Do you not find the machine you´re looking for? Please contact us, all machines is not in the list, othervise we will do our very best to find the machine you are looking for!
Machines for carrots, red beets, parsnips etc.
6079 Dewulf carrot harvester with elevator
Dewulf P3K
6061 Jones straw layer 9 bale
6041 Dewulf GBII carrot harvester
2 row bunker harvester. Year model 2020
4868 Asa-Lift PO-250 leek harvester / carrot sharelifter
with sharelift section for carrots
6039 Asa-Lift SP-200 E carrot harvester
Asalift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 row
6037 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker
1 row with bunker
6027 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row
1 row with hydraulic fork
6026 Asa-Lift T-300 carrot harvester
Mit Elevator
5940 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with roller table
Asa-Lift ST-1200
5896 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker
DEMO machine year model 2023 gone 5 ha
5738 Asa-Lift Combi 1000 carrot harvester box
1 row toplift carrot harvester with roller table for boxes
5737 Dewulf RA3060 carrot kit sharelift 2 row
5624 Harvest belts for Asa-Lift carrot harvester
spare parts for Asa-Lift carrot harvester
5555 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator
DEMO 5 HA year model 2020
5501 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T90B with bunker
Asa-Lift T-90B carrot harvester
5499 Asa-Lift T-100 DF carrot harvester with elevator
1 row with elevator
5335 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator
DEMO 5 HA year model 2020
5137 Asa-Lift sharelift section for carrots etc
5076 Asa-lift carrot harvester with auto box filling
long harvest belts
5004 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester with box table
year 2002. With onion harvester channel
4837 Asa-Lift harvester for bunch carrots
harvester to bunched vegetables
4631 Asa-Lift garlic harvester
Knoblauch / Industrie Möhren Roder
4426 Asa-Lift T200 carrot harvester with elevator
2 row toplift with elevator
4350 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-200E 2 row with elevator
hedgehog belt, good condition on wear parts
4100 Asa-Lift sharelift carrot harvester with bunker
4034 Asa-Lift T120-B carrot harvester with bunker
both SHARELIFT and TOPLIFT section
3967 Asa-Lift T255 2 row carrot harvester with elevato
3895 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker T-120B
3766 Asa-lift T-10B carrot harvester mounted with bunker
3748 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T200E elevator
3640 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-200 2 row with elevator
3454 Grimme GZ1700 2 row red beet harvester etc
equipped for harvesting vegetables
3590 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator 4 row
for industry carrots
3508 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 3 row for industry carrots with elevator
3089 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with front bunker
with discs for industry carrots
5419 Asa-Lift combi 1000 potato harvester - SOLD
also carrot harvester sharelift equipment
5813 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
bunker harvester total gone 30 ha, year model 2014
5739 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
cross conveyor for box filling
5338 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
2019 year model 20 ha 3,3 ton CROSS WEB
5481 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
NEW stock machine direct available 2022 model
5290 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
4106 Asa-Lift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 row with bunker - SOLD
5889 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
Asa-Lift T-200 DF
5528 Dewulf GKII carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
5763 Asa-Lift combi carrot harvester - SOLD
with roller table for big box
5741 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
5663 Simon carrot harvester 2 row selfpropelled - SOLD
with Elevator
5662 Dewulf GKIIS carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
Dewulf GKII year model 2017
3460 Dewulf 2 row carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
5036 Asa-Lift carrot harvester mounted - SOLD
1 row with roller table for big box
4780 Asa-Lift ST 1200 1 row carrot harvester - SOLD
5490 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4690 Asa-Lift KT-100 potato harvester - SOLD
mounted for box filling, year 2007, Also with CARROT WEB
5265 Asa-Lift combi-1000 carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
good condition
5287 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
DIRECT AVAILABLE cross conveyor for box filling, year model 2014
5197 Asa-Lift Combi 1000 carrot harvester - SOLD
roller table for big box. Year 2007
5162 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester - SOLD
NEW incoming stock machine 3,3 ton CROSS WEB
5130 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
New stock machine DIRECT AVAILABLE!
