cm
5917 Grimme haulm topper
5901 Grimme KS 75-4 haulm topper KS75-4
Grimme haulm topper year model 2008
5865 Imac eco ridger BR 2 row potato ridger
Imac BR eco ridger ridging hiller for mechanical weed control
5853 Baselier haulm topper 4 row with low press tires
5850 Farmatic disc ridger 4 row
potato disc ridger
5801 Baselier haulmtopper 4 row
new condition year model 2019
5799 Baselier Ridge former 2x75 cm
Baselier GKS year 2021 few hectare gone
5788 Turbokupare turbo ridger 4 row
5787 Turbokupare turbo ridger 4 row
5768 Grimme ridger 4x85 cm
5767 Mac stick grubber 4 row
5733 Grimme haulm topper KS3000
75-90 cm row distance. Low pressure tires Grimme Ridge runner
5722 Baselier potato ridger 4 row
4x80 cm
5721 Kverneland UN1100 potato ridger 4 row
5698 Baselier GKS 4x75 cm ridge former NEW
5687 Baselier low press tires to haulm topper
5205 Struik ridging cultivator 2x75 cm
new condition gone few hectares
5670 Grimme haulmtopper 2 row
5661 Baselier ridge former GKS 4x85 cm
stainless steel high speed plates. Year model 2022 NEW
5636 Amac haulm topper 4x85 / 4x90 cm
5630 Sfoggia disc ridger for potato 2 row
Sfoggia Thema disc ridging unit 2 row 2x70, 2x75, 2x80, 2x85, 2x90 cm full adjustable.
5620 AVR low press tires to haulm topper
2 row with three point frame
5550 Baselier ridging cultivator 4x75 cm NEW
NEW stock machine direct available
5526 Oldenhuis haulm puller looftrekker
5518 Baselier 2FK160 ridging cultivator 2x75 cm
NEW machine
5491 Baselier 4LKB370 4x85 or 4x90 cm
NEW in stock direct available
5300 Baselier bed former / ridging hood
5452 Amac haulm topper 4x85 / 4x90 cm
5448 Baselier Ridge former 4x85 cm
5431 Vegniek Discmaster haulmpuller 2 row
New 2 row 75-90 cm.
5430 Sfoggia disc ridger for potato 4 row
Sfoggia Thema disc ridging unit 4 row 4x70, 4x75, 4x80, 4x85, 4x90 cm full adjustable.
5327 Grimme KS 75-4 haulm topper KS75-4
Grimme haulm topper year model 2020
5286 Baselier low pressure tires for Baselier haulm topper
for front mounted haulmtopper
5263 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB320
4x75 cm Year model 2019 NEW DIRECT AVAILABLE!
5253 Baselier 4LKB320 4x75 haulm topper
can be adjusted to 4x80 cm. Direct available from stock
5252 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB370
NEW 4x85 /4x90 cm DIRECT available
5251 Baselier haulm topper 2LKB190 2x75 cm
NEW machine direct delivery. with low pressure tires. Also 2x90
5238 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB370
4x85 cm or 4x90 cm
5215 Diabolo former for potato ridges
5200 Baselier haulm topper 4 row 75 to 90 cm
NEW for delivery season 2020
5199 Baselier ridge former GKS 2x75
New machine in stock
5148 Grimme KS4500 haulm topper
6x75 cm year 2011
5134 Baselier haulm topper 2LKB190
NEW machine direct delivery. with low pressure tires
5100 Baselier GKS ridge former GKS 4x80 heavy duty model
New machine in stock
5087 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB320
NEW MACHINES DIRECT DELIVERY 4x75, 4x90 cm. (also 4x80, 4x85 cm)
5047 Baselier ridge former GKS 4x80
New machine in stock
5046 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB320
NEW 4x75 cm Row distance FRONT / REAR MOUNTED
5023 Baselier ridge former GKS 4x75
New machine in stock
5018 Checchi & Magli disc ridger VR76
adjustable row distance
4973 Baselier ridge former GKS 4x75 4x80 4x85
New machine
4924 Checchi Magli disc ridger
4914 Mac subsoiler 4 sticks
4913 Mac row cleaner 4 row
4912 Mac row cleaner 2 sticks
4846 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB190
NEW MACHINE 2x75 2x80 2x85 2x90 cm row distance FRONT / REAR MOUNTED
4836 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB320
NEW 4x75 cm or 4x80 cm Row distance FRONT / REAR MOUNTED
4832 Grimme Gruse haulm topper
4800 Ekengårds potato ridger 4 row
4830 Grimme KS75-4 haulm topper
75-80 cm front or rear mount
4793 Grimme KS75-4 haulm chopper
Year 2004, front/rear
4691 Struik Haulm topper 4x75 cm Struik 4LKFA75
not used, year 2017
4614 Juko Rotary turbo ridger
4231 MAC row grubber 7 row
3817 Juko potato ridger 4 row 75-90 cm
3429 Juko Ekengårds potato ridger 4row
3711 Underhaug ridger 4 row
with weed cleaner
3578 Rumptstad potato ridger 4 rows
3641 Underhaug potato ridger "small 2 row"
5877 AVR Rafale haulm topper with low press tires - SOLD
avr haulm topper 4x80 cm. (or to be adjusted to 4x75 cm)
5478 AVR cultivator multivator 4x75 cm - SOLD
AVR GE force ridging hood and crumble roller
5605 Baselier haulm topper 4x85 cm - SOLD
can be adjusted to 4x90 cm
5953 Struik cultivator 4x85 cm - SOLD
5796 Baselier cultivator 4x75 cm - SOLD
Baselier FKV 310 need renovation
5305 Amac haulm topper 4x85 / 4x90 cm - SOLD
year model 1999 good condition
4536 Checchi & Magli disc ridger VR76 - SOLD
5789 Checchi Magli disc ridger VR76 4 row - SOLD
4629 Underhaug potato ridger 4 row - SOLD
very good condition
5188 Underhaug 2 row potato ridger - SOLD
new model
5680 Grimme haulm topper 4x75 cm - SOLD
5672 Grimme KS haulm topper 4x75 cm - SOLD
5855 Grimme KS3000 haulmtopper - SOLD
4x75 cm
5485 Baselier 2LKA haulm topper 2x75 cm - SOLD
discharge conveyor for haulm
5527 Vegniek Discmaster haulmpuller 2 row - SOLD
DEMOMACHINE model 2021
5173 Grimme ridge former 4x80 cm - SOLD
5189 Turbokup 4 row ridger - SOLD
4833 Turbokupare ridger 4 row - SOLD
4388 Grimme GFD front ridger 4 row - SOLD
year 2008 in very good condition
3645 Baselier ridge former 4x85 cm - SOLD
5202 Baselier haulm topper 4x75 cm front / Rear - SOLD
used potato haulmtopper front / read combi
5364 Rumptstad haulm topper 4x80 cm - SOLD
5222 Baselier haulm topper 4x75 or 4x80 cm - SOLD
uesd machine combi front rear
5671 Grimme haulmtopper 2 row - SOLD
Grimme KS1500 2x75 cm
5323 Baselier 4LKB370 haulmtopper - SOLD
year model 2020 new condition
5604 Baselier haulmtopper 4x80 cm - SOLD
used haulm topper year model 2010 can be adjusted to 4x75 cm
5190 Rumptstad Kverneland haulm topper - SOLD
2x75 cm
5145 Grimme KS 75-4 haulm topper - SOLD
combi Front rear
4930 Underhaug ridger - SOLD
5214 Underhaug 4 row potato ridger - SOLD
5017 Grimme DF3000 rotary hiller - SOLD
5593 Grimme DF3000 rotary hiller - SOLD
5183 Amac ridge cultivator 4x80 cm - SOLD
4624 Grimme KS1500 A haulm topper - SOLD
front mounted
5254 Grimme KS3600 haulm topper - SOLD
4x85 cm
5132 Baselier haulm topper 4 LKB370 ha - SOLD
4x85 cm / 4x90 cm row distance, year model 2018
5427 Underhaug haulm topper small 2x75 cm - SOLD
5476 Amac haulm topper 4x75 cm - SOLD
5483 Struik haulm topper 4 row x 85 or 90 cm - SOLD
Struik 4LKFA90 with low press tires
5482 Baselier haulmtopper 2x75 cm - SOLD
used haulm topper 2x75 cm
4838 Amac haulm topper 4 row - SOLD
5391 Baselier haulm topper 4LKB370 4x85 cm - SOLD
new condition also possible 4x90 cm
3778 Amac disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
adjustable row distance 75-90 cm
4695 Checchi & Magli disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
5012 Grimme cultivator rotary hiller GF 85-4 - SOLD
4x85 cm. Former and row cultivator / full width cultivator
5178 Amac haulm topper 4x85 or 4x90 cm - SOLD
wide model 3600 mm
5154 Baselier 4LKB320 4x75 haulm topper - SOLD
Direct available from stock
3816 Juko potato ridger 4 row 75-90 cm new condition - SOLD
5423 AMAC ridging cultivator 4x85 cm - SOLD
4831 Amac haulm topper 4x75cm - SOLD
3718 Kverneland / Rumptstad haulm topper 4x75 cm - SOLD
5312 Baselier ridging cultivator 4x85 cm - SOLD
perfect condition year model 2019
4579 Grimme KS75-4 haulm chopper - SOLD
year 2006 in very good condition
4660 Grimme KSA 75x2 2 haulm topper - SOLD
4726 Baselier disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
adjustable row distance
4819 Turbokupare ridger 4 row - SOLD
4963 Turboridger Turbokuparen 4 row - SOLD
very good condition. Howard ridging hoe.
3474 Rumptstad 4 row rotary ridging cultivator - SOLD
4818 Baselier ridge former 4x85 cm - SOLD
hydraulic ridge former
4799 Grimme Disc ridger bed former - SOLD
4274 Köckerling potato ridger 4 row - SOLD
75 cm row distance
4381 Grimme KS3000 haulm topper - SOLD
4x75 cm row distance
5005 Grimme Gruse ridge former 4x75 - SOLD
5119 Friis Denmark potato disc ridger - SOLD
variable row distance
3301 Baselier haulm topper for potato LKB170 - SOLD
3717 Baselier haulm topper 2 row - SOLD
4522 Disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
adjustable row distance
4492 Turbokup 4 row potato ridger / weed control - SOLD
4264 MAC cultiplow 7 row - SOLD
MAC soil loosener
4654 Grimme GH ridging hiller - SOLD
80x4 cm row distance very good condition
4668 AMAC haulm topper 4 row - SOLD
4741 Baselier Ridge former 4x85 cm - SOLD
4801 Turbokupare ridger 4 row - SOLD
4101 Baselier Ridge former 4x85 cm - SOLD
new condition
4384 Grimme GH ridging hiller - SOLD
adjustable row distance very good condition
4283 AVR Ecoridger ridge former 80cm x4 - SOLD
4619 Einbock Rollstar EKR -4 Row - SOLD
4380 Rumptstad haulm topper 4x85 cm - SOLD
Rumptstad RSK2000 4x85 cm / 4x90 cm
4025 Mac row cleaner 2 sticks - SOLD
4276 Wuhlmaus Netagco Ridge former 2x75 cm - SOLD
4130 Baselier Haulm topper LKB320 - SOLD
4 rows front/rear
3737 Oldenhuis haulm remover - SOLD
4027 Turbokup 4 row potato ridger / weed control - SOLD
4019 Turbokup 4 row potato ridger / weed control - SOLD
Rollstar inter row cultivator
4018 Checchi & Magli disc ridger VR76 - SOLD
with weed fingers
3969 Checchi & Magli disc ridger VR76 - SOLD
3964 Checchi & Magli disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
3475 Checchi Magli disc ridger 4 row VR76 - SOLD
3815 Checchi & Magli disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
3813 Grimme Haulm chopper KS3600 - SOLD
standing on 85 cm row distance
3477 Checchi Magli disc ridger 4 row VR76 - SOLD
3777 Mac row cultivator - SOLD
3428 UN Underhaug 4 row potato ridger - SOLD
3522 Grimme ridger hiller 4 x 75 cm - SOLD
3476 Netagco Wühlmaus ridge former 80 cm - SOLD
3192 Baselier disc ridger 4 row - SOLD
3085 Juko Ekengards potato ridger 4 row - SOLD
3322 Howard "turbo ridger" 4 row - SOLD
Potato sorter
6029 Skals potato sorter
6023 EMVE potato screen grader line
6012 Compas sorter potato grading line potato
6001 Schouten potato sorter / grader
Schouten SMA 100/2x80 free standning module
5990 Langco potato sorter / onion sorter
5975 Langco potato sorterer
also with sieves for onions
5952 Schouten potato sorter grader
Pregrader 2 sizes + soil
5941 Compas EAS60 potato grader
compact combi potato sorter
5845 Newtec Celox potato optical sorter
Newtec celox sampling machine
5735 Allround diameter radial grader new condition
Allround R80 sorter for carrots etc
5761 EMVE potato sorting line screen grader
with or without EMVE potato washer
5706 Skals potato grading line
Emve feeding part
5426 Schouten onion sorter combi with inspection etc
Schouten Kwartet onion / potato grader
5666 Schouten potato sorter 10-25 ton/hour
4 sizes Schouten potato grader also for onion
5240 Schouten onion grader / potato sorter
Schouten TR 4 Sizes year 2009
5514 Odenberg optical sorter Odenberg ATE 40080
5411 Schouten potato grader complete line
with big bag fillers etc
5393 SKALS SE603 potato sorter grader
3 sizes reversible cross conveyors
5349 SKALS SET 904 potato sorter
4 sizes
5328 Dijkstra potato sorter
potato grader with high capacity
4640 Compas onion grader sorter AS 60
conpact grader with inspection
5291 Agrisep clod and destoner 1,6m
clod and stone remover
5269 Agrisep stone and clod separator
80 cm wide
5213 EKKO screen grader web grader 1500 mm
5153 EMVE screen grading line
5108 EKKO brushing machine
1200 mm wide, 15 rollers
5091 Compas potato sorting line
5062 EMVE diabolo sorter 1 module
4203 / 4544 Sammo optical grader for apple, potatoes etc
5056 Compas potatograder pregrader
Comas AS60
5050 Gode diameter grader for vegetables
4954 Skals potato sorter with inspection
4943 Sörgårdsprodukter potato sorter
with box turner bunker
4928 Bording potato sorter
complete with brusher and inspection
4869 EMVE diabolo grader
with cross conveyor
4773 SKALS complete sorting grading line
complete line year model 2012 with SKALS SET904
4756 EMVE grading line with receiving hopper
small screen grading line
4749 WYMA rollergrader / lift roller sizer for potato / onion
can be equipped for carrots
4742 Schouten grading line for potato
complete grading line suitable for seed potatoes
4732 Campfens Grisnich potato sorting machine
high capacity machine
4721 Odenberg optical potato sorter
Odenberg optical grader
4718 Bijlsma Hercules potato grader combi
4682 Compas potato sorter AS80x100
inspection table
4605 Schouten Kwartet Potato grader
4542 Dijkstra complete potato sorting line
4532 EMVE diabolo grader 1200 mm
4491 SKALS potato sorter SK613
4490 SKALS potato grader SK613
4448 EMVE star roller cleaner
850 mm width
4530 / 4545 Allround roller grader NEW
1500 mm wide, 5 sizes
4428 Agrisep clod and stone separator
agrisep potato destoner clod separator
4375 Tong peal automatic weigher
4373 Compas EAS60 potato grader
compact combi sorter
4156 EMVE potato sorter
4191 Grimme WG900 webs / sieves
sizes: 43, 47, 52, 65 mm
4127 Herbert Optical grader sorter for potato
DDS 2000 ML Autosort fra RJ Herbert
4148 EMVE diabolo grader 1200 mm
one module
4123 SKALS potato sorter combi
with inspection table and feeding conveyor
4063 Bording potato sorter combi with inspection table
4014 Schouten complete grading line for potato
Line in new condition year model 2011
4068 Comaf Sammo diameter grader for carrots and other root vegetables
year model 2009, 3 sizes
4067 Comaf Sammo small piece grader for carrots etc
year 2009
3984 Bording potato grader combi
3961 Newtec Astro optical sorter grader
3960 SKALS potato grader combi 4 sizes
inspection table and brushing machine
3861 EKKO complete washing and grading line for carrots etc
incl. stainless steel EKKO roller grader 20 ton/hour
3957 Schouten grading module
3955 Schouten inspection table 3300x450
sitting model
3952 EMVE roller table long 4500x600 mm
3898 Compas potato grader
3746 Skals potato grader combi
including bunker and feeding
3694 SKALS potato grader combi
3659 EMVE potato grading line
complete with washing etc etc
3576 SKALS potato grading line
older line in very good condition
3356 Newtec Astro optical grader
optical grader to potato year model 2002
3506 Skals Potato sorter complete line
3397 Herbert optical potato grader DDS1200
3330 EMVE potato grader "big line"
3337 Herbert optical potato grader DDS900
4062 Bording potato grader with bunker
3263 SKALS potato sorting line
complete line
1903 Sörgårdsprodukter potato sorter /grader
year model 1998 very good condition
3206 Compas potato grader EAS60
3740 SKALS soil separator / grader
4765 Bijlsma Hercules Palletizing line
with complete SKALS storing and grading line
4481 SKALS roller cleaner / grader
5925 EMVE diabolo grader 900 mm - SOLD
5802 Ekomatic potato sorting line - SOLD
5220 EMVE screen grading line - SOLD
good condition little gone
4387 EKKO inspection table double - SOLD
5878 EMVE diabolo sorter 1200 mm - SOLD
5234 EMVE screen grader web grader - SOLD
rubber webs screens
5759 EMVE screen grader webgrader 1200 mm - SOLD
2 pcs
5808 EMVE screengrader 1200 mm - SOLD
3891 Schouten brushing machine - SOLD
5596 Bording potato sorter line - SOLD
5807 EMVE screengrader 1200 mm - SOLD
5080 Newtec Celox optical potato sorter grader - SOLD
5257 Fortschritt webgrader with hedgehog belt - SOLD
very little gone
4195 EKKO screen grader 3 sizes - SOLD
5515 DT Dijkstra potato sorter grader - SOLD
Dijkstra PT-2/4 for potato and onions
4778 Agrisep clod and stone separator - SOLD
5184 EMVE Screen grader Webgrader 3 modules - SOLD
4 sizes 2000 mm wide. Rubber screens
5037 Bijlsma Hercules potato sorter - SOLD
4 sizes
5380 EMVE diabolo sorter grader 1500 mm - SOLD
5016 Compas potato sorting line - SOLD
pre grader inspection table main sorter
5179 Compas EAS60 potato sorter - SOLD
combi compact version complete with inspection table
4965 WYMA rollergrader / lift roller sizer for potato / onion - SOLD
can be equipped for carrots
3034 SKALS potato sorter model SET 1003 - SOLD
3 fractions 10 tons/hour. year model 2004
3613 Skals potato grader SET 1003 - SOLD
year 2006
4111 EMVE washing line with screen grader etc - SOLD
complete EMVE packaging house equipment no 4111-4114
5066 EMVE screen grader 800 mm - SOLD
5329 Compas brushing machine - SOLD
5326 EMVE screen grader 3 sizes - SOLD
4866 Compas AS60 potato sizer - SOLD
3 Sizes
4940 SKALS SET potato sorter - SOLD
4707 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
new condition
4708 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
with EMVE star roller cleaner
4112 EMVE diabolo grading line with inspection etc - SOLD
complete EMVE packaging house equipment no 4111-4114
4269 Bijlsma Hercules potato grader - SOLD
very good condition
3286 EMVE potato screen grading sorting line - SOLD
including box turner and feeding
4752 EMVE Screen grader 800 mm - SOLD
4706 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
4705 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
with feeding conveyor and double cross webs
4569 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
rubber screen
4412 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
4983 EMVE potato grading line with diabolo sorter - SOLD
3706 SKALS brushing machine - SOLD
3023 TONG screen grader 1200 mm with reversible cross conveyor - SOLD
year model 2004. Have only gone 100 ton
4157 EMVE inspection table - SOLD
4570 EMVE screen grader 2000 mm - SOLD
4217 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
5330 Michalak rollergrader diameter sorter - SOLD
diameter grader for carrots etc
4218 EMVE screen grader 2000 mm width - SOLD
double cross conveyors
4546 EMVE Screen grader 80 cm, two modules - SOLD
3 sizes. Reversible cross web
3625 Schouten potato grader pre-grader - SOLD
3701 EKKO roller grader for carrots etc - SOLD
year 2007
3692 SKALS complete potato grading line - SOLD
feeding bunker, brusher, inspection etc.
