Do you not find the machine you´re looking for? Please contact us, all machines is not in the list, othervise we will do our very best to find the machine you are looking for!
Machines for carrots, red beets, parsnips etc.
6079 Dewulf carrot harvester with elevator
Dewulf P3K
6061 Jones straw layer 9 bale
6041 Dewulf GBII carrot harvester
2 row bunker harvester. Year model 2020
4868 Asa-Lift PO-250 leek harvester / carrot sharelifter
with sharelift section for carrots
6039 Asa-Lift SP-200 E carrot harvester
Asalift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 row
6037 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker
1 row with bunker
6027 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row
1 row with hydraulic fork
6026 Asa-Lift T-300 carrot harvester
Mit Elevator
5940 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with roller table
Asa-Lift ST-1200
5896 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker
DEMO machine year model 2023 gone 5 ha
5738 Asa-Lift Combi 1000 carrot harvester box
1 row toplift carrot harvester with roller table for boxes
5737 Dewulf RA3060 carrot kit sharelift 2 row
5624 Harvest belts for Asa-Lift carrot harvester
spare parts for Asa-Lift carrot harvester
5555 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator
DEMO 5 HA year model 2020
5501 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T90B with bunker
Asa-Lift T-90B carrot harvester
5499 Asa-Lift T-100 DF carrot harvester with elevator
1 row with elevator
5335 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator
DEMO 5 HA year model 2020
5137 Asa-Lift sharelift section for carrots etc
5076 Asa-lift carrot harvester with auto box filling
long harvest belts
5004 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester with box table
year 2002. With onion harvester channel
4837 Asa-Lift harvester for bunch carrots
harvester to bunched vegetables
4631 Asa-Lift garlic harvester
Knoblauch / Industrie Möhren Roder
4426 Asa-Lift T200 carrot harvester with elevator
2 row toplift with elevator
4350 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-200E 2 row with elevator
hedgehog belt, good condition on wear parts
4100 Asa-Lift sharelift carrot harvester with bunker
4034 Asa-Lift T120-B carrot harvester with bunker
both SHARELIFT and TOPLIFT section
3967 Asa-Lift T255 2 row carrot harvester with elevato
3895 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker T-120B
3766 Asa-lift T-10B carrot harvester mounted with bunker
3748 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T200E elevator
3640 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-200 2 row with elevator
3454 Grimme GZ1700 2 row red beet harvester etc
equipped for harvesting vegetables
3590 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator 4 row
for industry carrots
3508 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 3 row for industry carrots with elevator
3089 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with front bunker
with discs for industry carrots
5419 Asa-Lift combi 1000 potato harvester - SOLD
5813 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
5739 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
5338 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
5481 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
5290 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
4106 Asa-Lift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 row with bunker - SOLD
5889 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
5528 Dewulf GKII carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
5763 Asa-Lift combi carrot harvester - SOLD
5741 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
5663 Simon carrot harvester 2 row selfpropelled - SOLD
5662 Dewulf GKIIS carrot harvester 2 row with elevator - SOLD
3460 Dewulf 2 row carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
5036 Asa-Lift carrot harvester mounted - SOLD
4780 Asa-Lift ST 1200 1 row carrot harvester - SOLD
5490 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4690 Asa-Lift KT-100 potato harvester - SOLD
5265 Asa-Lift combi-1000 carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
5287 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
5197 Asa-Lift Combi 1000 carrot harvester - SOLD
5162 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester - SOLD
5130 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4716 Asa-Lift ST1200 carrot harvester - SOLD
5277 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3970 DEWULF GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4596 Asa-Lift carrot harvester for bunch carrots - SOLD
4649 GCL potato windrower and root vegetables - SOLD
4073 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-120B with bunker - SOLD
5083 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-140B - SOLD
5181 Asa-lift carrot harvester T-100 single row with bunker - SOLD
4737 Asa-Lift cross web for box filling - SOLD
4095 Asa-Lift sharelift mounted carrot harvester - SOLD
3881 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row mounted bunker T-18 - SOLD
3128 Asa-Lift TRS sharelift carrot harvester - SOLD
4976 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
5077 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4098 Simon carrot harvester selfpropelled Sharelift harvester - SOLD
4692 Dewulf P3K carrot harvester with elevator - SOLD
4923 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with roller table for big box - SOLD
4904 Asa-Lift T-140B carrot harvester with 4 ton Bunker - SOLD
4774 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with 3 ton bunker - SOLD
4667 Asa-Lift T-100 carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3488 Asa-Lift ST 1200 1 row carrot harvester - SOLD
4557 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
4601 / 4557 Dewulf GBC carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
4641 Asa-Lift T-140B carrot harvester 4 ton bunker - SOLD
4208 Asa-Lift CM1000 carrot harvester for boxes - SOLD
3583 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with 5 ton bunker - SOLD
4133 Asa-Lift T240B carrot harvester 2 row with bunker - SOLD
4166 Asa-Lift T-130B carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
4419 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with roller table - SOLD
4176 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with box table - SOLD
3668 Asa-Lift carrot harvester with elevator 2 row - SOLD
4105 Asa-Lift combi mini carrot harvester 1 row with roller table - SOLD
3899 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with fork - SOLD
3975 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
3920 Dewulf P3CC carrot harvester with auto box system - SOLD
4016 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-120B 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3893 Asa-Lift carrot harvester combi mini - SOLD
3670 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3842 Asa-Lift carrot harvester T-100B with bunker - SOLD
3804 Asa-Lift carrot harvester mounted combi mini - SOLD
3545 Asa-Lift T-120B carrot harvester with bunker - SOLD
3631 Asa-Lift swedes harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
3874 Grimme SE75-40 potato harvester - SOLD
3621 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row trailed with bunker - SOLD
3519 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3504 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with elevator - SOLD
3417 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3499 DEWULF GBC carrot harvester - SOLD
3457 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row trailed elevator - SOLD
3352 Simon carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD
3327 Asa-Lift selfpropelled carrot harvester 2 rows - SOLD
3086 Asa-Lift carrot harvester 1 row with bunker - SOLD