4716 Asa-Lift ST1200 carrot harvester - SOLD
with elevator, long harvest belts.
5277 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3970 DEWULF GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
DEMO Exhibition machine
4596 Asa-Lift carrot harvester for bunch carrots - SOLD
carrot bunching harvester 2 row
4649 GCL potato windrower and root vegetables - SOLD
harvest two rows and create one new row
4073 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-120B with bunker - SOLD
5083 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-140B - SOLD
1 row with bunker with both sharelift and toplift section
5181 Asa-lift carrot harvester T-100 single row with bunker - SOLD
4737 Asa-Lift cross web for box filling - SOLD
am ende von die Bunker
4095 Asa-Lift sharelift mounted carrot harvester - SOLD
sharelift and additional toplift section for industry
3881 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row mounted bunker T-18 - SOLD
3128 Asa-Lift TRS sharelift carrot harvester - SOLD
with elevator for haulmed and industry carrots etc
4976 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
NEW incoming stock machine 3,3 ton
5077 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
New stock machine DIRECT AVAILABLE!
4098 Simon carrot harvester selfpropelled Sharelift harvester - SOLD
with tracks, Simon Cruiser
4692 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
New machine immediately delivery
4923 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with roller table for big box - SOLD
4904 Asa-Lift T-140B carrot harvester with 4 ton Bunker - SOLD
year model 2007
4774 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with 3 ton bunker - SOLD
year model 2012,
4667 Asa-Lift T-100 carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3488 Asa-Lift ST 1200 1 row carrot harvester - SOLD
4557 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
1 row single toplift carrot toplifter
4601 / 4557 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
1 row single toplift carrot toplifter
4641 Asa-Lift T-140B carrot harvester 4 ton bunker - SOLD
cross web for box filling
4208 Asa-Lift CM1000 carrot harvester for boxes - SOLD
Both toplift and sharelift sections. year model 2011
3583 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with 5 ton bunker - SOLD
year model 2006
4133 Asa-Lift T240B carrot harvester 2 row with bunker - SOLD
could also run as elevator harvester
4166 Asa-Lift T-130B carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
year model 2013, very good condition
4419 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with roller table - SOLD
4176 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with box table - SOLD
3668 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator 2 row - SOLD
much equipment
4105 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester 1 row with roller table - SOLD
3899 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with fork - SOLD
3975 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
hydraulic torpedoes, long belts
3920 Dewulf P3CC carrot harvester with auto box system - SOLD
year model 2007
4016 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-120B 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3893 Asa-Lift carrot harvester combi mini - SOLD
3670 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
model T100
3842 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-100B with bunker - SOLD
3804 Asa-Lift carrot harvester mounted combi mini - SOLD
with roller table for boxes
3545 Asa-Lift T-120B carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
incl. both Sharelift and toplift harvest section.
3631 Asa-Lift swedes harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
can also be modified for carrots
3874 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
also carrot harvester share
3621 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row trailed with bunker - SOLD
star roller cleaner and long harvest belts
3519 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
with wheel traction and hedgehog belt
3504 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
3417 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3499 DEWULF GBC carrot harvester - SOLD
NEW fair stand machine
3457 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row trailed elevator - SOLD
Very good condition
3352 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
year model 2007 R1B2
3327 Asa-Lift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 rows - SOLD
with bunker
3086 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
Semimounted machine
Seeding drills
5969 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables
3 row
5913 Struik Weed fix
5900 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder 4x75 cm
4 row twin row for carrot etc DIRECT AVAILABLE!
5336 Sfoggia Calibra precision seeder
2 row pneumatic vegetable planter DEMO
5109 Nibex 300 precision seeder 5 row
5101 Nibex 500 Seeder 6 rows.
4989 Monosem MS pneumatic precision seeder 4 row
4789 Stanhay 785 precision seeder
7 rows
4781 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables
3 row
4722 Nibex 300 2 row seeder
4612 Kverneland Miniair Nova pneumatic seeder
4 row in perfect condition
4576 Stanhay precision seeder 12 row
4353 Nibex 6 row precision seeder
Nibex 500
4204 Agricola Italiana SNT 4 row pneumatical seeder
pneumatical seeder equipped for carrots
3799 Nibex 300 seeding machine 5 row
0000 NIBEX spare parts
Sales of spare parts to Nibex seeding drills
3595 Nibex 300 seeding machine 12 rows
equipped with cups for onion and carrot seeding.