4194 EMVE inspection table double - SOLD
4183 EKKO inspection table - SOLD
3962 Schouten potato grader complete line - SOLD
4221 EMVE diabolo grader complete line - SOLD
4122 Allround roller grader - SOLD
80 cm wide, year 2013
3398 SKALS potato grader SET 1804 - SOLD
year 2005, 1,8 m wide, very high capacity
3847 Compas potato grading complete line - SOLD
3339 EMVE 1200 mm screen grader - SOLD
45 mm mesh.
4149 EMVE screen grader 1200 mm - SOLD
3892 EMVE brushing machine - SOLD
3976 Tong potato grader 3 sizes - SOLD
3769 Skals potato sorter complete line - SOLD
very good condition
3800 Schouten potato grader - SOLD
3 sizes and soil removal
4107 Allround roller grader for Carrots, onions etc - SOLD
very good condition
3872 Complete Schouten potato grader with EMVE feeding hopper - SOLD
3875 EMVE screen grader line for potato/onion year 2009 - SOLD
3762 EMVE diabolo roller grading line - SOLD
Complete line
3750 SKALS soil roller remover - SOLD
3627 Bording combi potato grader - SOLD
3646 Emve potato brushing machine - SOLD
3630 Skals potato sorter kombi - SOLD
3652 Compas EAS60 potato grader line - SOLD
3620 SKALS potato sorter combi - SOLD
with brusher and inspection table
3510 EMVE diabolo grader - SOLD
1200 mm
3529 Eko Matic diabolo roller grader for potato and onion - SOLD
3 sizes year model 2001
3523 EMVE complete potato screen grader line - SOLD
Box turner and grading into 5 sizes
3518 EMVE diabolo grader complete line - SOLD
3349 EMVE complete diabolo roller grader line - SOLD
with storage bulkfillers, hopper and more
3487 Grimme WG 900 screen grader year 2009 - SOLD
complete line 4 sizes
3470 EMVE screen grader 270 cm wide - SOLD
3456 EMVE screen grader 800 mm - SOLD
3411 EMVE screen grader 800 mm - SOLD
3207 Compas potato sorter with elevator - SOLD
Potato washing
6051 EKKO potato washer EM1341 with EKKO destoner
stainless steel drum
6024 Small potato and vegetable polisher
5978 EMVE washer WE DW 1000
EMVE potato washer
5970 Soaking bunker Jacuzzi Bath for root vegetables
Stainless steel
5959 Ekomatic drum washer Stainless steel new condition
5880 EKKO polisher drum polisher for carrots
EKKO EM1207 2 m drum and with recirculation unit stainless steel
5922 Peal felt drier table
5909 Haith polisher 2,5m drum
5888 EMVE potato washer WE DW 1200
5885 Niagri Cleanwash 25 sample washer for potato
NEW potato sample washing unit potato washer
5854 Emve Haith floating debris remover Stainless steel
year model 2019
5748 EKKO washing line with polisher
5713 Wyma Polisher 2,4 m
WYMA WP2412 polisher
5657 WYMA polisher 3 m
Wyma WB 3014
5701 EKKO soaking bunker with outfeed elevator
5699 Soaking bunker stainless steel
5697 EKKO felt drier table for potato washer
5590 Nymek brush washer
5587 EKKO polisher EM1208 3 m brushes
5552 EKKO felt drier table AIR DRYER
5532 EMVE destoner cyclone STAINLESS STEEL
5455 EKKO drum washer potato washing 2 m drum
5836 EKKO conveyor belt 1800x500 mm dewatering belt Stainless Steel
5454 EKKO felt drier
1000 mm wide 15 rollers
5449 Skals felt drier table 16 roller 1,2m wide
Skals TF1216, year model 2017
5440 WYMA destoner with soaking bunker
wyma potato washer
5313 Potato washer drum washer 2500x1000 mm drum
stainless steel drum
5110 EMVE felt drier table
4957 EKKO felt drier table stainless steel
4903 EMVE felt drier table
4840 Peal washing line for potato
4798 Spirac sand separator soil separator
4803 WYMA polisher for carrots
2,4 m drum recirculation system
4681 EMVE Washing machine 3 m drum
4581 Spinnekop potato washer in stainless steel
4459 EMVE felt drier table 8+2 roller 900 width
4437 EKKO potato washer hydraulic adjustable drum
complete with destoner
4418 Tong PEAL Washing line for potato and root vegetabes
drum washer + inspection table + drier table
4413 EMVE brusher washer 1000 mm x12 roller
stainless steel
4599 EKKO polisher for carrots
stainless steel, recirculation. can be adapted for potato
4329 EKKO potato washing machine 2000 mm drum
1000 mm drum diameter in stainless steel
4327 EMVE potato washing machine 3 m
WE DW 1200
4326 EMVE potato washing machine 3 m
WE DW 1200
4322 EKKO potato washer drum washer
4292 EMVE felt drier table 1000 mm 8 roller
4175 EKKO washing line for potato and root vegetables
4161 Wash basin for potato washer or leek washer
3000x1500 mm
4152 EMVE felt drier table 10 roller
4383 EKKO polisher for carrots
2000 mm borstar
4136 Akron soil removal unit for washing line
stainless steel
4084 EKKO potato washing machine
3909 SKALS destoner for washing line
3851 Potato washing machine stainless steel
3760 EKKO felt drier table
3580 EMVE destoner
3479 Nymek potato washing machine
3045 EKKO potato washing barrel
5331 Limas drum washer with destoner
Stainless steel
5844 Nymek potato washing machine - SOLD
big washer 4000 mm drum
5815 Emve destoner cyklon STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
with stone elevator for washing line
5923 Tong polisher 3m Stainless steel - SOLD
3626 Tong peal potato washing machine - SOLD
3738 Ekomatic potato washer - SOLD
4342 Limas potato washing barrell 2500 mm stainless steel - SOLD
5864 Tong potato washing and polishing line - SOLD
5908 EMVE drum washer 3000x1200 mm - SOLD
stainless steel drum
4790 Haith polisher 3 m drum - SOLD
4860 EKKO potato washer - SOLD
complete with destoner and pump
5868 EMVE potato washing line with destoner STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
EMVE Entsteiner und Waschanlage für Kartoffeln. Edelstahl.
5117 EMVE drier table 10 roller 1m wide - SOLD
5903 Tong washing line with box turner and feeding bunker - SOLD
year model 2009
5125 Tong felt drier table - SOLD
5634 EKKO felt drier table 1000 mm with 15 roller - SOLD
5762 EMVE potato drum washer line - SOLD
EMVE WE DW 1000 barrel washer with felt drier table
5221 EKKO potato washer with drier table "SMALL" - SOLD
5123 EKKO potato washer with stainless steel drum - SOLD
2m drum, 1 meter diameter
5740 Peal potato washing line - SOLD
5637 Washer for potato and vegetables - SOLD
drum washer for peas
5337 EMVE industrial washer for potato - SOLD
EMVE industrial potatowasher WE DW 1200
5362 EMVE potato washer WE DW1000 - SOLD
2500 mm drum + outfeed
5122 EMVE TONG potato washer with polisher - SOLD
complete washing line with polisher
4397 X-Steel potato washing machine NEW NEVER USED - SOLD
3000x900 mm drum Stainless steel
5116 EMVE potato washer 3m drum - SOLD
4398 X-Steel potato washing machine 2000x900 mm drum - SOLD
stainless steel
5530 EKKO Felt drier table STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
10 rollers 1000 mm wide
4746 SKALS potato washer 4 m drum - SOLD
big washer 20-30 ton/hour
4747 Schneider destoner - SOLD
with stone conveyor
3087 EKKO potato barrel washer machine with destoner - SOLD
5342 EKKO EM1315 potato washer 1,5 m drum - SOLD
stainless steel, year model 2019 new condition
5029 WYMA washing and polishing line - SOLD
Year 2015 including SKALS washer and destoner
5085 WYMA polisher with recirculation - SOLD
year model 2015
5493 EKKO polisher EM1208 3 m brushes - SOLD
5418 EMVE Potato washer WE DW 1200 - SOLD
Potato washing barrel in stainless steel
5307 Peal potato washer drum washer with drier table - SOLD
5223 Skals and Upmann potato washing and stone separator line - SOLD
need of revision, year model 2015
5492 EMVE drum washer WE DW 1200 - SOLD
stainless steel with Aquasep
4289 EMVE felt drier table for washing line - SOLD
new condition
4111 EMVE washing line with screen grader etc - SOLD
complete EMVE packaging house equipment no 4111-4114
3424 EKKO EM1208 polisher 3 m drum - SOLD
5111 Peal potato washer and felt drier table - SOLD
5129 Tong potato washer and polisher for potato - SOLD
Integrated destoner, washer, polisher and felt drier table
4966 EMVE potato washer with felt drier table - SOLD
very good condition
4449 EKKO potato washer drum washer - SOLD
1500 mm drum, EKKO felt drier table 8x1000 mm
4552 TONG Martin Maq polisher 3 m drum - SOLD
potato polisher
5044 EKKO potato washer 2 m drum - SOLD
3401 Sörgårdsprodukter potato washing barrell - SOLD
4889 Limas potato washer 1500x600 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
4369 EMVE felt drier table 15 rollers 1000 mm width - SOLD
5094 EKKO potato washer - SOLD
4841 EKKO EM1207 polisher for potato 2 m drum - SOLD
galvanized steel
4286 WYMA polisher 2,4m - SOLD
WYMA WP2412 year 2008
4949 EMVE felt drier table Stainless steel - SOLD
4839 EKKO washing line for potato - SOLD
4755 EMVE Barrel Washer WE DW 1200 - SOLD
very little gone, Year model 2014. Stainless steel drum
5147 EKKO polisher for carrots - SOLD
stainless steel, recirculation. can be adapted for potato
4769 WYMA Polisher 3,5 m drum polisher - SOLD
4661 EKKO potato washing machine 1 m drum SMALL - SOLD
4729 EKKO potato washer "SMALL" - SOLD
4115 EKKO potato washing machine 1,5 m drum - SOLD
4126 EKKO potato washing machine with destoner - SOLD
drum 3000x1600 mm Stainless steel
4219 SKALS potato washing machine - SOLD
1500 mm drum stainless steel
4209 TONG PEAL washing line for potato - SOLD
3917 Tong potato washing machine 2,5 m year 2007 - SOLD
Equipped with sediment scrapers
4190 EMVE felt drier table 15 roller 1,5 m wide - SOLD
WE DM 1500 x15
4189 EMVE potato washing machine - SOLD
WE DW 1200
4181 EMVE stainless steel Washing line for potato EMVE stainless steel washing line for potato / root crops - SOLD
destoner - potato washer - felt drier table - year model 2009
4325 LIMAS potato washing machine NEW NEVER USED - SOLD
stainess steel! Drum 1200x900 mm
4147 Tong Peal potato washing machine with drier table - SOLD
4173 EKKO potato washing machine 1 m drum SMALL - SOLD
4400 EMVE stainless steel Bunker mit brush washing unit - SOLD
brushing polisher
4087 Skals potato washing machine - SOLD
new condition, 1,5 m drum
3743 Tong felt drier table - SOLD
4323 Potato washer with destoner stainless steel - SOLD
for example to a peeling line
3903 Tong felt drier table - SOLD
4663 WYMA Polisher 3 m - SOLD
brushes for carrots
3850 LIMAS Washing machine with integrated destoner - SOLD
Stainless steel
3423 TONG Martin Maq polisher 3 m drum - SOLD
3921 EKKO potato washing machine small 1 m drum - SOLD
3852 LIMAS potato washing machine NEW NEVER USED - SOLD
Stainless steel barell 2500 x 1000 mm.
3145 SKALS Potato washing barrell with sedimentation tower - SOLD
year model 2009 in new condition, about 3 ton/h
3870 EKKO polisher 2,2 m brushes with water recirculation - SOLD
4172 Haith polisher 3,5 m drum - SOLD
stainless steel
3610 Wyma polisher 3 m for carrots model 3014 - SOLD
3871 Complete EKKO washing line with polisher - SOLD
3876 EMVE / Compas washing line - SOLD
3849 EMVE destoner stainless steel 1400 mm - SOLD
complete with stone conveyor
3819 EMVE stainless steel washing line - SOLD
complete line in VERY GOOD condition
3742 Tong destoner / stone separator - SOLD
3588 EMVE felt drier table - SOLD
1 m wide rolls with 15 rolls
3258 LIMAS potato washing barrell stainless steel 10 ton/h - SOLD
3494 EKKO washing machine with felt drier - SOLD
3304 EMVE DW1200 Potato washing barrell - SOLD
stainless steel drum
3243 ALLROUND destoner - SOLD
for carrots and potatoes and other root crops
3533 Tong potato washing machine 1,5 m washing barrell - SOLD
3482 Tong felt drier table "small" - SOLD
3489 WYMA polisher 3 m for potato and vegetables - SOLD
stainless steel
3413 EMVE potato washer with drier table - SOLD
year model 1999
3435 EKKO potato washer small 1 m drum year 2004 - SOLD
3325 EKKO potato washing machine - SOLD
3280 WYMA polisher model 3518 - SOLD
year model 2006. 15-35 tons/hour
3354 Potato Washing and felt drier table SMALL - SOLD
3289 SKALS potato washing machine year 2007 8 ton/hour - SOLD
Very good condition
Potato weighing and packaging
6071 Newtec 2012DG carrot weigher
6072 Newtec 2012XBG weigher for carrot and potato
6069 Upmatic 4110 paper bagger
paper bagger for 1-10 kg paper bags NEW MACHINE!
6064 Sorma BRT-134 net bagger
for net bags with plastic bands
6049 EMVE feeding conveyor bag conveyor
useful for VFFS bagger
6016 RMT roller table stainless steel
6013 Upmatic + GKS vertical VFFS potato packing line
Potato plastic bags, little gone good condition complete line
5752 Newtec 2000/G40 weigher and bagger
for carrots potatoes etc.
5583 PM Packservice rollstock bagger NV 25
NV25 net bagger year model 2010
5851 Jasa Newtec vertical packaging line
Newtec 2009XB with Jasa J350 FV
5447 Saclark TK16 net bagger with Newtec printe
5842 EMVE stitcher sewing line bag stitcher line
6050 EMVE elevator 2300+600 x 1000 mm wide
5445 Upmatic 3006 net clipper
5811 Newtec 2009XB linear weigher
5444 Upmatic 3006 net clipper
5665 Gillenkirch 7000E horizontal bagger
horizontal bagger for plastic bags of potato etc
5793 GKS Unipack vertical bagger VFFS
5744 Saclark net bagger with Daumar Weigher
Saclark SCH38 + Daumar PA25
5339 C-pack netclipper C-pack HCL 912
C pack HCL912 net clipper / net bagger year model 2016
5708 Newtec 2009XB linear weigher
wide buckets
5655 Newtec 2009XB weigher for carrots and potato
Newtec 2009XBG for carrots
5684 Newtec 2009 / EMVE BE 5000 weigher and paperbagger
paper bagger
5612 Newtec 2009G linear weigher for carrots / potato
year model 2012
5658 Newtec 2012B linear weigher
12 head wider B buckets Reversible double cross conveyor
5235 Daumar weigher and Xarpa net clipper
Daumar PA21 xarpamatic
5578 Sorma FH210 bagging machine
S&B FH 210 horizontal bagger for plastic
5654 S&B Sorma NP10 paper bagger
packaging machine for paper bags
6002 Ishida multihead weigher
14 head CCW-RS-214
5560 Newtec 2000 with G40 tape twister bagger
reversible cross conveyor
5653 Gillenkirch 7300-EK packmaskin
horizontal packaging machine for carrots potato etc
5582 S&B Spang & Brand AT5-E net clipper
5504 Newtec 2000 with G45 tape twister bagger
5500 Newtec 2008 with G45 tape twister bagger
2008G for carrot potatoes and onions
5534 EMVE weigher box / octabin filler
5520 RGD VR15 vertical bagger
2 pcs machines
4566 Newtec HC30 net bagger
with Newtec printer CPP50
4632 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag
5516 C-Pack VAC 929 Net clipper automatic net bagger
with printer for wine label. year model 2007
5354 EMVE automatic weigher with double feeding belts
carrot weigher for long shaped products
5512 Ulma VTI400 packmaskin
vertical bagger for potatoes etc
4132 Sorma net bagger with Fischbein Stitcher
5346 Newtec 2009G computer weigher for carrots
5510 Jasa 250 bagger
4013 Daumar PA-25 multi weigher
with feeding elevator in very good condition.