3175 Stanhay precision seeder for spinach, carrots etc
model 985 12 row
3209 Stanhay/Struik carrot bed and seeder combination
1305 Stanhay precision seeding drill 4 row for carrot etc
4007 Monosem MS 12 Row Seeding machine - SOLD
4021 Stanhay precision seeder 9 row S870 - SOLD
4364 Stanhay 785 precision seeder prenumatic - SOLD
4 rows +3 extra aggregates
3430 Stanhay S870 1 row seeding machine - SOLD
4621 Monosem MS precision seeder for vegetables - SOLD
discs for carrots
4403 Nibex 300 4 row seeder for carrots and other vegetables - SOLD
4666 Nibex Mini hand drawn precision seeder - SOLD
4496 Nibex 300 4 row seeder for carrots and other vegetables - SOLD
very good condition
3902 Stanhay precision seeder 9 rows - SOLD
3890 Badalini Row rotary cultivator 4 row - SOLD
3985 Stanhay precision seeder 3 row 840 Robin - SOLD
3795 Nibex 500 3 row precision seeder - SOLD
3798 Nibex 300 seeding machine 3 row - SOLD
3889 Nibex 300 4 row precision seeder - SOLD
3913 Stanhay seeding machine 3 row pneumatic - SOLD
4064 NIBEX MINI 500 precision seeder hand drawn - SOLD
new condition
3833 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
machine in very good condition
4049 Nibex 500 seeding machine with plastic layer - SOLD
new condition
3419 Monosem pneumatical seeding machine - SOLD
3 row in new condition
3796 Nibex 500 seeder 4+2 rows - SOLD
3618 Nibex 500 precision seeder - SOLD
3619 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
machine in new condition
3616 Nibex mini precision seeder hand drawn - SOLD
3448 Stanhay precision seeder 918S 4 row - SOLD
3572 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3569 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3562 Nibex mini seeding drill hand drawn - SOLD
3406 Nibex seeding machine 4 row - SOLD
Grading and packing machines
6072 Newtec 2012XBG weigher for carrot and potato
6071 Newtec 2012DG carrot weigher
6031 Haith polisher for carrots
3,5m brushes for carrots. Year 2017
6025 Newtec G30A weigher and bagger for carrots
6011 EMVE hydro cooler for carrots
big drum hydrocooler in stainless steel.
5880 EKKO polisher drum polisher for carrots
EKKO EM1207 2 m drum and with recirculation unit stainless steel
5841 Tenrit peeling line for carrots etc
carrot processing peeling/ top tail line year model 2018
5752 Newtec 2000/G40 weigher and bagger
for carrots potatoes etc.
5746 Marcelissen drumsorter 3 pcs
carrot small piece carrot sorter
5735 Allround diameter radial grader new condition
Allround R80 sorter for carrots etc
5665 Gillenkirch 7000E horizontal bagger
horizontal bagger for plastic bags of potato etc
5659 Newtec celox optical sorter for carrots
optical grader for carrots
5657 WYMA polisher 3 m
Wyma WB 3014
5514 Odenberg optical sorter Odenberg ATE 40080
5655 Newtec 2009XB weigher for carrots and potato
Newtec 2009XBG for carrots
5612 Newtec 2009G linear weigher for carrots / potato
year model 2012
5578 Sorma FH210 bagging machine
S&B FH 210 horizontal bagger for plastic
5560 Newtec 2000 with G40 tape twister bagger
reversible cross conveyor
5653 Gillenkirch 7300-EK packmaskin
horizontal packaging machine for carrots potato etc
5551 EKKO diameter sorter grader for carrots
5500 Newtec 2008 with G45 tape twister bagger
2008G for carrot potatoes and onions
5504 Newtec 2000 with G45 tape twister bagger
5443 Newtec celox optical sorter for carrots
optical grader for carrots
5381 EKKO diameter sorter 2 lane
EKKO carrot sorter grader diameter sorting
5354 EMVE automatic weigher with double feeding belts
carrot weigher for long shaped products
5346 Newtec 2009G computer weigher for carrots
5892 Ekko feeding bunker wet dosing hopper
Ekko feeding bunker stainless steel
5343 Newtec 2000/G40 weigher and bagger
carrot weigher and bagger
5891 Ekko wet bunker with elevator
5 pcs available. Stainless steel.