4023 EMPAC Girplus Gircod net clipping machine
0,5-3 kg net bagger for citrus potato onion etc. with handles
5343 Newtec 2000/G40 weigher and bagger
carrot weigher and bagger
5480 EMVE Stitching line for potato bags
EMVE SM PN stainless steel
5155 Newtec 2000 / G45 weigher and bagger
for potato and carrots etc.
5468 Newtec VB40 CC
Newtec VB40CC bagger for twisted bags
5106 Newtec LPP 41 printer 2 pc
5466 EMVE rotating bag table lazy susan
5465 Sorma rotating table for bags
4984 Newtec 2008 weigher with G45 bagger
for carrots
5460 Newtec tray filler NBM61 for punnets
5429 Upmatic 4315 paper bagger for potato bags
Upmann upmatic paper packaging machine
5417 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger
5401 Pacepacker paper bagger
T20-MX Sackpacker 5-25 kg
5404 Newlong NP7A stitcher used
5361 EMVE lazy Susan rotating table for potato
5355 EKKO Even-Flow hopper for example to weigher
4636 Newtec 2000 computer weigher with bagger
Carrot / Potato computer weigher with plastic bagger
5324 EMVE BE6000 paper bagger with Newtec 2009XBG weigher
Complete line with box turner, inspection year 2012, little gone
5317 Fischbein stitcher bag stitcher second hand
5873 Bandall banding machine
Bandall TRC
5316 Newlong stitcher bag second hand
5303 Skals automatic weigher AM420
4594 Concept Engineers FOCUS optical grader for carrots potatoes etc
5289 Newtec bagger and weiger for BAKED POTATOES
2000/PG320 weigher and bagger for baked potatoes
5282 GNA AV65 Flow pack Vertical bagger
GNA AV 65 flowpackstainless steel
5279 Newtec 2012 B 2012B linear weigher potato onion
5256 Sorma P10 126 linear weigher 10 buckets
5236 Udo Schliebe net bagging line
Rollstock bagger
4405 NEWTEC 2000 / G45 weigher and bagger for carrots
8 head computer weigher + plastic bagger
5227 S&B Spang & Brand AT5-E net clipper
5846 EMVE automatic weigher for peeled products
5172 Gillenkirch 7000E horizontal bagger
4358 Htech horizontal bagger APF3
pillow bags 1-3 kg carrot, potato, etc.
5167 GKS UP 300 vertical bagger
manual feeding
5140 Lockwood linear multihead weigher
Lockwood LP MC - 12
5141 Smipack FP560A with Smipack T450
shrink wrapping line
5131 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger
5120 Ekomatic automatic potato weigher
5114 Gillenkirch inspection table roller table
5814 Newtec 2009PCB linear weigher for processed products
such as peeled potatoes
5112 SKALS automatic weigher
5074 EMVE automatic weigher
5025 C-Pack VAC 929 Net clipper automatic net bagger
5034 Propak JN potato bagger with sewing line
complete with feeding conveyor and weigher
5024 Cidiesse Rotating bag table
4024 Gillenkirch 7000 EKT horizontal bagger
5009 Newtec 2009XB weigher for potato, onion etc
4942 EMVE double head weigher
4941 EMVE bag conveyor
4932 EKKO bag conveyor
4898 Newlong NP7A bag stitcher
4890 Pacepacker TBC paper bagger with stitcher
automatic paper bagger
4881 Upmatic multi head weigher 1025 E 2,5-25 kg year model 2006
4761 Lockwood linear multihead weigher
Lockwood LP MC - 8
4734 Schur 3020-C bagger packaging machine
4703 Newtec 2000 weigher with cross web
4671 Newtec 2000 computer weigher
4664 Upmatic 4115 paper bagger for paper bags
4648 Newtec 2009 Weiger with reversible cross web
Newtec VB40CC plastic bagger can be included
4591 Sorma BFS 132 net bagger
4589 Newtec NBM + Barsch tray sealer
Newtec punnet filler with Barsch sealer
4585 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger
with Newtec printer
4575 Newtec 1100 computer weigher
4554 Newtec 3013XL computer weigher
can be sold with Gillekirch horizontal bagger
4553 Daumar PA-25, PA-25/D Computer weigher
Double outlets for feeding 2 packaging machines simultaneously
4511 Record Nova Flow pack
4509 Newtec PEB40 plastic bagger
year model 2012 with Newtec Printer
4504 Newtec LPP41 printer
4503 EMVE bag conveyor
4502 EMVE bag conveyor
4451 EMVE sewing line SM PN
very little gone
4450 Newtec VB40CC bagger for twisted bags
with printer
4442 Newtec NBM61F tray feeder
Newtec feeder for punnets / trays
4434 Upmatic 2002 bagging machine plastic bags
0,5-5 kg
4439 Upmatic Plastic bagging machine 30 S E
5472 GNA AV65 vertical bagger
vertical flow pack Vertbag
4415 Sorma bag conveyor
4414 SORMA rotating bag table
4411 EKKO automatic weigher
4406 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger
with printer
4278 Newtec 2000 weigher with VB40CC twister
8 head computer weigher + plastic bagger
4346 Pacepacker TBC paper bagger with stitcher
automatic paper bagger
4254 Upmann Upmatic net bagger 1251
4349 Newtec 2009XB computer Weigher
reversible cross conveyor. VB40 plastic bagger
4250 FISCHBEIN stitcher model F NEW hand model bag sewing machine
industrial stitcher for bags paper, raschel, Jute bag closing machine
4228 Record Panda uno flow pack
4227 Newtec tray feeder
5392 JASA Easy bagger vertical form fill seal packaging machine
4205 S&B CP 812 computer weigher 12 buckets
4162 EKKO bag conveyor
4056 Rotating bag table
4043 Tong weigher with double weigher head
4010 Newtec 2014XBD multi head weigher complete packaging line
3991 EMVE double head weigher
3949 Rotating bag table
3959 Gillenkirch 7000 E-A packaging machine horizontal
3918 Tong stitching line sewing line with Fischbein stitcher
very good condition
3915 EMVE bag conveyor
3883 Sorma S&B automatic weigher
3887 EMVE rotating packaging table bag table
3882 EMVE automatic weigher
3880 NEWLONG stitcher NP-7A NEW hand model sewing machine
industrial stitcher for bags paper, raschel, Jute bag closing machine
3857 EMVE bag conveyor
3779 EMVE sewing line with Newlong stitcher
3756 Emve sewing line for paper bags
3732 Newtec 3013MD multi head weigher and packaging line för trays
3731 Newtec 2014XBD multi head weigher complete packaging line
Newtec 14 head weigher with bagger
3707 Record Scorpion MEC flow pack
year model 2001
3700 Newtec HC30 net bagger
with printer
3696 Sörgårdsprodukter automatic weigher year 2001
3693 SKALS automatic weigher
3669 Sorma P07-126 multi head weigher
reversible cross conveyor
3581 EMVE automatic weigher with treira sack
complete packaging line for paper bags
3537 PFM zenith vertical form fill & seal machine
3536 Miele complete weigher and vertical packaging machine
Miele Smart 400 vertical bagger with weigher year model 2008
3497 EMVE BE 5000 potato paper bagger
3387 Upmann net bagger för potato
also multi head upmann weigher available
4001 Newtec VB40CC plastic bagger
3341 EMVE automatic weigher
3381 Upmann weigher and tray packing line
12 weigher buckets for small products
1802 NEWTEC VB40 +EMVE weigher to potatoes etc
3320 EMVE weigher with double feeding conveyors
3318 EMVE BE 5000 potato bagger for paper bags
with Fischbein sewing head, year 1998
3606 EMVE automatic weigher for potato 2 pc
3217 SKALS automatic weigher Stainless steel 1-50 kg årsm 2007
3319 EMVE 3000 paper bagger
3879 EMVE bag conveyor
3265 EMVE automatic weigher 2-50 kg
3231 UPMANN plastic packing machine 0,5-10 kg
year model 2009
3229 Upmann Upmatic paper bagger with multi head weigher
Upmann for bags 2-15 kg in new condition
3629 Walthambury weigher for potato
3172 NEWTEC 2009/VB40 CC computer weigher +plastic bagger
9 head multi weigher
3297 EMPAC Girplus Gircod net clipping machine
0,5-3 kg net clipper machine, year 1997.
3018 TONG sewing line for paper bags with Newlong sewing machine
3036 FISCHBEIN sewing machine hand model
3190 NEWLONG sewing machine hand model
3126 MANTER plastic bagger with LOCKWOOD 8 scale multi Weigher
3321 NEWLONG sewing machines DS-9C
3392 EMVE automatic bagger for paper sacks 10-25 kg
3169 JESMA belt weigher
3080 Precido paper bagger
with weigher
3553 EMVE rotating packaging table electric
4520 rotating packaging table
4623 Sormac automatic weigher
stainless steel
4199 GNA AV550 flow-pack horizontal
4193 Nymek weigher stainless steel
3978 EXAKTAPACK EXA10 Multihead weigher
Exakta EXA10
5930 Upmatic 4315 paper bagger - SOLD
Upmatic bagger for paper bags
5895 Newtec 2014XBD linear weigher high output - SOLD
14 head XB version with double outlet
5911 EMVE automatic weigher - SOLD
6030 Emve automatic weigher Emve W50 - SOLD
3187 EMVE 3000 potato paper bagger - SOLD
5589 Skals automatic weigher Stainless Steel - SOLD
for example for peeled products
5588 Skals automatic weigher Stainless Steel - SOLD
for example for peeled products
5325 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger with double head weigher - SOLD
paper bagging line
5906 EMVE weigher box / octabin filler - SOLD
octabin filler / automatic weigher reversible belt
5891 EMVE octabin filler double - SOLD
EMVE small box filler
5910 EMVE automatic weigher - SOLD
4580 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag - SOLD
5055 Affeldt Rollstock bagger with weigher - SOLD
4588 Affeldt Computer weigher 12 head with rollstock net bagger - SOLD
4416 GNA AV65 Flow pack Vertical bagger - SOLD
stainless steel
5881 GNA AV65 Flow pack Vertical bagger - SOLD
5408 Masek Viking E400 bagger - SOLD
vertical bagger for big bags
5727 Newtec 2009G linear weigher for carrots and potato - SOLD
5874 Skals automatic weigher for potato - SOLD
4120 Sorma vertical bagger year 2000 - SOLD
Sorma Vertbag BSK 134
4992 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
complete with weigher and feeding conveyor
5274 Ekomatic roller table 1800x500 mm - SOLD
new condition
5505 Skals automatic weigher - SOLD
Skals AM322 E
5254 Newtec 2009 weigher for potato with reversible cross conveyor - SOLD
5210 Peal automatic weigher - SOLD
5556 Tong automatic weigher - SOLD
5479 JASA 350 FV bagger - SOLD
JASA VFFS vertical packaging machine
5548 EMVE BE6000 paper bagger - SOLD
4347 Daumar PA-25 multi weigher - SOLD
with feeding elevator in very good condition.
4659 Newtec 2012XB weigher - SOLD
4828 Tong stitching line for bags - SOLD
sewing line with Fischbein stitcher
5519 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
4207 SKALS AM420 automatic weigher - SOLD
5469 SKALS AM420 automatic weigher - SOLD
potato bagger
4040 Daumar Xarpa 31 net bagging machine year 2009 - SOLD
could be sold complete with weigher
4901 EKKO double big bag filler - SOLD
4994 Newtec tray filler NBM61F for punnets - SOLD
year 2014
5144 Gillenkirch 7400-E packmaskin - SOLD
5211 Newtec 2009XB weigher for potato, onion etc - SOLD
5225 Gillenkirch 7000E horizontal bagger - SOLD
4701 Newtec 2009XB with Udo Schliebe net bagging line - SOLD
4699 Newtec 2009XB linear weigher - SOLD
4407 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
4962 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
5247 EMVE BE6000 paper bagger with Newtec 2012 Weigher - SOLD
5174 EMVE BE5000 potato paper bagging line - SOLD
complete paper packaging line
3734 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger with Newtec 2000 weigher - SOLD
complete packaging line for paper bags
4607 JASA EASY BAGGER vertical bagger - SOLD
in new condition
5115 EMVE roller table inspection table - SOLD
4675 EMVE automatic weigher W50 - SOLD
double feeding belts
4794 Remet automatic weigher - SOLD
Stainless steel
4960 Ekomatic weigher Stainless Steel - SOLD
4038 Saclark TK16 net bagger with Newtec printe - SOLD
4850 Manter 8000 computer weigher 8 head - SOLD
reversible cross conveyor
4357 Sormac automatic weigher stainless steel - SOLD
for peeled products etc.
4959 EMVE conveyor for tray / punnets STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
5011 C-Pack VAC 929 Net clipper automatic net bagger - SOLD
with printer for wine label
5079 EMVE sewing line - SOLD
5073 Tong peal 2507 automatic weigher bagger - SOLD
4880 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
4955 EMVE weigher with SEG instrument - SOLD
4849 JASA 350 FV bagger - SOLD
4367 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also made for long shaped products
3806 Propak JN potato bagger with sewing line - SOLD
5696 Record Scorpion Topseal Scorpion TS RS - SOLD
year model 2014
4902 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
4785 NEWTEC 2012B with EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
paper packaging line
4344 Roda Giro CA9 Net clipping machine - SOLD
with printer for wine label
4672 Newtec 2000 computer weigher - SOLD
4250 Upmatic 4315 paper bagger for paper bags - SOLD
4440 Newtec 2009 multi head weiger - SOLD
9 heads with reversible cross conveyor
3167 Record flow pack for trays with NEWTEC multi weigher - SOLD
for packing potatoes, tomtato, citrus etc. in flow package trays
4389 Schur 3020-C bagger packaging machine - SOLD
4438 SKALS AM420 automatic weigher - SOLD
4425 SKALS automatic weigher - SOLD
3761 EMVE double head multi weigher - SOLD
3331 EMVE net bagger for bags with weigher - SOLD
4145 EMVE stitching line with Newlong stitcher - SOLD
3765 Jasa 250 bagger - SOLD
5656 Innotech Revo 3800 vertical bagger - SOLD
Innotech VFFS bagger ready for use
4256 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
paper packaging machine very little gone
4337 Newtec 2009 multihead weigher - SOLD
reversible cross conveyor
4165 EMVE BE5000 + EMVE double weigher - SOLD
paper bagger for paper bags with weigher
4211 Tong peal automatic weigher - SOLD
4188 Sorgardsprodukter automatic weigher - SOLD
4179 Ekomatic automatic weigher stainless steel - SOLD
4054 EKKO rotating Packaging table / bag table - SOLD
4114 EMVE packaging line for paper bags - SOLD
complete EMVE packaging house equipment no 4111-4114
3977 EMVE BE5000 paper bagger - SOLD
paper packing machine
3900 EMVE automatic weigher with double belts - SOLD
5967 Newtec 4015B2G weigher for potato / Carrots - SOLD
high capacity machine with double reversible outlets
4005 EKKO bag conveyor 3150x300 - SOLD
3858 SKALS automatic weigher AM550 - SOLD
3546 Daumar PA-25 multi weigher - SOLD
with feeding elevator in very good condition.
3807 Newtec feeding conveyor to weigher - SOLD
stainless steel
3901 EMVE sewing stitcher line - SOLD
3908 Fischbein Stitcher hand model - SOLD
3968 EMVE BE6000 paper bagger - SOLD
3863 Sorma S&B net bagger 3-25 kg - SOLD
3656 EMVE octabin weigher and filler - SOLD
4338 JASA 350 QP vertical bagger - SOLD
vertical form, fill and seal machine for packing bulk in goods in bags from PE, PP or laminated film from reel
3859 EMVE automatic weigher W50 - SOLD
the new model in very good condition
5259 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also made for long shaped products
3764 Newtec 2009PCB multi head weighe - SOLD
for small vegetables, leafs, shrimps, fish etc
3571 Fischbein sewing machine - SOLD
Hand model
4686 Gillenkirch 7000E bagger - SOLD
3730 Newtec 2009XB weigher and bagging complete line - SOLD
3592 EMVE rotating packaging table and bag elevator - SOLD
3687 SKALS weigher with small EKKO bunker - SOLD
3530 Eko Matic automatic weigher - SOLD
year model 2001
3272 Xar-pamatic net clipper bagger machine - SOLD
4844 Gillenkirch 7000 E horizontal bagger - SOLD
3566 Skals automatic weigher in new condition - SOLD
4644 Upmatic 2114VD Computer weigher 14 bucket - SOLD
three outlet very high capacity
3582 EKKO / SKALS octabins box filler - SOLD
5052 Daumar GH-10 net clipper net bagger - SOLD
semi automatic
3250 EMVE automatic weigher stainless steel 1-50 kg - SOLD
5457 Sorma R01-120 net clipper - SOLD
with net feeder
3594 Upmatic multi head weigher 10 heads model 2010B - SOLD
3593 Upmatic Paper bagger - SOLD
3539 Upmatic multi head weigher 1025 E 2,5-25 kg year model 2001 - SOLD
4121 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
3353 EMVE bag elevator - SOLD
for transport of bags
4625 Claypack CP35 tube net bagger - SOLD
for onions oranges citrus etc.
3555 EMVE bag elevator - SOLD
5248 Sorma S&B net clipping line with weigher - SOLD
Sorma 14 head weigher with 2 pc net clippers
3547 Upmann Upmatic paper bagger - SOLD
model 4315 for bags 2-15 kg Year model 2006
3548 Upmann Upmatic paper bagger - SOLD
model 4115 for bags 2-15 kg.
4108 Upmatic 2110 weigher with two net packaging machines - SOLD
2 net baggers 0,5 kg-25 kg with computer weigher
3484 EKKO automatic potato weigher - SOLD
4110 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag - SOLD
Vertical bagger year 2005 in good condition with printer
3526 Upmann Upmatic paper bagger - SOLD
model 4115 for bags 2-15 kg.
3386 Newtec net clipping machine - SOLD
model HC30 with wine bottle label printer
3213 NEWTEC 2009 9 head multi weigher - SOLD
reversible cross conveyor
3412 EMVE octabins box filler - SOLD
year model 2002
3844 Newtec 2009G Multi head weigher for carrots / potatoes - SOLD
complete with Newtec VB40G packaging machine, Newtec LP41 printer and bag conveyor
3391 Upmann Upmatic paper bagger - SOLD
3542 Newtec 2009G computer multi head weigher for carrots - SOLD
4022 Newtec HC30 net bagger - SOLD
with Newtec printer CPP50
3442 EKKO automatic weigher in new condition - SOLD
3270 TONG PEAL automatic weigher good condition - SOLD
3191 NEWLONG sewing machine hand model with hanger - SOLD
3153 NEWTEC 2000 8 head multi weigher - SOLD
3154 EMVE BE 5000 potato bagger for paper bags - SOLD
with Newtec label printer year 2002 with Newlong sewing head
3282 NEWLONG sewing machine hand model in new condition - SOLD
3370 Newtec 2009G +Gillenkirch+EMVE weigher and pack - SOLD
Complete line for weighing and plastic packaging of carrot, potatoes etc, year 2008
3251 EMVE sewing line for paper bags in new condition - SOLD
equipped with bag conveyor and Newlong sewing head
3290 SKALS automatic weigher in new condition - SOLD
Potato handling machines
6075 Wifo potato bucket
gentle bucket specific för handling potato and root vegetables
6074 Tong Caretaker receiving hopper
year 2013 with soil removal, grading and box filling
6070 EMVE cleaning unit 1500 mm x 7 roller
PU- rollers! Year model 2019
6067 EMVE feeding bunker stainless steel
6044 Ferlo feeding bunker
Stainless steel
6048 Miedema RT30 elevator
DEMO used machine year model 2024
6046 Miedema SB1151 receiving hopper
full running in harvest 2024
6033 Dewulf Miedema SB651 receiving hopper
DEMO used receiving hopper year model 2024
6022 EMVE roller table 2200x500
6019 EMVE stainless steel feeding bunker
6005 SKALS big bag filler
Skals KSF640
6003 Skals big bag filler
Skals KSF 540
5994 Remet roller table
5993 Remet feeding bunker
5699 Soaking bunker stainless steel
5992 Euro Jabelmann brusher potato brushing machine
5498 Buffer hopper for potato for wheel loader
for potato and onion harvester
5991 Euro Jabelmann roller inspection table
5980 Miedema MH242 receiving hopper 30 cubic meter
Miedema MH 242 receiving hopper NEW
5948 Trevira sack
5958 Big bag filler with electric fall breaker
5935 Dewulf Miedema SB651 receiving hopper
NEW hopper
5928 EMVE storage bunkers Trevira
complete storage system for potatoes
5914 Norje potato bucket fork Volvo attachment
5912 EKKO roller table 2000x500 mm Stainless steel
5907 Tong big bag filler for forklift
5892 Ekko feeding bunker wet dosing hopper
Ekko feeding bunker stainless steel
5891 Ekko wet bunker with elevator
5 pcs available. Stainless steel.
5890 Wifo box turner side turning box rotator
crate tipper for tractor, forklift or wheel loader telescopic loader
5884 Schouten feeding bunker
5876 Fimo roller table 1700x600 mm
stainless steel
5827 Bijlsma Hercules star cleaning module 1100 mm
5826 EMVE feeding bunker STAINLESS STEEL
5825 EKKO feeding bunker STAINLESS STEEL
5824 Visser duobelt 7+6m.
5823 Visser store loader 10m
Visser KB
5821 Miedema LBV 106-70 store loader
5792 EKKO roller cleaner with star unit
5791 Boxturner hydraulic stationary STAINLESS STEEL
5769 EMVE Box turner hydraulic stationary
5758 PPM roller inspection table stainless steel
5749 Miedema SB1151 receiving hopper
5726 Miedema SB451 receiving hopper
NEW machine for direct delivery
5725 Tong Peal big bag emptying station b
Tong box turner with automatic for big bags and boxes
5703 Miedema SB151 receiving hopper
new conditon just tested
5700 Miedema MC780 conveyor belt NEW
Plain conveyor belt 7000x800 mm
5691 EMVE trevira sacks
5676 Tong Peal feeding bunker
5644 Roller table stainless steel
5641 Skals brushing machine potato brusher
5640 Skals big bag filler
Skals KSF540
5638 EKKO sieving web stationary 2000x500 mm
year model 2016
5623 Skals roller cleaner 80 cm
5795 EKKO roller inspection table STAINLESS STEEL
year model 2019
5613 Miedema SBC451 combi hopper NEW
with manual inspection and webgrader
5608 Miedema Jansen & Heuning pick up scooter T60L
Miedema T60 L
5607 Miedema HAT 121-70 conveyor belt
5606 Miedema TAT 161-70 duo conveyor
Miedema telescopic conveyor TAT161-70
5599 Roller table inspection table 3200x500 mm
Stainless steel
5591 EMVE roller table 4000x500 mm
integrated soil mulch adder included
5554 Miedema SB151 receiving hopper
with sorting grading module Miedema RZR-120
5521 EMVE roller table inspection table 2000x1200 mm
5522 Bijlsma Hercules receiving hopper
5529 Skals hopper with box turner
5503 Dewulf Miedema SB651 receiving hopper
NEW machine for direct delivery
5497 Tong elevator 2300x750 mm. +700 mm gooseneck
For example to box filler. New condition year model 2020
5474 EMVE box filler vertical double
EMVE Box filler BF C
5456 Schouten big bag filler electric fall breaker
2 pc machines
5048 Miedema RT30 conveyor belt 3400x700 mm
example to feed box filler
5453 Skals brushing machine potato brusher
SKALS BM908 7+1 brushes
5446 Box turner side tipping
For tractor / wheel loader
5376 EMVE star roller cleaner 800 mm
5374 Box turner with bunker max 1350 mm boxes
5369 Box turner electric max 1300 mm box
5367 Storage bunker potato 1600x1600 mm
5356 EMVE roller table 3000x500 mm
5352 EKKO hydraulic box turner
5320 Tong Revolver box tipper
Tong boxturner revolver type
5302 EMVE feeding bunker
2300x550 with variator
5297 Euro Jabelmann cleaning unit
coil cleaning rollers 1200 mm wide
5243 Miedema SB451 receiving hopper
NEW machine for direct delivery
5270 Miedema MB55 box filler with RT30 belt elevator
also MB33 boxfiller in stock. NEW DIRECT AVAILABLE
5241 EMVE receiving hopper with screen grader
with box filler
5219 Bijlsma Hercules KV270 - 2 big bag / box filler
combi model
5166 Miedema MB33 box filler double
Miedema MB 33 boxfiller NEW stock machine DIRECT AVAILABLE!
5126 EKKO inspection table
5093 Miedema SB151 receiving hopper NEW
1,2 m belt. Funnel.
5089 EMVE star cleaning remover module
5081 Miedema SB40S receiving hopper
with EMVE screen grader with box filler
5060 Climax duo conveyor 6000 mm x2
5049 Miedema MH240 receiving hopper
NEW for direct delivery
5028 Miedema MH200 receiving hopper
Miedema receiving hopper year 2017.
5027 Climax receiving hopper
5013 SKALS big bag filler with weigher
electric fall breaker
5006 Herbert contractor receiving hopper
complete with inspection and sorting
4948 EMVE inspection table Stainless steel
4977 Miedema MH240 receiving hopper
NEW 2022 Stock
4921 Skals big bag filler
4917 WIFO potato loading bucket
very good condition
4896 Miedema SB651 receiving hopper
NEW machine for direct delivery
4875 Visser storeloader
Oldenhuis & Prinsen space finder
4823 Dewulf Miedema MB55 box filler
double box filler NEW DEMO
4817 SKALS big bag filler
year model 2012, very good condition
4765 Bijlsma Hercules Palletizing line
with complete SKALS storing and grading line
4731 EMVE inspection table double
4725 Bijlsma Hercules KV270 double box filler
very good condition
4688 Miedema SB151 receiving hopper
coil cleaning rollers and double cross conveyors
4687 Tong Storemaker 1200 Receiving hopper
coil cleaning rollers
4669 SKALS big bag filler Electric fall breaker
4652 Bijlsma Hercules box filler vertical
Double box filler
4627 Amac BLX100 receiving hopper
4558 Grimme RH24-60 XXL receiving hopper
year 2014 in very good condition. New bunker conveyor
4550 EKKO box filler for 9 boxes
year 2015 new condition
4544 Propak Jumbomaster big bag filler
4508 EMVE inspection table double
4506 EMVE inspection table 3000x800 mm
big rollers
4488 SKALS roller table
4487 SKALS bunker with feeding conveyor
4481 SKALS roller cleaner / grader
4445 Miedema receiving hopper with EMVE screen grader
EMVE cross web for box filling
4432 Box turner for forklift
4361 Bijlsma Hercules box filler double
Modell KV270 -2x190
4315 Stainless steel bunker 1650x600 mm
4273 SKALS small bunker with conveyor
4214 Miedema roller cleaner module 6 roller 1600 mm width
4216 Peal hopper
4180 Norje potato bucket / potato fork NEW
NEW for front end loader / teleporter different width
4141 EMVE big bag filler
4139 EMVE roller table 4000x450 mm
long inspection table with platform
4074 Hydraulic bulk loading bucket for forklift
4053 Climax pick up scooter
4037 EKKO receiving hopper / feeding bunker
3990 Agripo potato dispensers for octabins
new and used
3943 EMVE Storage bin.
3937 EMVE Trevira sacks bulkers with plain conveyor
3914 Schouten box turner with conveyor
side tipping hydraulic 1500 mm boxes.
3867 EKKO receiving hopper with roller cleaner and 1200 mm screen grader
year model 2005
3780 Miedema receiving hopper SB-151
3787 Grimme RH 24-45 receiving hopper
year model 2011
3776 Emve big bag filler with automatic fall breaker
3752 Skals inspection table
3511 Tong hopper with elevator, conveyor
3928 KMG storage conveyor
3439 EMVE receiving hopper year model 1998
3375 Euro Jabelmann receiving hopper with roller cleaner
good condition year model 2007
3359 MPN Robot palletising for bags or boxes
robotics robot cell palletiser for different products
3012 EKKO box turner stationary 125 cm boxes
hydraulic box turner
3210 EPK box turner for forklift turning FORWARD
NEW MACHINE crate dumper /box turner
3648 Bijlsma space finder
3649 Jansen & Heuning Scooter
3285 SKALS big bag filler
year model 2009 in new condition
3749 Box turner side turning
3753 Amac soil roller cleaner - SOLD
6060 EMVE box turner electric with Trevira sack - SOLD
6062 Miedema ML1985 store loader - SOLD
Miedema ML 1985 Space finder Hallenvuller
6035 Miedema SB1151 receiving hopper - SOLD
cheap hopper for repair
5389 EMVE hydraulic box turner - SOLD
5686 Allround feeding bunker with star cleaning rollers - SOLD
4365 EMVE duo conveyor - SOLD
8000mm long x2 550mm width
5947 EMVE BT 800 box turner - SOLD
5915 Miedema MB55 box filler - SOLD
complete with Miedema RT30 elevator
5609 Miedema MB55 box filler with feeding elevator - SOLD
MB55 boxfiller with RT30
4824 Miedema AKV box filler double - SOLD
also complete with Miedema hopper
5757 Climax 700 receiving hopper - SOLD
5949 EMVE soil removal with star rollers - SOLD
5688 EPK12 box turner for forklift used second hand - SOLD
5030 Wifo box turner stationary hydraulic - SOLD
boxes max 1900 mm
5610 Miedema SB1151 receiving hopper - SOLD
Miedema SB1151-2U with diabolo sorter sizing unit
5272 Scotts evolution separator - SOLD
scotts evolution cleaning module new condition
5390 Skals Brusher brushing machine - SOLD
Potato brushing unit
5580 Skals brusher BM608 - SOLD
5627 EKKO feeding bunker with EMVE box turner electric - SOLD
5760 EKKO roller table inspection table 3000x500 mm - SOLD
4748 EKKO double big bag filler - SOLD
complete with weigher
5553 EMVE box turner stationary electric - SOLD
5576 EMVE roller table 1400x500 mm - SOLD
5267 Skals big bag filler - SOLD
4140 EMVE roller table with platform - SOLD
2500x500 mm
5059 Skals inspection table roller table 2100x600 mm - SOLD
5294 EMVE roller table 2000x500 mm - SOLD
5549 EMVE big bag filler - SOLD
5496 Miedema SB40 receiving hopper - SOLD
with EMVE screen grader
5621 EMVE roller inspection table 3400x500 mm - SOLD
5495 EMVE roller table 2000x500 mm - SOLD
4733 EMVE storage bin - SOLD
movable box turner
3628 Teo Crate dumper / box turner for side - SOLD
4825 Miedema Disco 650 receiving hopper - SOLD
4559 EPK-6 box turner for forklift turning forward - SOLD
used in very good condition
5042 Climax receiving hopper 840-E for potato - SOLD
4843 Climax receiving hopper - SOLD
with diabolo grader
4376 Climax receiving hopper Profit 2000 - SOLD
5273 EMVE roller table inspection table - SOLD
5031 Wifo box turner for forklift - SOLD
5075 Emve big bag filler - SOLD
electric fall breaker very good condition
4878 Amac duobelt transport conveyor - SOLD
5296 EMVE box turner BT1600 width - SOLD
complete with trevira sack
4028 Elevator / Space Finder 10000x800 mm - SOLD
4758 EMVE inspection table - SOLD
4723 EMVE double box filler - SOLD
5033 Miedema cleaning module 8 rollers - SOLD
2400 mm wide
4763 Miedema LBV 180/70 store loader - SOLD
Midema LBV180/70 Space finder
4882 EMVE bunker with feeding conveyor - SOLD
5043 Climax receiving hopper 700-E - SOLD
very little gone
5232 Climax 500 receiving hopper - SOLD
160 cm width web
4339 Downs box Filler for potato - SOLD
model Downs DF Boxer double
5198 Miedema SB1151 combi receiving hopper - SOLD
very good condition sorting, manual inspection etc
5118 EMVE trevira sack potato bunker - SOLD
5124 EMVE Roller table 1800x550 mm Stainless steel - SOLD
5088 EMVE roller cleaner - SOLD
4680 EMVE big bag filler - SOLD
very good condition
4131 Grimme receiving hopper RH 20-45 - SOLD
4427 Grimme RH24-60 XXL receiving hopper - SOLD
year 2014 in very good condition
4901 EKKO double big bag filler - SOLD
5068 Climax CSB 700-E receiving hopper - SOLD
3132 Bijlsma inloader / space finder - SOLD
4551 Miedema space finder Dimenso LBV 106/70 - SOLD
very good condition
4877 Amac storeloader spacefinder - SOLD
Amac LBK22
5082 Miedema LBV130-70 store loader - SOLD
LBV 130-70
3904 EMVE receiving hopper with screen grader - SOLD
4288 EMVE feeding bunker - SOLD
4920 SKALS box turner with Bunker - SOLD
4270 Bijlsma Hercules big bag filler / box filler - SOLD
very good condition
4673 EMVE diabolo grader 2000 mm - SOLD
suitable for receiving hopper
4495 box turner hydraulic for fork lift or tractor etc - SOLD
4967 EMVE box turner with feeding bunker and inspection - SOLD
5045 Emve big bag filler - SOLD
electric fall breaker
4826 Grimme mobile box washer BW 1600 - SOLD
4719 SKALS big bag filler - SOLD
with weigher
4574 SKALS big bag filler - SOLD
4387 EKKO inspection table double - SOLD
4608 SKALS big bag filler electrical fall breaker - SOLD
very good condition
4287 Bijlsma Hercules recieving hopper with grader - SOLD
complete with soil removal, screen grader and inspection
5602 EMVE wet dosing hopper - SOLD
with star cleaning module STAINLESS STEEL
4036 EKKO small hopper - SOLD
4143 EKKO double big bag filler / box filler - SOLD
4772 Miedema SB651 receiving hopper - SOLD
4540 Grimme Box washer mobile BW-1600 - SOLD
4547 EMVE box turner with trevira sack - SOLD
3305 EKKO receiving hopper with screen grader - SOLD
4730 EMVE box turner with feeding conveyor - SOLD
4265 Box turner 1300 mm hydraulic - SOLD
4628 EMVE box turner electric - SOLD
4420 Tong Peal feeding bunker - SOLD
new condition
5084 EMVE instore conveyor belts - SOLD
4505 EMVE inspection table 1500x500 mm - SOLD
3855 EMVE double box filler / big bag filler - SOLD
4366 EMVE plain conveyor 8000x550 mm - SOLD
single conveyor belt with legs / 5 pc total
4404 EMVE receiving hopper RH2000 - SOLD
with 1600 mm box turner mounted
4563 EMVE bunker with feeding conveyor - SOLD
4372 EMVE big bag filler - SOLD
4070 EMVE bunker with conveyor - SOLD
4266 Bording inspection table - SOLD
4421 Miedema soil removal roller cleaner - SOLD
3996 Schouten big bag filler 2pc - SOLD
3877 SKALS big bag filler with fall breaker electric - SOLD
3907 EMVE duo conveyor STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
7,5m +7,5 m
4076 EMVE box turner 1300 mm wide boxes electric - SOLD
4318 EKKO box turner stationary hydraulic - SOLD
max 1200 mm boxes
4321 SKALS bunker with plain conveyor - SOLD
4239 EMVE big bag filler - SOLD
with weigher
4071 EMVE bunker with conveyor - SOLD
4048 Miedema spacefinder LBV 106 70 Hallenvuller - SOLD
Very good condition
3644 Miedema receiving hopper - SOLD
with soil rollers
4086 Miedema Tempo 120-70 duo conveyor - SOLD
Miedema duoband 120/70
4047 Miedema SB 451 receiving hopper - SOLD
very good condition
4031 Grimme receiving hopper RH 20-45 - SOLD
very good condition
3821 Climax receiving hopper - SOLD
with conveyor
4113 EMVE storage system with Trevira Sacks - SOLD
complete EMVE packaging house equipment no 4111-4114
4089 Climax receiving hopper 700E - SOLD
3916 EMVE box turner electrical 1600 mm boxes - SOLD