5262 Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler knife peeler
with V-feeding belt
5155 Newtec 2000 / G45 weigher and bagger
for potato and carrots etc.
5150 Newtec G30A weigher and bagger for carrots
5142 EKKO hydro cooler for carrots etc
5106 Newtec LPP 41 printer 2 pc
5105 Newtec PEB40G carrot bagger
Newtec carrot tape twister, Year 2008. 2 pcs
4840 Peal washing line for potato
4984 Newtec 2008 weigher with G45 bagger
for carrots
4863 WYMA polisher 3m
brushes for carrots
4803 WYMA polisher for carrots
2,4 m drum recirculation system
3704 Euroklimat Hydro cooler
Euroklimat IPE 51, year 2007
4759 EKKO hydro cooler
4749 WYMA rollergrader / lift roller sizer for potato / onion
can be equipped for carrots
4678 EKKO diameter grader for carrots
4646 Complete packaging line and weigher/bagger to Carrots
EKKO and Newtec bagging/packing line
4636 Newtec 2000 computer weigher with bagger
Carrot / Potato computer weigher with plastic bagger
4622 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
4599 EKKO polisher for carrots
stainless steel, recirculation. can be adapted for potato
4594 Concept Engineers FOCUS optical grader for carrots potatoes etc
4578 Everett Bros parsnip topper tailer
4577 EKKO carrot weigher
4530 / 4545 Allround roller grader NEW
1500 mm wide, 5 sizes
4405 NEWTEC 2000 / G45 weigher and bagger for carrots
8 head computer weigher + plastic bagger
4383 EKKO polisher for carrots
2000 mm borstar
4358 Htech horizontal bagger APF3
pillow bags 1-3 kg carrot, potato, etc.
4356 Sormac KP-50 carrot peeler knife peeler
also for cucumber etc
4247 Newtec 2008G G45 weigher and bagger for carrots
4224 Newtec 2012DG computer weigher for carrots
4124 Newtec G30 bagger for carrots
4103 EKKO complete grading and washing line for carrots
4068 Comaf Sammo diameter grader for carrots and other root vegetables
year model 2009, 3 sizes
4067 Comaf Sammo small piece grader for carrots etc
year 2009
4032 Newtec 3009 weigher with bagging line for carrots
year 2008 in very good condition
4024 Gillenkirch 7000 EKT horizontal bagger
3861 EKKO complete washing and grading line for carrots etc
incl. stainless steel EKKO roller grader 20 ton/hour
3843 EKKO hydro cooler for carrots etc
complete line
3492 EKKO complete carrot washing and grading line
3400 Sorma carrot packing machine
3394 EMVE carrot grading and inspection line
4178 Regero Steam Sterilisation
special for row crops such as carrots
3108 EMVE Kerian roller grader to carrot
3464 NEWTEC carrot weigher/bagger G20
1804 Newtec G20 carrot weigher and pack
3202 Newtec G30A carrot weigher and packing machine
4434 Upmatic 2002 bagging machine plastic bags
0,5-5 kg
5414 Tenrit carrot peeler knife peeing
Tenrit Solo year model 2015
5407 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
5406 Sormac WOS-1A top and tail
Carrot topper and piece cutter
4227 Newtec tray feeder
5171 Hepro HSM-U/W / Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler
carrot knife Peeler
4580 Sorma BSK134 Vertbag - SOLD
5727 Newtec 2009G linear weigher for carrots and potato - SOLD
4790 Haith polisher 3 m drum - SOLD
4880 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
4367 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also made for long shaped products
4965 WYMA rollergrader / lift roller sizer for potato / onion - SOLD