3905 SKALS feeding hopper - SOLD
3773 Climax duo conveyor 8+8m - SOLD
3989 Schouten big bag Filler - SOLD
new condition
3699 SKALS inspection table - SOLD
new condition
3911 Schouten big bag filler with separate conveyor - SOLD
electrical fall breaker
4813 EMVE box filler double - SOLD
vertical in stainless steel
3886 EMVE inspection table roller table - SOLD
3710 EMVE Trevira bagger - SOLD
3399 EMVE Space finder BIG - SOLD
3848 EMVE hydraulic box turner 125 cm with feeding hopper - SOLD
3758 WIFO hydraulic bulk loading bucket for forklift - SOLD
4812 EMVE hydraulic box turner 1300 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
3674 EKKO rotating packaging table / bag table - SOLD
3689 EKKO Feeding conveyor bunker - SOLD
3688 EKKO Feeding conveyor bunker - SOLD
3340 EMVE big bag filler - SOLD
3709 Big bag filler - SOLD
3528 Eko Matic hopper with box turner - SOLD
3634 Amac recieving hopper BLS with soil rollers - SOLD
3676 EKKO rotating bag table 135 cm - SOLD
3698 EMVE big bag filler with automatic 2pc - SOLD
3037 EKKO big bag filler double - SOLD
3586 EKKO hopper - SOLD
with integrated feed conveyor
3436 EKKO box turner el-hydraulic 135 cm wide - SOLD
3608 Midema box filler double AKV42 - SOLD
3567 Skals big bag filler - SOLD
3591 Tong roller table Inspection table - SOLD
3876 EMVE / Compas washing line - SOLD
3587 EMVE bunker with feed conveyor - SOLD
3503 Amac receiving hopper - SOLD
3563 Mafex complete stationary spraying applicator - SOLD
3837 EMVE duo conveyor 6000+6000 mm - SOLD
3524 EMVE potato storage line - SOLD
box turner, inspection, storage hoppers
3483 Miedema TAT 161 70 double conveyor belt - SOLD
3866 Climax CSKS Stones & Clods Separator - SOLD
new condition
3405 AMAC space finder 16 m - SOLD
3486 Grimme RH 16-40 receiving hopper year 2009 - SOLD
Can be sold together with complete Grimme grading line WG900
3414 EMVE big bag filler in new condition - SOLD
year model 2008
3481 Mafex complete stationary spraying applicator - SOLD
3230 EKKO receiving hopper with roller cleaner and 1200 mm screen grader - SOLD
year 2003
3396 EMVE seed potato spraying line stationary - SOLD
very high capacity
3276 AMAC receiving hopper with soil renover - SOLD
3865 Climax CSKS Stones & Clods Separator - SOLD
3410 EMVE box turner with trevira sack - SOLD
electric for 150 cm wide boxes
3407 AMAC receiving hopper with double cleaning modules - SOLD
3249 EMVE box filler double - SOLD
Conveyors and elevators etc
6078 EMVE elvator 4000x350 mm
6068 EMVE conveyor belt 1000x550 mm
6059 EMVE conveyor belt 2300x550 mm
6049 EMVE feeding conveyor bag conveyor
useful for VFFS bagger
6058 EMVE conveyor belt 2500x1000 mm STAINLESS STEEL
6057 EMVE conveyor belt 3500x550 mm STAINLESS STEEL
6055 EMVE conveyor belt 4700x800 mm STAINLESS STEEL
6053 Elevator Rostfri 1000+3500+600x450 mm
6050 EMVE elevator 2300+600 x 1000 mm wide
6021 EMVE conveyor STAINLESS STEEL 5500x350 mm
6020 EMVE plantransportör 3600x800 mm
6018 conveyor belt stainless 1950x600 mm
6007 Auger stainless steel 3000x300 mm
6006 Ekko elevator 4900x350 rostfri
5987 Emve conveyor belt 2800x500 +1900 mm goose neck
5986 Emve conveyor belt 2300x500 +1200 mm goose neck
5921 Limas elevator 3700x400 mm STAINLESS STEEL
5886 EMVE conveyor belt 3200x350 mm
Stainless steel
5840 EKKO Elevator 8800x650 mm
heavy duty conveyor belt throughed belt
5838 EMVE conveyor belt 8200x550 mm
5837 EMVE plain conveyor 4500x350 mm Stainless steel
5836 EKKO conveyor belt 1800x500 mm dewatering belt Stainless Steel
5835 EKKO conveyor belt 2400x600 mm
5832 EKKO elevator 6900x650 mm
5831 EMVE Elevator 6900x550 mm
5830 EKKO conveyor belt 6800x500
5828 EMVE Elevator 5400x350 mm
5818 Limas screw stainles steel 3500x250 mm
5809 EMVE Elevator 5300x800 mm STAINLESS STEEL
5806 EMVE elevator 2200x350 mm
5782 EKKO sieving web stationary 2500x800 mm
5779 EKKO elevator conveyor belt 11000x650 mm
throughed conveyor belt
5764 Rotab Elevator stainless steel 1500+4920+1500 x 440 mm
intralox belt with gooseneck
5719 EMVE elevator 3100+1200x550 mm
5685 EMVE conveyor belts
intralox belt
5678 EMVE bag conveyor
5677 Emve conveyor belt 3500x350 mm
5675 Bording elevator
5674 EKKO elevator with swan neck 2200x450 +1000 mm
5673 EMVE elevator with swan neck Stainless Steel
Stainless steel
5646 EMVE conveyor belt 2400x350 mm Stainless steel
5645 EMVE sieving web 1400x550 mm. STAINLESS STEEL
5643 EMVE conveyor belt 3300x550 mm
5642 EMVE transport conveyor 1400x550 mm
5639 EKKO conveyor belt 2000x600 mm
small flights and legs
5700 Miedema MC780 conveyor belt NEW
Plain conveyor belt 7000x800 mm
5598 Elevator 4000x350 mm Stainless steel
5575 Samka bag conveyor 2500x350 mm
5569 Virginio Nastri elevator Stainless steel
6000x550 mm to suit multihead weigher etc
5568 Conveyor belt 2000x800 mm Stainless steel
5567 Turatti Conveyor belt 1600x1000 mm stainless steel
weighing cells
5566 Turatti elevator 3600x650 mm Stainless steel
mesh belt
5539 EMVE elevator 4000x350 mm
5533 Bijlsma Hercules elevator 4750x1200 mm
Swan neck 750 mm NEW only tested
5517 EKKO elevator vertical 3600x600 mm STAINLESS STEEL
5467 Symach conveyor belt 5000x800
5378 EMVE Elevator 3000x800 mm
5373 Conveyor 2600x500 mm
5368 EKKO Elevator 2700x600 mm
5366 EMVE conveyor 3500x350 mm
5310 Elevator 3650x300 mm STAINLESS STEEL
5309 Pentavac Elevator 3900x320 mm STAINLESS STEEL
5237 Skals elevator 3900x450 mm
5497 Tong elevator 2300x750 mm. +700 mm gooseneck
For example to box filler. New condition year model 2020
5191 EMVE inspection belt 1500+2500 x 550
stainless steel adjustable speed
5095 EMVE plain conveyor 900x500 mm
5048 Miedema RT30 conveyor belt 3400x700 mm
example to feed box filler
5010 Agec elevator 2500x1200 mm
new condition
4952 EMVE elevator 3000x350mm
4911 EKKO conveyor plain 3900x400 mm
4900 Miedema belt weighing conveyor belt
NEW conveyor belt with weight control
4899 Miedema MC780 conveyor belt
NEW conveyor belt with legs
4713 EMVE Elevator 1500x550 mm STAINLESS STEEL
4538 Vanhemens Conveyor elevator bag conveyor
stainless steel
4711 EMVE conveyor belt 4000x550 mm
4537 Limas conveyor on legs
Stainless steel
4535 EMVE conveyor
4534 EMVE roller table
4531 Plain conveyor STAINLESS STEEL
4527 EMVE conveyor belt 6800x350 mm
4525 Conveyor belt 10000x900 mm
4521 Conveyor
5093 Miedema SB151 receiving hopper NEW
1,2 m belt. Funnel.
4515 EKKO conveyor 3000x500
4507 Sorma S&B elevator Stainless steel 5400x300
4500 Conveyor stainless steel 2300x350 mm
5060 Climax duo conveyor 6000 mm x2
4499 SKALS conveyor 4100x300 mm
4489 SKALS conveyor with goose neck
5421 Heat and control conveyor belt 2800x600 mm STAINLESS STEEL
gitter conveyor belt year model 2017
4486 Upmatic plain conveyor with legs 2000x500 mm
4484 SKALS conveyor 1600x230 mm
4483 SKALS conveyor 1750x750 mm
4482 SKALS conveyor 3000x550 mm
4480 Conveyor 1700x650 mm
4479 Plain conveyor 3500x700 mm
4478 EKKO conveyor 1800x500 mm
4477 SKALS Conveyor 1900x350 mm
4475 Plain conveyor 3000x300 mm STAINLESS STEEL
4474 EKKO conveyor 2200x700 mm
year 2015
4472 SKALS elevator 7000x250 mm
4471 SKALS conveyor 7700x300 mm
4470 Plain conveyor 3200x300 mm STAINLESS STEEL
4469 EKKO conveyor 3800x950 mm
4467 EKKO conveyor 5900x500 mm
4466 SKALS conveyor 900x300 mm
4465 SKALS conveyor 7400x350 mm
with side outlets
4464 SKALS plain conveyor 5200x350 mm
4463 SKALS elevator 4500x600 mm
4462 SKALS elevator 4400x350 mm
4461 EKKO elevator 3600x550 mm
4458 EMVE conveyor 1900x800
4456 Elevator 5700x340 mm
4455 SKALS elevator mit drum motor 4500x450 mm
4454 Elevator 7000x400
4402 EMVE conveyor 4700x550 mm
4401 EMVE conveyor 2500x800 mm
4392 SKALS conveyor with gooseneck 2700+1200 x 500
4319 Stainess steel elevator
4316 EMVE conveyor 3400x550 mm
fall breakers
4314 SKALS conveyor 5600x500 mm
4313 SKALS plain conveyor 4000x1100 mm
4311 SKALS elevator 2450x800 mm with legs
4310 SKALS conveyor 4200x750 mm
4309 SKALS elevator 4000x450 mm
4306 SKALS conveyor 3800x350 mm
4307 SKALS conveyor on platform 2700x750mm
4305 Elevator 3900x350 mm
stainless steel
4304 Limas elevator 4500x350 mm
stainless steel
4302 Plain conveyor 5500x200 mm
stainless steel
4301 SKALS conveyor 1150x550 mm
4300 Cabinplant conveyor 3600x300 mm
stainess steel
4299 Conveyor 3100x400 mm
4298 EMVE plain conveyor 6000x250 mm
stainess steel
4295 Limas conveyor 3500x250 mm
stainess steel
4294 SKALS conveyor 1600x550 mm
4213 Skals conveyor 1900x400 mm
4215 SKALS transport conveyor 1900x800 mm
4155 EMAC elevator 4500x400 mm
4142 EMVE conveyor 1900x250 mm
4083 EMVE conveyor 3000x350 mm
4080 EMVE conveyor 3200x350 mm
4078 EMVE conveyor 3200x800 mm
4058 Conveyor 6100x400 mm
strong model
3953 Conveyor 5000x500 mm
3948 EMVE elevator 1500x300 mm new condition
3947 EMVE conveyor 2100x550 mm
3936 Mepa conveyor 4500x500 mm
3939 EMVE conveyor 2600 x 550 mm
3935 Mepa elevator 2500x500 mm
3931 Elevator stainless 2100x120 mm
3930 EMVE conveyor 2200x350 mm
3928 KMG storage conveyor
3927 plain conveyor stainless 6250x350 mm
3878 SKALS conveyor 1800x350 mm
3924 EMVE conveyor 1500x250 mm
4889 Conveyor belt 1300x300 mm STAINLESS STEEL
useful for cutting machine
3685 EKKO frame to Conveyor
3682 EKKO conveyor 2400x300
3678 EKKO frame to conveyor 4000x300
3672 EKKO Frame to conveyor 6000x300mm 2 pc
3358 EKKO inspection table stainless steel
3169 JESMA belt weigher
4365 EMVE duo conveyor - SOLD
8000mm long x2 550mm width
5805 EMVE conveyor belt 1800x1000 mm stainless steel - SOLD
6056 EMVE conveyor belt 3000x1000 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
6010 Conveyor 2200x500 mm - SOLD
5682 Vertical Elevator Stainless steel - SOLD
1000 + 3000 +1000 gooseneck 600 mm wide
5212 Elevator 13000x750 mm - SOLD
Almost not used. STAINLESS STEEL
5379 EMVE feeding bunker 2500x550 mm - SOLD
5057 EKKO conveyor belt 4400x800 mm - SOLD
5984 Emve conveyor belt 4000x300 mm - SOLD
5985 Emve conveyor belt 5750x350 mm - SOLD
5983 Emve conveyor belt 8000x500 mm - SOLD
5982 Emve conveyor belt 9600x350 mm - SOLD
5375 EMVE conveyor belt 4000x550 mm - SOLD
4878 Amac duobelt transport conveyor - SOLD
5742 EMVE Elevator 3000x550 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
5394 Eillert elevator 2700x400 mm Stainless steel - SOLD
4028 Elevator / Space Finder 10000x800 mm - SOLD
5693 Auger Screw stainless steel - SOLD
3 pc screw augers
5829 EMVE elevator 5000x350 mm - SOLD
5833 EKKO elevator 2400x800 mm - SOLD
5834 EKKO plain conveyor belt 3200x550 mm - SOLD
5839 EMVE Elevator 5800x500 mm - SOLD
5781 EMVE Elevator 7000x350 mm - SOLD
5780 EMVE conveyor 9500x550 mm - SOLD
5778 EMVE conveyot transport belt 10500x550 mm - SOLD
5777 EMVE conveyor 10000x550 mm - SOLD
5776 EMVE transportband 11500x350 mm - SOLD
5775 EMVE conveyor belt 11000x350 mm - SOLD
5774 EMVE conveyor belt 9400x550 mm - SOLD
5773 EMVE conveyor belt 9900x350 mm - SOLD
5772 EMVE conveyor belt 9000x550 mm - SOLD
5771 EMVE conveyor 10600x550 mm - SOLD
4814 Elevator 4500x550 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
5720 Lådfyllningsband 4500x700 mm - SOLD
with fall breakers
4710 EMVE conveyor belt 5100x1000 mm - SOLD
4877 Amac storeloader spacefinder - SOLD
Amac LBK22
4539 EMVE conveyor belt 20400x350 mm - SOLD
20,4 m long
5377 EMVE Elevator conveyor belt 3700x500 mm - SOLD
5175 EMVE conveyor belt 9300x550 mm - SOLD
variable speed
3653 EMVE conveyor weigher - SOLD
5541 EMVE elevator 4000x350 mm - SOLD
5540 EMVE elevator 2500x350 + 800 mm - SOLD
4929 EMVE Feeding bunker 3900x550 mm - SOLD
3751 Amac conveyor 2500x600 mm - SOLD
5196 Sparman elevator - SOLD
4709 EMVE elevator 4700x350mm Stainless steel - SOLD
5710 Sormac TBT-60 conveyor for leafy vegetables - SOLD
4000x870 mm stainless steel new condition
5370 EKKO Elevator - SOLD
4226 LIMAS feeding conveyor 2400x250 mm - SOLD
NEW not used
4138 Climax sieveing web stationary 2500x650 mm - SOLD
4915 Plain conveyor belt 4200x350 STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
4959 EMVE conveyor for tray / punnets STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
5096 EMVE conveyor belt 1950x550 mm - SOLD
5061 EMVE Elevator: 3000x550 mm - SOLD
4501 EKKO Conveyor elevator with legs 1600x400 mm - SOLD
4809 SKALS elevator 3000x550 mm - SOLD
4453 EKKO elevator with swan neck 2200x450 +1000 mm - SOLD
4916 EMVE conveyor belt 8000x550 mm with legs - SOLD
4441 Bijlsma Hercules Conveyor with goose neck - SOLD
TR 325-80 year model 2009
4956 S&B conveyor belt 1500x300 mm - SOLD
5084 EMVE instore conveyor belts - SOLD
4947 EMVE elevator 2600x350 mm - SOLD
4366 EMVE plain conveyor 8000x550 mm - SOLD
single conveyor belt with legs / 5 pc total
4485 Bijlsma Hercules Conveyor 10000x600 mm - SOLD
4808 EKKO elevator 4000x550 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
5295 Nymek RMT auger screw 3000x300 mm Stainless Steel - SOLD
4810 EKKO elevator 4400x550 mm - SOLD
600 mm swan neck
4712 EMVE Conveyor belt 1400x550 mm - SOLD
reversible with fall breaker
4811 EKKO conveyor belt 11500x500 mm - SOLD
11,5 m
4368 EMVE elevator 2000x350 mm new condition - SOLD
4468 Upmatic feeding conveyor with legs 4400x550 mm - SOLD
very good condition
4514 EKKO elevator 5000x350 mm - SOLD
3907 EMVE duo conveyor STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
7,5m +7,5 m
4498 Limas conveyor vertical standing 2700x300 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
4297 Cabinplant conveyor 1750x400 mm - SOLD
stainess steel
4457 EKKO conveyor 2400x400 - SOLD
4476 Elevator 3500x500 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
4312 SKALS sieving web cleaner 1800x1200 mm - SOLD
such as harvest belt
4473 EKKO plain conveyor 5300x500 mm - SOLD
4296 EMVE Elevator 3000x350 mm - SOLD
3941 Schouten elevator 5000x350 mm - SOLD
4303 EMVE plain conveyor 4500x350 mm - SOLD
stainess steel
4390 EMVE feeding conveyor 6000x550 mm - SOLD
4082 EMVE conveyor 4300x350 mm - SOLD
4079 EMVE conveyor 3200x550 mm - SOLD
4186 Sörgårdsprodukter elevator 3000x300 mm - SOLD
4005 EKKO bag conveyor 3150x300 - SOLD
4154 EMVE conveyor 5000x350 mm - SOLD
3805 Skals conveyor with goose neck - SOLD
4187 EMVE plain conveyor 9300x550 mm - SOLD
3807 Newtec feeding conveyor to weigher - SOLD
stainless steel
4146 EMVE conveyor 2200x350 mm - SOLD
4153 Sparman plain conveyor 6500x400 mm - SOLD
4308 SKALS elevator wide 3700x1100 mm - SOLD
4336 SKALS conveyor double 8900x370+370 mm - SOLD
with swan neck 1000 mm
4081 EMVE feeding conveyor with small hopper - SOLD
3700x550 mm
3854 EMVE conveyor 2300x450 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
3922 EMVE elevator 2000x350 mm - SOLD
3814 Bijlsma Hercules conveyor 4500x1000 mm - SOLD
4055 EMVE elevator 4500x800 mm - SOLD
3674 EKKO rotating packaging table / bag table - SOLD
4077 EMVE elevator 4100x550 mm - SOLD
3768 Skals elevator conveyor 1800x250 mm - SOLD
3940 Mepa elevator 4500x700 mm - SOLD
3934 EKKO elevator med knäck 5400+1500 x 500 mm - SOLD
3910 SKALS conveyor 1400 x 650 mm - SOLD
3946 EMVE conveyor 3800x350 mm - SOLD
3676 EKKO rotating bag table 135 cm - SOLD
3925 EMVE elevator 3300x350 - SOLD
3838 EKKO transport conveyor 6300x380 mm - SOLD
4562 Limas Screw conveyor 3000x250 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
3944 EMVE conveyor 2200x550 mm - SOLD
3923 EMVE conveyor 2700x550 mm - SOLD
3926 EMVE elevator 2400x550 mm - SOLD
3956 EMVE conveyor 3400x350 mm - SOLD
3929 Edelstahl elevator 1700x400 mm - SOLD
3933 Conveyor stainless steel 4900x450 mm - SOLD
3680 EKKO conveyor 2400x300 mm - SOLD
3837 EMVE duo conveyor 6000+6000 mm - SOLD
3853 EMVE conveyor 4500x1500 mm - SOLD
stainless steel year model 2012
3856 EMVE conveyor 2700x500 mm - SOLD
3888 EMVE elevator 2200x350 mm - SOLD
3735 Ansager space finder / elevator - SOLD
3681 EKKO Conveyor 3000x400 mm - SOLD
3647 Emve conveyor 2200x550mm - SOLD
3683 EKKO elevator 1900x600mm - SOLD
3691 SKALS conveyor 2900x350 - SOLD
3690 EKKO conveyor 1600x300 - SOLD
3942 ENP elevator stainless 1000 + 3900 +600 x450 mm - SOLD
3673 EKKO conveyor 2400x300 mm - SOLD
3958 Larkap elevator stainless 1700x350 mm +gooseneck - SOLD
3253 Transport belt conveyor 1900x350mm stainless steel - SOLD
3677 EKKO conveyor 2200x300 - SOLD
Various machines
Other harvesters
5926 Imac PD 1400 windrower
for potato, sweet potato, onion etc etc
5916 Edenhall haulm topper
useful for different root vegetables
5233 Bunch washer for bunched vegetables
5099 Asa-Lift dill chives and leek harvester
also for bunched vegetables like spring onion.
4978 Fontana bean harvester
4626 Scott Viner Chives harvester
with Ford 4000 SoS tractor
4604 Ortomec corn salad harvester
double harvest sections ortomec green line system
4379 Joonas 1500 berry harvester
3722 Simon baby leaf harvester
3600 Harvest trailer with harvest conveyor
3565 Ortomec baby leaf salad harvester
selfpropelled with tracks
3556 Ortomec Baby Leaf harvester
3313 TOMOBA brussel sprouts harvester stationary
3219 Ploeger parsley leaves harvester and more vegetables
selfproppeled machine with bunker
3186 PIK RITE tomato harvester also cucumber
3103 Smallford Blackcurrant harvester selfpropelled
3363 Thyregod root celery harvester
4631 Asa-Lift garlic harvester
Knoblauch / Industrie Möhren Roder
3830 Tumoba brussel sprout harvester - SOLD
model Tumoba TM 1 / 1 row trailed with bunker.
4613 Asa-Lift Chives harvester STM-100 PU - SOLD
perfect condition
3614 Grimme Maxtron 620 beet harvester 6 row - SOLD
4320 Tumoba Broussel sprout harvester stationary - SOLD
4584 Harvest belt for cabbage, lettuce etc - SOLD
4335 Pixall green bean harvester - SOLD
for harvest of green beans
4431 Pixall bean harvester - SOLD
3841 Haldrup harvester for leaf vegetables, spinach etc - SOLD
in new condition 40 hours gone
3513 Joonas Berry harvester - SOLD
3557 Oxbo Pixall sweet corn harvester - SOLD
4150 Autran baby leaf harvester selfpropelled - SOLD
RP 2C cutting width: 1600 mm
4117 Joonas 1500 berry harvester - SOLD
3385 Ortomec corn salad harvester - SOLD
3512 Asa-Lift salad harvester SC-50 - SOLD
also for chinese cabbage etc.
3115 Ededal Plant lifter for plants and small trees - SOLD
3261 ASA-LIFT bean harvester model GB-100 - SOLD
very good condition
Planting machines and seeding machines
6052 Perdu transplanter 4 row
Perdu standard blockplanter
5969 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables
3 row
5756 Kverneland Miniair Nova precision seeder
12 row equipped for onion. Hydraulic folding.
5942 Ferrari Rotostrapp transplanter 4 row
4 row pneumatic transplanter for cubic transplants
5622 Stanhay precision seeder 6 row
equipped for onion seeding, combi with Fiona fertilizer unit
5924 Stanhay 985 seeder precision drill
3 row mechanic seeder for vegetables
5900 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder 4x75 cm
4 row twin row for carrot etc DIRECT AVAILABLE!
5451 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
5 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
5336 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
2 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
5812 Nibex 500 mini seeder hand drawn
precision seeder
5804 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
5 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
5109 Nibex 300 precision seeder 5 row
5786 Nibex precision seeder 9 Row
precision seeder
4775 Stanhay 985 seeder 3 row
mechanical seeder in very good conditon
5101 Nibex 500 Seeder 6 rows.
5143 Nibex 500 seeder 18 rows
5632 Seedspider seeder for baby leaf
Seed spider high density crop seeder
5631 Regero transplanter belt planter R907 3/4 row
Regero mechanic planting machine
4789 Stanhay 785 precision seeder
7 rows
5537 Checchi & Magli Wolf Transplanter
for cubic transplants
4781 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables
3 row
5463 Nibex 500 2 row precision seeder for vegetables
4612 Kverneland Miniair Nova pneumatic seeder
4 row in perfect condition
5462 Nibex 500 MINI manual hand precision seeder
5461 Checchi & Magli Transplanter 2 row
4576 Stanhay precision seeder 12 row
5438 Sfoggia Itala planting machine 2 row
NEW machine direct available!
5432 Sfoggia Itala transplanter 3 row
NEW direct available
4353 Nibex 6 row precision seeder
Nibex 500
5428 Accord transplanter 3 row small
3799 Nibex 300 seeding machine 5 row
5420 Sfoggia California transplanter for seedlings
NEW machine direct available Sfoggia planting machine seedling planter 2 row
5372 Stanhay 3 row seeder
5371 Nibex 300 mini
0000 NIBEX spare parts
Sales of spare parts to Nibex seeding drills
5345 Monosem super prefer transplanter 3 row for small trees, leek
S.P -3R, UT with 24 finger wheels for nurseries leek etc.
5266 Agricola Italiana precision seeder
Agricola SN-1-130
5245 Transplanter Van Den Beucken planting machine
3 row
5160 Checchi & Magli Wolf with plastic mulch layer
for cubic transplants
5133 Regero 3 row transplanter planting machine
Regero R 905 TP
5103 Super prefer transplanter
5039 Egedal Transplanter 5 row
for nursery plants
5015 Nibex 300 seeder 4 row
4986 Ferrari Rotostrapp transplanter 4 row
4944 Nibex 300 seeder
5146 Sfoggia Thema Front fertilizer unit NEW
2-4 row. Front mount. For potato and vegetables, berries etc
4909 Sfoggia Itala transplanter 3 row
NEW machine with pliers bare root/ cylinder / cube etc.
4779 Checchi & Magli Wolf Transplanter
4610 Hortech TRE 190 transplanter for cubic plants
4 row pneumatic transplanter
4582 Ferrari planting machine Rotostrapp 5 row pneumatical
4524 Regero planting machine for plastic
R2106TP 4 row
4334 Ferrari Rotostrapp selfpropelled transplanter
4 row for cubic plants in very good condition
3994 Nibex 500 precision seeder 9 row
3404 Planting machine for cubes 5 row
3897 Super prefer planting machine 4 row
3228 Ferrari planting machine 3 row for cubic plants
new condition planter machine
2027 Checchi Magli Tex planting machine 3 row
3302 TUME sugar beet seeder with fertilizer
7 rows can be modifiedto other crops
3651 Checchi Magli tex 1 row planting machine
3739 Egedal Pre furrow machine
4497 Nibex 300 spare part machine
5508 Hatzenbichler weed cultivator 6 m with Air 8 seeder - SOLD
Hatzenbichler grassland seeder year model 2020 new condition
4328 Fiona row fertilizer - SOLD
also for seeding
4655 Regero R860 Transplanter 4 row - SOLD
for cubic plants
5511 Agricola Italiana AI-640 SNT precision seeder - SOLD
24 rows For salad and baby leaves etc
5704 Rock garlic bulb planter 4 row - SOLD
pneumatic garlic planter
5695 Checchi & Magli Wolf B27 planting machine - SOLD
transplanter for plastic
3974 Hortus transplanter 3 row - SOLD
with integrated plastic film layer
4007 Monosem MS 12 Row Seeding machine - SOLD
4021 Stanhay precision seeder 9 row S870 - SOLD
4268 Ferrari F Max Transplanter 7 row - SOLD
4364 Stanhay 785 precision seeder prenumatic - SOLD
4 rows +3 extra aggregates
4805 Checchi & Magli Fox transplanter - SOLD
4 rows
4516 Nibex 500 seeding drill in new condition - SOLD
6 rows
4621 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables - SOLD
discs for carrots
4993 Regero block transplanter planting machine 4 row - SOLD
trailed year model 2016. Very good condition.
5615 Regero block transplanter planting machine 4 row - SOLD
trailed year model 2016. Very good condition.
4403 Nibex 300 4 row seeder for carrots and other vegetables - SOLD
4666 Nibex Mini hand drawn precision seeder - SOLD
5193 checchi Magli Tex transplanter - SOLD
4999 Regero transplanter 4 row pneumatic - SOLD
year 2007
4496 Nibex 300 4 row seeder for carrots and other vegetables - SOLD
very good condition
3902 Stanhay precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
4950 Nibex 500 seed drill 9 rows. - SOLD
cell wheel discs
4633 EMAC transplanter 3 row - SOLD
3985 Stanhay precision seeder 3 row 840 Robin - SOLD
4910 Checchi & Magli Wolf 4 row transplanter - SOLD
year model 2013
3795 Nibex 500 3 row precision seeder - SOLD
4744 Regero 3 row transplanter planting machine - SOLD
Regero R 905 TP
4776 Checchi & Magli Fox transplanter 3 row - SOLD
3 row in new condition
3798 Nibex 300 seeding machine 3 row - SOLD
4657 Checchi & Magli Wolf 3 row - SOLD
for cubic plants
4658 Checchi & Magli FOX 4 row planting machine - SOLD
3913 Stanhay seeding machine 3 row pneumatic - SOLD
3833 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
machine in very good condition
4064 NIBEX MINI 500 precision seeder hand drawn - SOLD
new condition
4049 Nibex 500 seeding machine with plastic layer - SOLD
new condition
3419 Monosem pneumatical seeding machine - SOLD
3 row in new condition
3796 Nibex 500 seeder 4+2 rows - SOLD
3999 Nibex seedíng machine 300 3 Row neustand - SOLD
5592 Stanhay Precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
Equipped for onion seeding
3443 Checchi Magli Tex planting machine 4 row - SOLD
4261 Regero Planting machine 4 row - SOLD
Regero R908TR for 4 cm cube plants
3986 Stanhay Precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
Equipped for onion seeding
4029 Nibex 500 7 row precision seeder - SOLD
now equipped for onion, carrot / could be equipped for other crops
3998 Checchi & Magli FOX 3 row planting machine - SOLD
4044 Regero R2106 TP planting machine - SOLD
4 rows also for planting on plastic
3825 Ferrari planting machine 3 row pneumatical - SOLD
Rotostrapp for cubes
3448 Stanhay precision seeder 918S 4 row - SOLD
4035 Gaspardo onion seeder / vegetable seeder pneumatic 7 row - SOLD
year 2011 in new condition. Fertilizer equipment
3569 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3623 Checchi Magli Fox planting machine 4 row - SOLD
3562 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3468 Accord planting machine 4 row - SOLD
3551 Egedal Accord planting machine 2 row - SOLD
3406 Nibex seeding machine 4 row - SOLD
Other field machines
6066 Egedal row crop hoe manual steering
5931 Rolland flat bed box trailer 10m
Rolland LSP 1004
5918 Idrofoglia irrigation hose reel 40/125
5883 Einböck Yding brush cleaner 3 beds
5866 Amazone E+S 300 salt spreader sand
Amazone centrifugal spreader
5822 John Deere 6110R traktor 460 hours new condition
Autopowr with front Loader
5803 Baselier cultivator with bedformer diabolo roller
Only Demo used
5766 Reinert weed burner for bed
5679 Monosem Super Prefer row crop cleaner manual steering
4 row with manual steering
5652 Drängen working station for weeding harvesting
Drangen for manual work
5650 Checchi & Magli plastic film placing machine
S14, for beds up to 1400 mm. New condition
5633 Simon M165 bed cultivator
5629 Hatzenbichler weed cultivator 3m
5581 Breviglieri power harrow 4,5 m
Breviglieri Mekfarmer with roller
4092 JJ Broch garlic machines second hand
complete system
5563 Agrex Nano fertilizer spreader manual
5559 Hatzenbichler row crop cleaner with fertilizer
5558 CM Regero sand spreader sander for bed
Cm Regero Sableur
5557 CM Regero sand spreader sander for bed
Cm Regero Sableur
5544 EMY bed former with power harrow
Emy CB130 power harrow 130 cm bed
5543 EKKO plastic mulch layer
5538 Kuhn Power harrow 4m
Kuhn HR4004 D
5523 Hortech tunnel mulch layer
Hortech S200
5507 Breviglieri interrow cultivator 4 row
5506 Sfoggia mulch layer with discs
5486 Steam Sterilisation machine selfpropelled
Regero BPA 900 3 bed steam
5477 Sfoggia Thema fertilizer unit NEW MACHINE
for vegetables, berries etc. DIRECT AVAILABLE!
5475 Mingozzi bed weeder
with Forigo power harrow F61
5464 Breviglieri interrow cultivator 3 units
5415 Sfoggia Thema ridging hoe for vegetable
3,5m frame NEW unmounted in carton. MANUAL STEERING
5402 Drangen working station for manual weeding harvesting etc
weeding unit in new condition, 1-3 persons
5383 MAC row cleaner 5 sticks
5353 Hatzenbichler Row crop cleaner 2 row
5301 Sfoggia Thema fertilizer unit NEW MACHINE
for vegetables, berries etc. DIRECT AVAILABLE!
4972 Baselier ridging cultivator
New machine
5300 Baselier bed former / ridging hood
5284 Lely power harrow rotavator 3 m.
5283 Maschio power harrow 3m rotavator
Maschio HB3000 front or rear attachment
5216 Volvo quick attachment vs three point link adapter
5206 Hatzenbichler weed cultivator 3 m
5085 Kuhn Power harrow 3 m
5054 Schmotzer KRH ridging hoe with fertilizer
3x50 cm row distance adjustable
5041 De Pietri Mache salat harvester
De Pietri FR38 lamb lettuce harvester selfpropelled
5040 Asa-Lift Eco Weeder
manual steering, year model 2014
5022 Celli Ares stone burier NEW MACHINE
with mesh roller for exampe to lawns
5021 Celli Ares bed former NEW MACHINE
stone burier for 1300 and 1500 mm bed. ( or 1300-2500 mm)
4995 Hardi sprayer 10 m boom, 800 liter good condition
4922 Hatzenbichler Row crop cleaner 2 row
4908 Sfoggia Thema ridging hoe for vegetable
NEW machine with MANUAL steering! 2-24 rows.
4907 Sfoggia mulch layer
NEW machine
4851 Checchi & Magli Fox 2 row Transplanter
New condition
4783 CM plastic film laying machine
CM Plastic remover
4782 Thermec brushing crop cleaner
3 row
4751 Rapi Strawberry bed cleaning brush
4750 RAPI plastic film loosener remover
example for strawberries
4700 WIFO three point adapter WIFO tool carrier
for forklift / forks
4674 Kongskilde Elliptor rotary cultivator with pressure roller
300 cm working width.