can be equipped for carrots
4841 EKKO EM1207 polisher for potato 2 m drum - SOLD
galvanized steel
4958 Bartschi Fobro hoe brush brush cleaner - SOLD
manual steering 4x75 cm adjustable row distance
5967 Newtec 4015B2G weigher for potato / Carrots - SOLD
high capacity machine with double reversible outlets
5965 EKKO EM1207 polisher 2m - SOLD
brushes for carrots
5147 EKKO polisher for carrots - SOLD
stainless steel, recirculation. can be adapted for potato
5882 Sormac KP-60 carrot peeler - SOLD
Sormac KP60 carrot knife peeler with infeed belt
5603 NEWTEC Celox RV12 optical grader for carrots - SOLD
year model 2009
3584 Newtec Celox optical grader for carrots - SOLD
4982 Newtec Celox XT optical sorter for carrots - SOLD
year model 2013 good condition
5603 NEWTEC Celox RV12 optical grader for carrots - SOLD
5330 Michalak rollergrader diameter sorter - SOLD
diameter grader for carrots etc
4338 JASA 350 QP vertical bagger - SOLD
vertical form, fill and seal machine for packing bulk in goods in bags from PE, PP or laminated film from reel
5259 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also made for long shaped products
3701 EKKO roller grader for carrots etc - SOLD
year 2007
3702 EKKO length grader for carrots etc. - SOLD
4686 Gillenkirch 7000E bagger - SOLD
4643 Newtec G30A carrot weigher and packing machine - SOLD
4768 Newtec 3009 weigher with bagging line for carrots - SOLD
also for potatoes, year 2008 in very good condition
4122 Allround roller grader - SOLD
80 cm wide, year 2013
4834 EKKO bunch washer to bunched vegetables - SOLD
carrots, onions, spring onion etc
4844 Gillenkirch 7000 E horizontal bagger - SOLD
4663 WYMA Polisher 3 m - SOLD
brushes for carrots
3312 EKKO roller grader for carrots - SOLD
stainless steel
4212 EKKO length grader for carrots - SOLD
4616 Newtec 2009G Computer weigher for carrots - SOLD
with G45 bagging machine
4107 Allround roller grader for Carrots, onions etc - SOLD
very good condition
4121 EMVE automatic weigher for carrots, potatoes etc - SOLD
also for box filling
4172 Haith polisher 3,5 m drum - SOLD
stainless steel
3610 Wyma polisher 3 m for carrots model 3014 - SOLD
3120 NEWTEC PEB 30G carrot packing machine to carrots - SOLD
4090 Newtec VB40G E carrot packer - SOLD
with printer. Could also doing potatoes
4169 Newtec G30A weigher and bagger for carrots - SOLD
3808 Newtec 2009G multi head weigher for carrots - SOLD
3465 NEWTEC carrot weigher/bagger G30 - SOLD
3324 NEWTEC G30A carrot weigher and packing unit - SOLD
3844 Newtec 2009G Multi head weigher for carrots / potatoes - SOLD
complete with Newtec VB40G packaging machine, Newtec LP41 printer and bag conveyor
3542 Newtec 2009G computer multi head weigher for carrots - SOLD
3243 ALLROUND destoner - SOLD
for carrots and potatoes and other root crops
3466 EKKO carrot weigher - SOLD
3558 Sormac KP-50 carrot peeler knife peeler - SOLD
also for cucumber
3605 Newtec G30 A weigher and packaging for carrots - SOLD
with EKKO bag elevator and table
1906 EKKO complete carrot grading line - SOLD
carrot diameter and length grader
3370 Newtec 2009G +Gillenkirch+EMVE weigher and pack - SOLD
Complete line for weighing and plastic packaging of carrot, potatoes etc, year 2008
3280 WYMA polisher model 3518 - SOLD
year model 2006. 15-35 tons/hour
3338 SORMAC WOS 1A carrot "top and tail" - SOLD
only gone 9 months