4656 Super Prefer row crop cleaner manual steering
4 row in very good condition
4634 Irrigation with pump
4586 Baselier rotary cultivator 8 row x75 cm
or rotary cultivator 600 cm width with crumbler roller
4526 Irrigation with small spreader
4517 Præstbro Maskinfabrik straw feeder
equipped for strawberries
4512 Tecnoma Sprayer NEW
Maxis 1200 liter 16 m boom
4446 Checchi & Magli plastic film placing machine
S14, for beds up to 1400 mm. New condition
4385 Einböck weed cultivator 3 m
4330 Bartschi Fobro bed former 1800 mm
strong big model
4234 Hatzenbichler row crop cultivator 7row
with manual steering
4230 Danfoil Aircules selfpropelled sprayer
36m 6000 liter
4178 Regero Steam Sterilisation
special for row crops such as carrots
4061 Hage Teknik straw feeder
3951 Row crop tires 9,5x44 bolt circle 205 mm c/c
3950 Row crop tires Kleber 9,5x48 350 mm c/c bolts
3834 Bauer Irrigation 65-220
complete with alu tubes and Caprari electric pump station
3447 Kongskilde Germinator 3 m
3383 CMN Kvikk killer couch grass killer
4 m wide, year model 2006
3374 REGERO Steam Sterilisation machine selfpropelled
3 beds year modell 2008
3176 DALBO three pointed linkage boom for example row cleaner
3260 HARDI small motorized sprayer for ATV etc
6032 Massey Ferguson 6718S tractor - SOLD
MF 6718 S year model 2021 with Quicke Front Loader
5442 HE-VA cultivator - SOLD
3,5 m wide
5664 Row crop tires suitable for example to New Holland T6 T7 - SOLD
13.6R48 rear and 9.5R36 front
3498 Forigo stone burier 150 cm - SOLD
5509 Forigo D45 rotary bed cultivator 170 cm - SOLD
5614 Limbacher Haulmer straw feeder to Strawberries for big bales - SOLD
good condition for round bales
4968 Limbacher Haulmer straw feeder to Strawberries for big bales - SOLD
good condition for round bales
5038 Hatzenbichler fertilizer equipment pneumatic - SOLD
4760 Kriva plastic film layer - SOLD
4938 JT Moteska spraying systems row crop sprayer - SOLD
5728 Kuhn power harrow 4 meter - SOLD
Kuhn HR4003D
4852 Breviglieri Interrow tiller 2 row - SOLD
Interrow cultivator in new condition
5753 Valtra 600 tractor 4WD with front loader - SOLD
2100 hours forest cab
4934 Farmax SRP spader cultivator - SOLD
5619 John Deere 5075E tractor for export with front loader - SOLD
with John Deere H240 front end loader as new 60 hours, year model 2020
5508 Hatzenbichler weed cultivator 6 m with Air 8 seeder - SOLD
Hatzenbichler grassland seeder year model 2020 new condition
3003 Ortiflor Stone burier (bed former) 210 cm year 2006 - SOLD
5441 Maschio rotary cultivator tiller 3 m - SOLD
model C
5597 Lely power harrow 3m - SOLD
4735 Asa-Lift salad harvester SC-50 - SOLD
also for chinese cabbage etc.
4160 Schaumann mist sprayer 700 liter - SOLD
5574 Vaderstad carrier CR350 - SOLD
Väderstad carrier trailed with hydraulic crossboard
3248 Haulmer to Strawberries for big bales - SOLD
5542 Tractor Valmet 465 4WD with Moheda timber trailer 10 ton - SOLD
4651 Bärtschi Fobro Kulti-rotor bedformer - SOLD
1500 mm
4927 Breviglieri Row cultivator 2 row - SOLD
5186 Bartschi Fobro bed cultivator - SOLD
130 cm with Fiona fertilizer unit.
5201 Used mulch layer plastic layer - SOLD
5207 Jarmet weed cultivator 9 m - SOLD
new condition hydraulic foldable
4804 Rosenqvist bed former - SOLD
5398 Lemken Zirkon 12 power harrow 3 m - SOLD
Lemken power harrow Zirkon 12/300, new condition year model 2018
5424 RMV hose reel irrigator 50/150 - SOLD
Rosenqvist irrigation hose reel
5280 Vaderstad cultus 300 tine cultivator - SOLD
New condition year model 2017
4670 Comeb Inter row rotavator 2 row - SOLD
manual steering
5194 Badalini row cultivator 2 row - SOLD
5165 John Deere 6810 tractor - SOLD
4571 Kongskilde row crop cleaner 5 row 3m wide - SOLD
4806 Lemken Eurolux TLE 1000 sprayer - SOLD
15 m boom Year model 2010
4827 HE-VA sub-tiller sub soiler - SOLD
Subtiller in very good condition
4835 Row crop tires different alternatives - SOLD
4867 Drängen working station - SOLD
Drangen for manual work
4792 Kverneland NG-M 101 Power harrow - SOLD
3 m. Front/rear
3384 REGERO Steam Sterilisation machine stationary - SOLD
model BPA year 2005
4958 Bartschi Fobro hoe brush brush cleaner - SOLD
manual steering 4x75 cm adjustable row distance
5020 Hatzenbichler weed cultivator 4,5 m - SOLD
new never used
4529 RMV irrigation 100/330 - SOLD
4072 Kaskad Irrigation 90-270 - SOLD
4564 Massey Ferguson 372 2WD Tractor - SOLD
only 1400 hours. Perfect for vegetable farming
4892 Edenhall haulm topper - SOLD
useful for different root vegetables
3987 Vaderstad Crosskill roller 4 m - SOLD
4493 Fiona direct seeding drill 4m XC DC - SOLD
new condition with roller after
4518 Breviglieri 2 row interrow tillers, row tiller harrow - SOLD
4519 Breviglieri 2 row interrow tillers, row tiller harrow - SOLD
4423 Bärtschi Fobro Kulti-rotor bedformer - SOLD
4352 Thermec brushing crop cleaner - SOLD
3 row in good condition
3598 Hatzenbichler weed cultivator 3 m - SOLD
4262 Hatzenbichler row crop cleaner 4 Reihen new condition - SOLD
manual steering
4263 Hatzenbichler row crop cleaner 7 row with steering - SOLD
4264 MAC cultiplow 7 row - SOLD
MAC soil loosener
4277 Garford Robocrop InRow Weeder - SOLD
4348 Bartschi Fobro bed former 1700 mm - SOLD
2 pc bed formers with pressure roller! Good condition!
4332 Howard HR40 305 Rotavator - SOLD
very good conditon, pre sub soiler
4253 MAS Hortech bed former 1350mm - SOLD
4174 Ferrari 346 Tractor with Muratori Stone Burier - SOLD
3314 Breviglieri 4 row interrow tillers, row tiller harrow - SOLD
year 1995. Good condition
3745 RMV 82-330 irrigation - SOLD
3997 EKKO plastic film placing machine - SOLD
3981 Hatzenbichler row crop cultivator 9 row - SOLD
front/rear mounted
3624 Kongskilde row crop cleaner 10 rows - SOLD
3890 Badalini Row rotary cultivator 4 row - SOLD
3574 Alpego rotary power harrow 4 m - SOLD
3724 CM plastic film placing machine for 175 cm beds - SOLD
3480 Hardi small sprayer 200 ltr 6 m ramp el-steering - SOLD
3771 Hatzenbichler row crop cultivator 7 row - SOLD
manual steering
3451 RMV irrigation equipment with pump station - SOLD
3471 Breviglieri row rotary cultivator - SOLD
3445 Thermec brushing crop cleaner - SOLD
3426 Super Prefer 4 row cleaner with manual steering - SOLD
3114 Egedal with Hardi band sprayer - SOLD
can be build to a row cleaner with steering
3446 Breviglieri rotary tiller with rib roller 230 cm - SOLD
3450 Mac row cleaner 3 row - SOLD
3472 Fiona row fertilizer - SOLD
3449 Einböck tined weeder 6 m - SOLD
3418 Ortiflor stone burier bed former - SOLD
3421 Row cleaner 6 rows in new condition - SOLD
3422 Drängen working station - SOLD
3283 Trailers 3 pc with transport conveyors in button for potato - SOLD
3345 Hatzenbichler row cultivator 10 rows - SOLD
Sorting /indoor machines
5783 EKKO stainless steel platform
5681 Albin pumps ALH, High Pressure Hose Pump
Albin ALH 40 hose membran pump
3759 Christiaens vegetable bunch washing line
5577 Box turner for forklift
front turning
5525 Besnard asparagus washer / grader
5524 ARC tying / binding bunching machine
ARC Binding machine
5513 Newtec 2009A apple weigher
with or without Newtec VB40CC twister bag machine
5382 EKKO platform 3600x800 mm
3462 Cabbage cleaning line complete
5351 Fleming Yardscraper 19 AYSF
Fleming potato scraper Rubber scraper
5299 Maxi cool Wetcooler Wet cooling unit
to Berries or vegetables
5224 RGD Mape flow pack with Upmatic tray feeder
RGD Mape VR1 Flowpack with tray feeding line
5177 A-Lab ventilation for potato storage
5176 A-Lab ventilation for potato storage
5069 Greefa MSE CCS 2000 apple fruit sorter
5058 Upmatic small pieces grader or vibratory feeder
1600 mm wide
5053 Clark C70D 7 ton forklift for sale
year model 2016. Only 550 hours
5032 Gillenkirch 7000 E-A packaging machine horizontal
Apple packaging machine etc
4939 Box turner for forklift Stainless steel
4874 Cascade push/pull aggregate
second hand cascade push pull
4523 Forklift Shovel big Kragelund
4378 AWETA G2 apple grading line
very good condition, has gone little. Year 2009
4235 Olimex Super 1197 grader for roses
4203 / 4544 Sammo optical grader for apple, potatoes etc
5050 Gode diameter grader for vegetables
4094 Kronen Multicorer Grid Cutting machine 3 Lane
for lettuce and cabbage
4091 ULMA PW 350 flow packing machine
3932 EMVE sampler test sample
3846 Toyota forklift 1.5 ton year 2008 only 1930 hours
3705 Briand lettuce washing line
3704 Euroklimat Hydro cooler
Euroklimat IPE 51, year 2007
3538 Crea-Tech packaging line for small bags
for potted bags with for example carrots and other crops, year 2010
3377 Prepack Tray erector for paper cartons
3360 Pieri automatic wrapping machine
3346 Flow pack Holweg & Stain
3073 EKKO green bean sorting and weigher equipment
3053 Pak Tyer bunching machine for carrots, radish roses etc
multi tyer
3042 Briand bunching tyer machine for vegetables, asparagus , flowers etc
3177 Rochmann automatic sealer machine for various use
3133 ULMA tray packing machine
3755 Cooler potato storage
4161 Wash basin for potato washer or leek washer
3000x1500 mm
4250 FISCHBEIN stitcher model F NEW hand model bag sewing machine
industrial stitcher for bags paper, raschel, Jute bag closing machine
3880 NEWLONG stitcher NP-7A NEW hand model sewing machine
industrial stitcher for bags paper, raschel, Jute bag closing machine
4975 Eillert washer for leafy vegetables
3381 Upmann weigher and tray packing line
12 weigher buckets for small products
3359 MPN Robot palletising for bags or boxes
robotics robot cell palletiser for different products
4422 bunker with screw feeder conveyor
stainess steel bunker
3568 Ishida CCW-RS multihead weigher 14 head
Complete line Salad design year 2008 in very good condition
3167 Record flow pack for trays with NEWTEC multi weigher - SOLD
for packing potatoes, tomtato, citrus etc. in flow package trays
5311 Eillert leafy vegetable washer salad washing line - SOLD
Eillert GWT -3 - 350
4872 Turatti Adria washer for leafy vegetables - SOLD
4324 EMVE seed potato spraying line - SOLD
5617 used onion boxes wooden boxes - SOLD
5113 EPK-6 box turner for forklift - SOLD
4854 Perfect MGS apple grader - SOLD
complete line year model 2008
4387 Perfect apple grading line - SOLD
Perfect OMS-2 apple sorter
4555 Linde E20 forklift with box turner / rotator - SOLD
year model 2009
4683 Smi pack shrinkwrapper för vegetables etc - SOLD
3531 Nosma cabbage cleaning line year model 2011 - SOLD
4951 Linde E16 forklift Electric - SOLD
3839 Newtec 2014 AP weigher for Apples - SOLD
for apples peaches, pears and other fruits
4159 Greefa apple sorter - SOLD
3826 Belca Flow wrapper BF 200 - SOLD
Flow wrapping machine for both trays and loose products
3344 Ishida CCW-R multihead weigher 14 head - SOLD
for ruccola small leafs etc. Gone only about 100 hours , new cond.
3368 Smi pack shrinkwrapper för vegetables etc - SOLD
Machines for food processing industry
Processing machines
6077 Avery Berkel ABM Cutter
ABM 850 T
6065 PPM potato peeler carborundum 3m
6063 Sormac DMA-60 potato halving machine
for peeled potatoes
6054 Zumex Food Engineering washing line for citrus
Zumex washing line brush washer for citrus fruits orange lemon satsumas clementin
6045 Newtec 1100 R weigher for processed products
Complete with stainless steel platform
6067 EMVE feeding bunker stainless steel
6044 Ferlo feeding bunker
Stainless steel
5841 Tenrit peeling line for carrots etc
carrot processing peeling/ top tail line year model 2018
6043 Newtec 2014PCB 2B weigher for processed products
PCB series weighing machine 14 head high capacity machine
6042 Newtec 2014PCB 2B weigher for processed products
PCB series weighing machine 14 head high capacity machine
6040 Sormac AFW-40 automatic weigher
automatic weigher for peeled products
5793 GKS Unipack vertical bagger VFFS
6017 Limas Roller grader for peeled products
6015 Smipack FP6000 sealer
6014 Backus Sormac drum sorter for peeled products
6008 Potato peeler crypto peerless small carborundum
6004 Marcelissen potato sorter for peeled potato
5999 RMT potato peeler batch peeler carborundum
6002 Ishida multihead weigher
14 head CCW-RS-214
5032 Gillenkirch 7000 E-A packaging machine horizontal
Apple packaging machine etc
5921 Limas elevator 3700x400 mm STAINLESS STEEL
5981 Limas potato peeling line with step peeler
Limas step potato peeler
5977 Boema steam peeler cooker. Boema SPB 65
steam peeling machine
5971 Marcelissen potato halving machine
halving and quartering machine for peeled potatoes
5973 Idea Pack traysealer
I.dea pack puma Ideapack traysealer
5968 Sormac knife peeler MS
Sormac MS-10 potato peeler with knife
5966 Tenrit plus C16 carrot peeling line with top and tail
High capacity carrot processing line
5951 Limas drum peeler carborundum peeling
Limas potato peeler
5950 Limas drum washer with destoner
Stainless steel
4094 Kronen Multicorer Grid Cutting machine 3 Lane
for lettuce and cabbage
5262 Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler knife peeler
with V-feeding belt
5946 Sormac BSM-150 belt slicer
Sormac BSM150 slicer
4091 ULMA PW 350 flow packing machine
5939 Sormac GWM vegetable washing machine
Sormac leafy vegetable washer double units
5142 EKKO hydro cooler for carrots etc
5938 Newtec JASA packaging line for processed vegetables potatoes
Newtec 2009 PCB weigher / JASA J350 bagger
5937 BMA steam peeler cooker
5876 Fimo roller table 1700x600 mm
stainless steel
5934 Sormac SW-50 SW50 washer for leafy vegetables
washer for vegetables.
5933 Sormac BSM-150 belt slicer
Sormac BSM150 slicer
5932 Foodcons F3000 cutter slicer wedger for vegetable fruit
F3000 wedging and slicing machine for vegetables and fruits
4759 EKKO hydro cooler
5929 RMT caroburundum peeler 2,5m
5920 Meva rotoscreen RS
3538 Crea-Tech packaging line for small bags
for potted bags with for example carrots and other crops, year 2010
5919 Sormac fall breaker
originally sorting unit for peeled products
5902 MHS cutter slicer
MHS Schneidetechnik PCE 70 / 21K
5873 Bandall banding machine
Bandall TRC
5899 Treif Jaguar 700 Cutter
4622 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
5791 Boxturner hydraulic stationary STAINLESS STEEL
5872 Urschel VSC segment cutter
cuts segments, slabs strips weges of potato etc
5860 Sormac weighing machine Sormac AFW
Sormac AFW-40 DB
3346 Flow pack Holweg & Stain
5859 Sormac roller table
Sormac RLT 200-60
5282 GNA AV65 Flow pack Vertical bagger
GNA AV 65 flowpackstainless steel
5858 Sormac knife peeler MS
Sormac MS-10 potato peeler with knife
5857 Sormac PO-30 Bell pepper decoring machine
Sormac peppercorer PO 30 decorer
5645 EMVE sieving web 1400x550 mm. STAINLESS STEEL
5856 Kronen KUJ cube, strip & slice cutting machine
wide range of cutting tools
5849 Kronen vegetable and lettuce spin dryer centrifuge
Kronen K50 - 7S / Kronen KS
5847 Rousselet centrifuge
Rousselet centrifugation
5846 EMVE automatic weigher for peeled products
5843 Kronen DS1000 small washer leafy vegetables
5167 GKS UP 300 vertical bagger
manual feeding
5820 Kronen lettuce washer baby leaf washer
Kronen GEWA 2600 V Eco
4356 Sormac KP-50 carrot peeler knife peeler
also for cucumber etc
5569 Virginio Nastri elevator Stainless steel
6000x550 mm to suit multihead weigher etc
5819 Kronen vibratory feeder table
Kronen sorting table vibratory grader Gewa VT
5817 Finis Topnotch onion peeler
5567 Turatti Conveyor belt 1600x1000 mm stainless steel
weighing cells
5816 Marcelissen destoner vertical
5566 Turatti elevator 3600x650 mm Stainless steel
mesh belt
5814 Newtec 2009PCB linear weigher for processed products
such as peeled potatoes
5795 EKKO roller inspection table STAINLESS STEEL
year model 2019
5794 General System pack 45 EVO flow pack
FSP 45 Evo year model 2014
5790 Ishida Multihead weigher 14 head
5741 Ishida multihead weigher with Pentavac vertical bagger
5732 Eillert Centirfuge MSD spinner dryer for leafy vegetables
Eillert basket centrifuge
5731 Reepack vertical bagger with Yamato multihead weigher
Complete stainless steel
5599 Roller table inspection table 3200x500 mm
Stainless steel
5729 Eillert KS900 S Slicer
5718 Hepro carrot peeler
Hepro HSM-U knife peeler
5709 Sormac SW-50 SW50 washer for leafy vegetables
washer for vegetables.
5707 Limas step peeler potato peeler
4 step carborundum peeler
5705 Ekomatic peeling line for potato
complete potato peeler line
5702 Huber Rotamat Ro9 micro stainer
5694 PPM grading drum for potato
5692 Potato sorter for peeled potatoes
5690 Ekomatic destoner Stainless steel
5689 Sogevac SV200 vacuum pump
5667 Limas destoner vertical screw model
5635 Urschel cc slicer
Urschel cutter
5628 Newtec 2009PCB weigher for processed products
Newtec PCB weigher linear weigher mulithead weigher
5626 Ulma Super Chik stretch film wrapper
2 pc machines tray sealer stretch film
5625 Ulma Chik
5595 Limas peeler carborundum 2m
5586 Kitzinger Spiracon 200 tray washer
used traywasher year model 2016
5585 ITEC Star Clean All in One hygiene station
hand wash station desinfection shoes washer
4511 Record Nova Flow pack
5579 Treif Puma CE Cutter
5572 Carnitech L25 column lift
5571 Cabinplant mixing drum
seasoner blender
5570 Cabinplant mixing drum
seasoner blender
5565 Orme Packaging Machines Food Industry
flow pack horizontal
5564 Case-Link bagging machine for cartons
5546 Hallde RG-1 cutter
Hallde RG1
5545 Urschel GK-A dicer slicer
Urschel slicer
5472 GNA AV65 vertical bagger
vertical flow pack Vertbag
5473 GNA Orange PLUS flowpack
horizontal flow pack flow wrapper
5471 Cabinplant vibratory feeder
5422 Tenrit plus C16 carrot peeling line with top and tail
High capacity carrot processing line
5421 Heat and control conveyor belt 2800x600 mm STAINLESS STEEL
gitter conveyor belt year model 2017
5416 Sormac PWV Step Flow feeder for carrot
5414 Tenrit carrot peeler knife peeing
Tenrit Solo year model 2015
5409 Hamer inc bagger
C&R refrigeration bagging unit with screw feeder
5407 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
5406 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
5405 Limas step peeler potato peeler with knife peeler
1 carborundum + 2 knife steps
5397 GGM potato peeler 20 kg capacity carborundum
GGM Gastro KSE20F year 2018
5395 Eillert CH-I-N spinner for leafy vegetables
Eillert centrifuge with rotating basked holder
5392 JASA Easy bagger vertical form fill seal packaging machine
5388 Agroselector 6T-3 optical sorter grader
for peeled potatoes
5386 Limas knife peeler batchpeeler
5363 Ekomatic automatic weigher with screw feeding
Stainless steel
5360 Weigher to peeled products like peeled potatoes
5359 Limas weigher
5358 Ekomatic stainless steel screw conveyor
5357 Limas stainles screw conveyor 3000 mm
stainless steel
5344 Limas knife peeler
5341 Limas dewatering belt conveyor
5340 Kronen DS1000 small washer leafy vegetables
5334 WE BUY YOUR USED MACHINES FOR EXPORT Potato vegetable fruit
PROCESS MACHINES AS WELL AS HANDLING AND FIELD for vegetables potatoes and fruit
5331 Limas drum washer with destoner
Stainless steel
5304 Atoma 200 weigher for processed products etc
5306 Sormac AFW-40 weighing machine
new condition, year model 2014 for processed products
5298 Sorting drum for peeled product
5293 Limas quatering machine for potato
Potato quartering machine
5288 Ekomatic potato peeling line
3 m carborundum peeler, year 2009
5275 RMT rotating carousel automatic weigher with 8 station
for peeled products
5271 EMVE diabolo grader for peeled product
Diabolo Sizer for potato STAINLESS STEEL
5260 Backus Sormac carrot baton machine
5258 Foodlife Eilert GEWA-1500 leaf washer
small leafy vegetables washer
5255 Urschel cc slicer
Urschel model CC slicer
4315 Stainless steel bunker 1650x600 mm
5244 Urschel RA dicer
5171 Hepro HSM-U/W / Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler
carrot knife Peeler
5170 RMT roller table in stainless steel
5300x500 mm
5168 Eiller packaging table
Eillert VT-2000
5159 Newtec 2009 PCB weigher for processed products
5158 PPM carborundum peeler 3 m / complete peeling line
can be sold as complete line or as single machine
5156 Urschel GK-A dicer slicer
5152 Barriquand autoclave 2 pcs
complete with cooling tunnel and palletizer
5151 Eillert Slicer G 1500
Eillert G1500 vegetable cutter
5135 Nymek drum washer 4500x1400 mm
for peas, potatoes, root veetables or for sorting.
5127 Sormac USM-S60 onion peeler
perfect condition
5121 Jeros 200 / 200 XL crate washer
5090 Sormac USM S-100 onion peeler
perfect condition year 2014
5064 FORMIT PROX for profiling potatoes etc
new condition
4997 Eko-Matic potato peeler carborundum
2 m in stainless steel
4996 Kronen carrot peeler knife carrot peeler
Kronen TMS210 also cucumber and asparagus peeler
4990 Key Optyx optical sorter
for example for lettuce, spinach
4988 Eillert potato peeler carborundum batch peeler
3537 PFM zenith vertical form fill & seal machine
4987 Eillert knife peeler batch peeler
3536 Miele complete weigher and vertical packaging machine
Miele Smart 400 vertical bagger with weigher year model 2008
4981 Cabinplant blancher steam blancher BC3
1000 mm wide CBS Continuous Blanching System / steam Cooker
4979 Ishida multi head weight with Bosch SVE 3615 vertical bagger
Ishida CCW-R-214W-S/50-WP
4975 Eillert washer for leafy vegetables
4974 Reepack Reeflow 400 Flow wrap
flow pack year model 2011 stainless steel
4969 Sormac USM-S60 onion peeler
perfect condition
4970 Holac Cubixx 100 dicer
very good condition
4961 Sormac Onion peeler USM-X60
4946 ENP feeding bunker STAINLESS STEEL
4945 Ishida Multihead weigher
Ishida CCW-Z-214W-S/30-WP
4936 Kronen Kuj Cube, strip & slice cutting machine
4935 IMC M15 potato peeler
combi knife peeler carborundum peeler
4919 Limas roller grader for peeled potatoes
4906 Tenrit peeling line for carrots etc
carrot processing peeling/ top tail line year model 2014
4905 Limas knife peeler potato peeler
useful as return peeler
4891 PPM peeling line for potato
complete line for potato peeling
4889 Conveyor belt 1300x300 mm STAINLESS STEEL
useful for cutting machine
4887 Urschel G dicer
Urschel Model G slicer / dicer / cutter
4886 Urschel G-A Dicer
4885 Urschel HX-A dicer
Urschel model HX-A
4884 Mado grinder mixer
MADO MEW 620 Automatic Grinder FOR SALE USED
4883 Limas slot peeler for root vegetables
4879 Cabinplant Belt Thawing
4871 Urschel OV slicer
4870 Limas destoner screw destoner
800 mm screw high capacity
4857 Urschel G-A dicer
Urschel cutting machine for dices
4816 Komen + Kuin Steam Peeler
Komen Kuin steam peeling for potato etc
4807 Urschel cc slicer
Urschel model CC slicer
4797 Eima destoner
vertical destoner
4796 Marcelissen destoner
vertical destoner
4770 Limas Step peeler for potato
2 carborundum step and 1 knife step
4757 Bertuzzi CitroRap high speed rotating drums scrape for oranges
and other citrus fruits
4753 Bilwinco multi head weigher with PFM Zenith vertical bagger
stainless steel
4724 Ulma PV-350 flow pack
4639 Dornow inspection table stainless steel
4638 Dornow vertical destoner screw model
new condition
4637 Dornow potato peeler 3 m carborundum
Dornow Roller peeler R-503-100KK-S50
4623 Sormac automatic weigher
stainless steel
4600 Ishida multihead weigher CCW-RS-214W
4593 GKS complete packaging line with vertical bagger, weigher etc
complete line in very good condition
4561 Limas Carborundum peeler
Limas drum peeler 3000 mm
4533 Lindfors grader STAINLESS STEEL
for peeled products, cabbage etc.
4494 lock metalchek metal detector
4393 Kiremko carborundum batch peeler
abrasive batch peeler for potato and root vegetables
4394 Dornow potato knife peeler 3 pc
Dornow / Kronen peeler knife
4422 bunker with screw feeder conveyor
stainess steel bunker
4355 Sormac inspection table stainless steel
Waffled rollers
4363 FAM MC-3D cutting machine multi
dicer / shredder / cubes Multi machine
4354 Bilwinco Multihead weigher DL60/10-D 10 head
stainless steel with platform
4237 Turatti Transverse slicer K6
4225 Kiremko vibratory feeder 1200 mm
Dewatering vibrator
4222 Herbort 122A dicer and slicer
equipped for dicing
4223 Hällde RG-3 vegetable cutter
equipped for dicing slicing shred
4206 GEA CFS thermoformer model 660
Vacuum Packaging Machine for preformed trays with weigher
4199 GNA AV550 flow-pack horizontal
4198 Climaveneta NECS W Water cooled chiller
4193 Nymek weigher stainless steel
4144 Belt drier web table for Frying line potato chips
4004 Agroselector optical sorting machine
3978 EXAKTAPACK EXA10 Multihead weigher
Exakta EXA10
3919 AIC power check check weigher
3938 Rosenqvists vibratory cross feeder
new machine
3782 Limas three step peeler for potato
3729 Vertical bagger with manual feeding
3728 Complete weigher and bagging line "vertical pack"
3708 Ishida multi head weigher 14 head with vertical bagger
Ishida CCW-Z-2 14W -S60
3666 Urschel VSC Segment cutter
3662 Complete Potato Processing line
peeling line
3661 Complete Potato Processing line
potato cube line
3658 H&K CFS traysealer 6x2 pc/minute
3568 Ishida CCW-RS multihead weigher 14 head
Complete line Salad design year 2008 in very good condition
3535 Exakta multihead weigher year model 2008
model EXA MH 10 V2
3256 URSCHEL GRL slicer cutter for french fries etc.
3238 PPM carborundum roller peeler for potato
5589 Skals automatic weigher Stainless Steel - SOLD
for example for peeled products
5588 Skals automatic weigher Stainless Steel - SOLD
for example for peeled products
4416 GNA AV65 Flow pack Vertical bagger - SOLD
stainless steel
5408 Masek Viking E400 bagger - SOLD
vertical bagger for big bags
5394 Eillert elevator 2700x400 mm Stainless steel - SOLD
4362 EMVE roller table stainless steel - SOLD
5412 PPM potato chips line - SOLD
Used potato chips line with 650 kg/h
5710 Sormac TBT-60 conveyor for leafy vegetables - SOLD
4000x870 mm stainless steel new condition
5747 Sormac DMA-60 potato halving machine - SOLD
for peeled potatoes
4960 Ekomatic weigher Stainless Steel - SOLD
5894 Destoner vertical screw - SOLD
6009 Destoner vertical screw for peeling - SOLD
5602 EMVE wet dosing hopper - SOLD
with star cleaning module STAINLESS STEEL
4357 Sormac automatic weigher stainless steel - SOLD
for peeled products etc.
4630 Nymek carborundum potato peeler - SOLD
RMT Nymek batch peeler
4396 Dornow Slide chain bunker with swan neck - SOLD
stainless steel
4961 Marcelissen sliver remover - SOLD
4397 X-Steel potato washing machine NEW NEVER USED - SOLD
3000x900 mm drum Stainless steel
4398 X-Steel potato washing machine 2000x900 mm drum - SOLD
stainless steel
5070 Formit destoner - SOLD
5139 Formit peeling line potato - SOLD
carborundum and knife peeler
5660 Finis knife peeler for potato and root vegetables - SOLD
Finis KGSCH 96 discs high capacity potato peeling machine
5696 Record Scorpion Topseal Scorpion TS RS - SOLD
year model 2014
5651 Kiremko kettle fryer for potato chips - SOLD
Kiremko fryer with FAM slicer complete line for produce batch fried potato chips
5350 Urschel cc slicer - SOLD
Urschel model CC slicer
5875 Roto-sieve drum screen - SOLD
Rotosieve for cleaning of wastewater
5600 PPM potato peeler 3m - SOLD
carborundum peeler STAINLESS STEEL
5295 Nymek RMT auger screw 3000x300 mm Stainless Steel - SOLD
5905 Eillert Centirfuge spinner dryer for leafy vegetables - SOLD
5904 Sormac DMA-60 potato halving machine - SOLD
5898 RMT potato peeling line - SOLD
carborundum batch peeler
5319 Eillert vegetable centrifuge - SOLD
Eillert CH-IN-R- VAR
5292 Dornow potato halving machine for potato - SOLD
Dornow potato divider cutter stainless steel potato
5410 Traxxel ice plant line complete - SOLD
Complete Traxxel ice making plant
4498 Limas conveyor vertical standing 2700x300 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
5332 Limas step peeler - SOLD
3 carborundum steps
5656 Innotech Revo 3800 vertical bagger - SOLD
Innotech VFFS bagger ready for use
5810 Carborundum batch peeler - SOLD
potato peeler
5226 Sormac USM-100 onion peeler - SOLD
with Finis spiral roller inspection table
5531 Alco mixer AMP1600 blender - SOLD
Alco AMP-1600 mixing
4727 Marcelissen Top and tailer carrot topper 4 lane - SOLD
as new
4842 Hepro carrot peeler - SOLD
knife peeler for carrots
4889 Limas potato washer 1500x600 mm STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
5071 Eko-matic peeling line - SOLD
5318 Eillert vegetable centrifuge - SOLD
Eillert CH-IN-R- VAR
4918 Kronen GS 10 belt cutter - SOLD
4787 URSCHEL Comitrol Processor Model 2100 - SOLD
high capacity Urschel comitrol 2100 milling machine
4888 Urschel J-A dicer and strip cutter - SOLD
3667 Multivac T400 tray sealer - SOLD
3534 Palmia mixer / grinder - SOLD
5311 Eillert leafy vegetable washer salad washing line - SOLD
Eillert GWT -3 - 350
5882 Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler - SOLD
Sormac KP60 carrot knife peeler with infeed belt
4985 Steriflow autoclave 1361 - SOLD
5261 Jasa Easybagger J350 ESB - SOLD
vertical bagger
3864 PPM blancher CBS Continuous Blanching System / steam Cooker - SOLD
4813 EMVE box filler double - SOLD
vertical in stainless steel
4859 Sormac inspection table STAINLESS STEEL - SOLD
4766 Smipack FP560A with Smipack T450 - SOLD
shrink wrapping line
4684 Newtec 2009PC weigher - SOLD
4395 Dornow inspection table 4500x500 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
3764 Newtec 2009PCB multi head weighe - SOLD
for small vegetables, leafs, shrimps, fish etc
4858 Sormac USM100A onion peeler - SOLD
sormac onion peeler
4812 EMVE hydraulic box turner 1300 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
4325 LIMAS potato washing machine NEW NEVER USED - SOLD
stainess steel! Drum 1200x900 mm
4872 Turatti Adria washer for leafy vegetables - SOLD
4925 Limas Screw conveyor Stainless steel - SOLD
4400 EMVE stainless steel Bunker mit brush washing unit - SOLD
brushing polisher
4012 Finis quartering machine FV - SOLD
4323 Potato washer with destoner stainless steel - SOLD
for example to a peeling line
4848 EMVE automatic weigher with dipping bunker - SOLD
for processed products
4386 Sormac onion peeler USM-100A - SOLD
complete line for peeing onions
4417 Sormac USM 1 Onion peeler - SOLD
4562 Limas Screw conveyor 3000x250 mm - SOLD
stainless steel
4786 De Bruyne Peeler carborundum - SOLD
year model 2013
4399 Agroselector 6T-3 optical grader for peeled potatoes - SOLD
model 6T 3 for peeled products
4642 LIMAS potato peeling Line with step peeler - SOLD
2+2 carborundum and knife peeler / Agroselector optical grader year 2009
4291 Marcelissen carborundum peeler - SOLD
2500 mm abrasive drum peeler
4119 Limas Step Peeler with Knife Peeling step - SOLD
very good condition
4003 Urschel E TranSlicer® Cutter - SOLD
4572 Hällde Vegetable Preparation Machine RG-400i - SOLD
new condition
4602 LIMAS complete peeling factory for potato - SOLD
Very good condition, Complete line
4196 Eillert Knife peeler batchpeeler - SOLD
4182 Eillert peeler C-12-P carborundum peler for potato - SOLD
3255 URSCHEL GRL slicer strip cutter for french fries etc. - SOLD
4285 Sormac Onion peeler USM-X60 - SOLD
4008 RMT carborundum peeler - SOLD
4109 Limas peeling line with three step peeler - SOLD
Limas three step Carborundum complete peeling Line
3252 Mixer Mischer to food or vegetables, flour etc - SOLD
stainless steel
3558 Sormac KP-50 carrot peeler knife peeler - SOLD
also for cucumber
3695 Urschel model 30 cutter - SOLD
for carrots, green beans, asparagus, okra etc
3561 SORMAC onion peeler line - SOLD
Model USM 100A
4060 Vibratory feeder Aviteq mit Bunker - SOLD
stainless steel
3942 ENP elevator stainless 1000 + 3900 +600 x450 mm - SOLD
3826 Belca Flow wrapper BF 200 - SOLD
Flow wrapping machine for both trays and loose products
3958 Larkap elevator stainless 1700x350 mm +gooseneck - SOLD
3344 Ishida CCW-R multihead weigher 14 head - SOLD
for ruccola small leafs etc. Gone only about 100 hours , new cond.
3560 Limas potato peeling complete line - SOLD
3663 Sormac onion peeling line - SOLD
Model Sormac USM-X100 year 2006
3288 SORMAC onion peeler line complete - SOLD
model USM 100 inlcuding weighing and packing
3257 URSCHEL H-A dicer / strip cutter for fruit, vegetables... - SOLD
3338 SORMAC WOS 1A carrot "top and tail" - SOLD
only gone 9 months
3368 Smi pack shrinkwrapper för vegetables etc - SOLD